Any opinions on this car?
Thnx Arne. Your right, It may have been better to post here for critique and criticism, but honestly it wasnt that big of a deal to me. My universe is much larger than a car. It only becomes irritating when someone attacks your character when all you want is to be left alone. How often do I post here? I just read. I did not start this post but came across it. I guess I should have remained silent but it is difficult. I would like to go back to reading, If I alienated anyone I honestly dont care, the car will sell, on ebay or elsewhere, Im not in any hurry. It does remind me of Anabolex though, alot.
Any opinions on this car?
There is nothing tantamount to anything. If you attack my character and imply dishonesty then that is a problem. I was simply watching making benign comments, I really didnt want to get involved. You may characterize yourself as a sleuth, a paladin or whatever but at the end of the day it is just a car. No one screwed your wife, no one killed your dog, no one stole your cupcake. Now I could say that you representing yourself as anything but a keyboard commando bitch is tantamount to lying but I wouldnt do that. So lets keep it clean shall we? Good Day.
Any opinions on this car?
- Any opinions on this car?
OK I went and looked at it really close. I honestly do not see any rust..I guess our perceptions of rust is different. I see maybe road grime/undercoating/40yrs of dirt but not rust. For sure no fire. No salt for sure. As far as everything else, it looks good to me. The front bumper does have a few small dings but nothing too noticable but that was in the description. It has been repainted in the past but also in the description. Reserve too high? I thought the point of a reserve was to protect the seller from having slow bidding and having to end up selling his/her car for 1000 dollars...but hey who knows. Maybe this one is simply only worth 2000 maybe less! 2 or 3 hundred? I will have to go look even closer later but it is cold as hell in my garage right now. When I was alot younger I got into steroids. I was a long time member on a site "ANABOLEX". I remember when some of those angry dudes would tear in to each other and wanna kill each other over the dumbest little things. They would critique the smallest most ridiculous part of a persons training or diet. " You eat 15% unsaturated fat when not lifting in the mornings exclusively What a ****in idiot!" I remember thinking that it would be better to just read and observe, learn, NOT post. I realize obsession is obsession, roids, cars whatever. This car was not intended to go for 10k. It was not intended to be sold as a show car, museum piece, or ever represented as such. The description listed is accurate in my eyes. This is the ONLY time this vehicle has ever been put on ebay, the 24 pictures were put on at the time of posting and it wasnt realized until later you would not be allowed to post more. The pics were taken at noon when the sun was high making it difficult to get a good pic, but then again much time brainstorming this entire process was not applied. I would venture to say that given anyones Z on this board, show car or not, that another one of us could and would find flaws. I should have just read and observed and learned but I must say it is difficult to not respond to the speculation. I reviewed a few of the owners rides here and must say, wow i saw huge flaws, huge. Good luck with your endeavors, your obsessions (not all obsessions are bad) and yourselves, I hope this car goes on to someone who can enjoy it and maybe even obsess on it. I myself am going to return to my old rule of reading, watching, learning. Flame on. Speculate. Indulge the temptation. :tapemouth arne johnnyrock you posted while i wrote this.......man you guys are way cool (probably tough too)- Any opinions on this car?
? I honestly dont. Where do you? Id hate to see what youd say about my z.- Any opinions on this car?
Hey Im just trying to give this poor guy the benefit of the doubt. Reno DOES NOT get alot of snow, I should know. Ever hear of a garage? If it is snowing or the roads are covered in snow, your not going to drive a Z in it anyway. Many people have a 4x4 and a garage...my Z NEVER leaves my garage in any type of bad weather, EVER. Was the 73 you bought here always garaged? I have 3 cars and a quad cab 4x4, also a motorcycle, a garage and I shovel the driveway if I have to..I dont put salt on it. My whole point is that the speculation has been mostly against this car, fire, damage, salt, rust...I see no signs of any of these things. I see a nice lookin Z that someone took the time to take a crapload of pictures of. If there was a ton of things to hide this guy would not have taken so many pictures imo. But thats just my opinion...I should go look at this car just out of curiosity ....- Any opinions on this car?
Nev and Cal do not use salt. They use cinder.- Any opinions on this car?
Damage and fires? I love watching everyone pick apart these 40 yr old cars. LOLROFL I saw dirt on the window, looks like a tornado maybe?- License plate light debate
Yes. That is how my 72 looks also. Every picture I look at for correct 240Z's has three screws holding the light cover on.. ...the only pics I can find showing no screws are of 260 and 280 Z's. anyone else know about this/ ?- License plate light debate
One of you has to know this! The three screws can be seen standing behind your car! The single screw type shows only a smooth finish. Anyone?? Im in need of the three screw type as I believe it to be original, info anyone?- License plate light debate
I have a 72 240. My license plate light cover (black) is held on to the white plastic base that contains the bulbs by way of three screws. Im looking to replace it and Im being told that the 1 screw type is the same. I believe the single screw type is from later cars such as the 260 or 280. They look different, I dont know if they would fit back and forth. Perhaps some of you could help me out on this.- 72 Z Seat dilema
Ok my passenger seat is GREAT, my drivers seat is not so much so..... would you recover both, look for a correct drivers seat, recover just the drivers seat... ????? I will be listing the car on ebay within 30 days, what would you do? It is all original,matching, orange/black.- Valave cover restoration
What is the best way to go about restoring your valve cover? Im not talking about polishing it or chroming it or painting it, I mean getting it to look as it did when new, a strong cleaning? With what?- Seat breather holes?
Yes Yes! I have a guy selling seats and saying they are 100% original from a 240z but they have NO holes. ??????????????????????????????? Hmmmmmmmmm- Seat breather holes?
Did all 240z seats have the 4 little brass looking breather hole things???? - Any opinions on this car?
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