Maybe this would be fun to do to a Z
Dave, great to see this was already done to a Z. I just think the home brew cars will show folks that there are options other to move cars other than sucking down hydrocarbons. For the folks that want to point it out I know that some electricity comes from hydrocarbons. But at my home the electricity is carbon free, check out my power plant
Maybe this would be fun to do to a Z
Rob, I live in the Granite Bay area off Auburn-Folsom Road. I know not your typical GB resident that pays someone to do things for them. If you liked my Garage project check out what my wife and I are helping our son rebuild then build a similar garage. http://555bstreet.ning.com/
Maybe this would be fun to do to a Z
John Wayland built an electric 72 1200 (Sunny) and as 114.08 MPH quarter mile. http://www.opb.org/programs/ofg/segments/view/1686
I have a NOS dash, what is it worth?
I have sold the dash thanks for all the help
I have a NOS dash, what is it worth?
I believe it is a 72-73 dash, I have photos at www.aristata.net/zena/dash The dash is no longer in the box because when I picked the car up 4 years ago in Portland OR I could not fit it in the car if it was still in the box so do not have the part #. Car and all parts are listed at www.aristata.net/zena and will sell as a package or separately. The BRE type spoiler is sold (or will be Monday afternoon)
I have a NOS dash, what is it worth?
I am selling my 71 240 along with parts I have gathered and I have a NOS dash that came with the car but not installed (was still in the box when I got it) Can anyone tell me what it is worth?
Go Veggie
Is it time for the Biodiesel 240? http://www.pape.ws/allan_and_rosanne/Z-Car_Stuff/VeggieCar/veggiecar.htm
Starting to look for a 240 Z
I just decided last night that I am going to sell my 71 240Z. I purchased it in June 2002 and have not made any progress other than gathering parts and I have many ~5 more years of other projects ahead of me. I do not have any recent photos but if you are interested IM me and I will get some new photos up. You can see photos of her when I got her home in 2002 and replaced the struts and did the brakes so she was ok to drive. Below is a list of what I have for her: 1. New factory dash 2. Mazda Maita seats (Used) 3. Urethane air dam (used) 4. Fiberglass "duck tail" spoiler (new) 5. Slotted dish mags. (used) 6. Working glove box door (used) 7. Rear hatch shock (used) 8. Head light covers (new) I live ~30 min east of Sacramento California. Only bad rust that I know of is just in front of the rear wheels. I am willing to sell the car with the parts or just the car and parts to anyone that is intrested.
Need computer help!
Good idea Enrique, I work so much in Windows i forget that DOS commands still exist! It is like when I used a typwriter ~3 years ago I was puzzled on what to do when I got to the end of the line and it did not word rap !
Need computer help!
The good news is that Ed reload the OS, updates, and anti-virus software on the new drive while the old drive was disconnected. But when reconnecting the old drive as a secondary it is reconigized by the BIOS & OS but cannot be read and at first boot windows ran a check disk that it could not complete . So I have told him what is options are: Try some some of the tools out there, SpinRite, etc (but he may make it worse.) Take it to a local computer shop (hopefully they will/can make a image of the drive before trying to recover the data). See what Drive Savers can do / cost. Basicly it has come down to what are his photos worth.
Need computer help!
Very well said and I would like to add, If you have a failing drive and the more you screw with it the more data you could loose. The data typically has more value then the hardware. I have worked with DriveSavers (data recovery company) and the first thing they do is make a copy of the harddrive then start going for the data.
Need computer help!
Ed, I left my cell phone home today,:stupid: so sent you a PM with my work #
Need computer help!
I cannot help but weigh in on this thread. I am a Desktop Support Engineer (Computer Geek) at a large dot com that survived the crash. If you work on cars you can work on computers. The best path is to purchase a 2nd hard drive. I started to right up instructions but it would be easyer to speak with you. So now you have 2 of us that you can call. I will send you via PM my cell phone #
240Z in movies
I agree but us +50 need to keep our thoughts away from the -18 gals in the movie.
240 or 260 at Rocklin CA Pick-N-Pull
The nice one was blue but still had the taillights. The red one has the "turbine" stile wheels. I am still debating going back and getting the pass side fender. Will have to take a magnet to see if it has any bondo.
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