Need instructions for Motorsport Auto Vinyl Kit
Hi guys! We just received our 240z Vinyl kit from Motorsport Auto (which we had someone bring in to the phil.). Problem is that the instructions were not included. So may i ask if anyone can kindly scan the instructions for me. That would be much appreciated. Thanks! patrick
MAPLES 71240Z- Just sent you a PM. Patrick
As stated above. Thanks!
WANTED: Ammeter/Fuel gauge for 1972 240Z
MAPLES 7124Z- I just sent you a PM. patrick
WANTED: Ammeter/Fuel gauge for 1972 240Z
Hi all! Like my title says, i`m looking for a new or good used ammeter/fuel gauge for our 72 240z. I`ve checked e-bay, and just missed a a good deal just last month from e-bay ( USED: US $9.83, seller located in japan). So can anyone help me? THANKS! patrick
Weird ignition advance-retard problem!!!
Thanks, i`l read through it as well.
Weird ignition advance-retard problem!!!
Hi guys! Our mechanic needs help with doing the ignition timing of our 1972 (or a 73) 240Z. First of all, the crankshaft pulley i believe is the wrong one, so he had to make new timing marks via positioning piston #1 at TDC (at moment of spark ignition, the mechanic swears it is so, and not at the exhaust stage). He then marked the crankshaft pulley in line with the pointer on the engine. The distributor rotor is pointing to the #1 high tension cable post of the distributor as well. We checked the distributor rotor`s direction of rotation when the engine is turned by the starter (Counter-clockwise). Now here`s the weird part (?!) When advancing[/u] the timing, he of course turned the distributor Clockwise, and instead of the idling increasing...the idle decreased!!?? And when turning the distributor Counter-clockwise to retard the timing, the idling increased!?? Take note that when turning the distributor Clockwise to supposedly advance the timing, the timing mark moved upwards from the pointer (meaning that if you could see the pulley head on from the front of the car, you would find the pulley mark turning clockwise), and that if you turned the distributor Counter-clockwise to retard the timing, the timimg mark moved downwards (looking at the pulley head on from the front of the car, the mark would be moving Counter-clockwise). So, what could be happening here?? Decreasing idle when advancing distributor, Increasing idle when retarding distributor?? We`r both totally baffled! Is the timing mark on the crankshaft pulley moving in the right direction? Isnt the distributor rotor supposed to point at the post of the #1 high tension cable? HELP PLS!! patrick
Where can i buy Assistant strap Cover?
Arne- Yes thanks! I will just order an assistant strap.
Where can i buy Assistant strap Cover?
MIC240Z- Sorry for the late reply, maybe i`l just do that. Thanks!
Where can i buy Assistant strap Cover?
Hi guys! I`m looking for an Assistant strap cover (thats what the fsm calls the 2 plastic pieces that cover the mounting screws of the inside door handle or door pull, or whatever else its called). No luck with zstore or z car source, black dragon or other stores online. Anyone know where i can get these little plastic covers? Thanks! patrick
Suspension strut inside dimensions SAME Front and Rear?
CURTIS240Z & JOHN COFFEY- OK great, THANKS A LOT guys! Appreciate it..
Suspension strut inside dimensions SAME Front and Rear?
Hello all! Does anybody know for a fact wether the INSIDE dimensions- inside diameter and depth (the space where you put the strut insert in) of the Front strut housing is EXACTLY the same as the Rear strut housing? The reason i asked is that i bought a pair of KYB "Ultra SR" cartridge inserts that i put on the 240z`s FRONT, and was wondering if they would fit the REAR. I really dont want to bring down the rear struts and find out that the same or similar struts i have wont fit the front struts. If that happens, we`l have to order KYB`s from overseas, and thats downtime for the Z (express delivery going here together with importation taxes can drive a guy nuts over here!) I did buy the KYB`s from a KYB distributor over here. According to the distributor the GR-2`s are known as EXCELL-G`s over here. The (strange) problem is that the distributor says he has no cross reference number for the GR-2`s to EXCELL-G`s (at least for the 924). So i have no choice but to get whatever cartridge insert fits inside the strut. This unfortunately is the "state of the nation". THANK YOU! Patrick
Put OIL in Strut housing or NOT?
THAK YOU ALL for the responses! I decided to leave alone the left strut housing that i already filled up with 3 or 4 spoons of engine oil, but decided to just lightly grease the right side cartridge insert to help minimize corrosion. WALTER MOORE- KYB.com.ph Click on Technical info, the click on Common fitting tips @ Common failure reasons
Put OIL in Strut housing or NOT?
Thats interesting to hear, do you remember what particular KYB`s they were? The warehouse i bought the kyb`s from (an official KYB distributor over here) just gave me the inserts and dispensed with the box and instructions altogether (go figure.. this is after all a developing country). I just assumed it was sop to put in some oil. I`l try them again and ask for the instructions (if any), otherwise i`l have to go hunting on the good ole internet! Anybody else care to share anymore with me?
Put OIL in Strut housing or NOT?
I just saw an Official KYB site that says NOT to put ANY oil or liquid inside the strut housing as this may damage the cartridge insert. Says that KYB cartridge inserts are designed to be used WITHOUT any oil or liquid at both high and low temperatures. Another section of the same website said that physical defects of the cartridge outer shell may be caused by frozen liquid (the one you put in the strut housing). I just got through putting bout 4 tablespoons of leftover Fresh ENGINE oil in one strut housing, i hope that wasnt a BIG mistake? Nothings gonna freeze here of course (i live in the TROPICS). So what else can be so bad w/putting oil in the strut housing, might the SEALS at the top portion of the cartridge insert react w/ the engine oil causing the seals to deteriorate prematurely?? Should i take down the strut assembly (again) and throw out the oil?? Maybe i shoulda used hydraulic jack fluid?? I will start putting in the cartridge insert in the other strut housing tom. I need your comments please, as the suspense is killing me! THANKS! patrick
REPAIR dented lip-upper strut housing
Ok thanks john, that`s exactly what we all need to hear! Thankfully though the machine shop had the equipment to fix it! So i take it you`ve been down that road before...
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