Everything posted by Z-UgOxSlaViaN-Z
All out of ideas! Please help me!
Thanks for the idea! I really think the only way I am actually going to figure this thing out is to fix each noticeable problem aka: leak at a time and then go from there. If that problem doesn't work, obviously I haven't fixed it yet... So I will try again and again and again until all of the planets have finally aligned and pigs and cars began to fly and even Jesus himself has once again walked the planet, then, just then... Maybe... I WILL HAVE DONE IT! Oh my gosh! Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it... <--- Note: Sarcasm I don't think I can get excited just yet because I believe that there isn't just one source of the water problem. Like above, maybe a couple or more. In time though... In time... I think I might have a leak in the inter-cooler under the dash for my air conditioning too. As I was playing with the fan earlier this evening, I could see a residue lined in some of the air duct piping located next to the unit and around some of the surrounding areas. I would assume to be antifreeze? Since I have owned the vehicle, I don't believe that the air condition has ever worked... It is an air conditioner isn't it?! - Matt
All out of ideas! Please help me!
Delete please? haha Skip and read below
All out of ideas! Please help me!
Okay... So I just got back from checking out the possible water leak location you suggested. That's not it! So I started ripping into the heater fan and pulled it down to check for rusting trough the cowl, to the inside, and found nothing. I filled the cowl with tons of water to see if I could get it to show on the floors and after a few minutes I had stopped to check my progress, there was not even a drop. I got mad and threw it all back together then continued to check possible locations for the leaks. The only places I could get water to show on the inside were directly on the driver-side window, and around the passenger side door seal. Actually, the way the water formed on the driver side floor was much like it does during a hard rain. I am going to see if I cant get the window seal replaced in the next couple weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could get my doors to close more evenly? It looks as though they aren't touching the seal but in a few spots. I tried your dollar bill trick and didn't find the slightest bit of resistance throughout both sides entire seal. I am going nuts! I think the previous owner was up to no good! As I was checking for breaks in the metal for water leaks, while laying on the driver-side floor, I found that the cable that runs to the total mileage section of the odometer had a loose piece. It is a 1 1/2 inch piece of metal that surrounds a portion of that cable that is suppose to be screwed onto the closest point of the odometer. It definitely wasn't... It was hanging freely! Weird huh? I'm going to get to the bottom of this! - Matt
All out of ideas! Please help me!
WOW! THANK YOU! That's so great! You know... I bet that is it! Question... What should I use to seal around the cowl? Obviously something rust, water resistant/proof but I am looking for an exact name if any of you has one. I am going to go look at this right now! Ill update you on my progress! I freaking hope this is it! Would be soo nice to have it figured out! - Matt
All out of ideas! Please help me!
hahah I am not embarrassed to call myself a noob. Actually it feels pretty good! And by good I mean only that I am getting that much closer to being accepted as one of your own. I would much rather already be to that point now, but you got to start somewhere and at least the first step of admission is already past me now. All down-hill from here right? ha You guys have great ideas and I really appreciate the help! THANK YOU! I will give these a try the next opportunity I have. Possibly tomorrow after work. I am guessing that when sealing around the "wind-screen" as you would call it, I should probably do my best to clean the dirt and whatever else might be in the grooves out, right? Oh, and when adjusting the doors depth of closure, would I be adjusting the piece attached on the door or the piece attached on the body? I would guess body but I could easily be wrong. prominent too...
All out of ideas! Please help me!
You guys are going to have to help me out here... I am not exactly sure I know what the wind screen is that you are talking about. Are you meaning in the general location of the windshields bottom corners? That's the only thing I can think of. Other then that, you guys are going to have to be more specific. Sorry! Thanks a lot though! I have considered the corners of my windows before, because to me (one that doesn't know a whole lot about trouble shooting/diagnosing water leaks), they do look extremely vulnerable. I took my car to a window replacement shop in town where a workers there stuck this special tool in between the widow and rubber, checking for a leak but found nothing. I can't say I fully believed the guy, but being that their facility is decently popular in my area, though maybe not for all the right reason, I trusted him. I haven't heard a whole lot about them and the quality of work they do, but what I have heard is that they are cheap. Sometimes the combinations of "cheap" and "good work", might be that of hunger and Mexican food. I think you know where this one is going so I'll leave it at that. Needless to say, I will check it out. If the windshield isn't what you were meaning, please specify as I am a looser! ha Thanks guys! - Matt
All out of ideas! Please help me!
I went out and tore the cowling off to check for holes and I didn't see much. I climbed inside and checked the passenger and driver side drainage tubes and they looked perfect! It was getting dark out so I will have to check the firewalls tomorrow morning. The sunroof doesn't ever get wet on the inside which kinda takes it out of the equation I guess. I was wondering though, is there a way that the water could possibly run around the sunroof seal then cling onto the underside of the metal and ride the top of the inside roof all the way to the bottom and out some hole? Seems a little far fetched but I keep on remembering that commercial a long while ago; "Water, it can seep into anything!" Then it just doesn't see so unreal anymore. I don't know of the bent door $1 bill trick, but it would be nice to know! ha Come to mention it, since I have put on my new door seals, my driver side door especially, has had a hard time shutting right. I have broken 2 door handles because of it. To open now, I have to push against the door first, then pull on the handle to open. Weird huh? Maybe they are best... Honestly... It wouldn't surprise me! Thanks for the tips guys! Keep them coming! - Matt
All out of ideas! Please help me!
I appreciate you taking the time to read my thread. Thank you! My situation: I own a 1975 280z coup with constant water flooding problems. Currently the carpet is pulled up and away from the floors since I cant get the water to stop leaking in on both the driver and passenger sides. When I bough the vehicle in 04, it was tucked under a car cover where at this time, the owner must have known of the problem but realized that if I were to know, he would risk the chance of not selling. Needless to say, I was completely unaware of the events to come. The owner also installed an aftermarket sunroof that looks original but could very easily be the root of the problem. Obviously, water exists only when rain is present and the levels increases or decreases based on amount of rainfall but once the rain has started, it takes only hours for the water to begin showing. Maybe since this is the case, the water could have a direct in, or a very small obstacle where it then penetrates and makes its way to the floor. The first year I owned the vehicle, I didn't realize the wet floors until they were literally flooded and by this time, it was too late to save some of the carpet and noise material. After that years rainy season had passed, I changed the door seals on the driver and passenger sides. Although changing the seals seems to have helped, it has not completely done away with the leaking, where as of now, it has changed to a slow steady trickle. In time, this will create a HUGE problem (if it hasn't already) that I really would like to avoid. Bottom line is, I AM GOING CRAZY! My financial situation isn't the best right now so I am a little hesitant to throw down tons of cash on a gamble, but I will consider all suggestions! Please Please Please Please PLEASE HELP ME! Thanks! - Matt