Datsuns on Google Maps
Yup, my old 280zx was caught on camera. Not the 260z though, I guess I could google the old owner's address and find it though.
Ethanol... why!?!
It ate away at my fuel lines.
A/C question
I have to check, previous owner told me the guy before him may have removed it.
A/C question
Well, I may be out of luck. Just spoke to the previous owner, and according to him al of that stuff was taken out by the guy who owned the car before him. I'm pretty sure my car used to have factory A/C. If it counts for anything, my little fan still works.
A/C question
So my car's pretty bastardized (and I like it this way!), and I was wondering if you guys can help me out. I have a 1974 260z with an 82 Turbo engine swap, I know the parts on these little cars are VERY swapable. I have a 1979 280zx parts car and I wanted to take off all the A/C components and slap them onto the L28. I know it's possible since it's pretty much the same, my only question is with wiring. Is everything the same? This is just an idea that I got now at work so I can't really consult any of the FSM's until later today but I wanted to get the general idea. Can anyone shine any light on this? FL without A/C sucks, and I kinda have a date this evening, haha.
Why the Z may be the perfect car for the next 10 years
AMERICA! **** YEAH! Be jealous "mate".
Z Car Hell Uncovered
That sounds like a messed up/shady thing to do there Carl. But I guess it is within the law...
original ac?
I need it in the 260z, it has an L28et though. Not sure how I'd go about making it work. My 260z has a fan and I can turn it on, so I dunno. I'm guessing I'm going to have to ask on hybridz later, it's blocked here while I'm at work. I need the A/C, dates won't like the Z without A/C.
Car dies at idle
Well I didn't recommend opening it up, I just moved it around a little until it was in it's proper place. Mine's kind of hanging down under the intake manifold being held up by a tied up green wire, swap ftl. It's pretty fast though
original ac?
Stephen, I know it's impossible to get the original A/C units. What would you recommend as an aftermarket part? I live in FL and summer is finally here and my Z is my DD. I'd like to have A/C if possible.
Car dies at idle
Well it sounds exactly like what was happening to my car, by cleaning out the connection and wiggling it into proper place it really helped.
Car dies at idle
Check your AFM. It's on the left side, I believe over by the distributer on the 280z. Check a factory service manual or google one so you know how it looks like. Make sure it's connected and that the connections are clean. I'm having similar problems and they're rooted there.
car shipping companies.
http://dasautoshippers.com Got my car from Lemont, Illinois to Orlando, Florida for about 500 dollars. Good company, I reccomend them.
Please help me identify what Datsun/Nissan vehicle this fits.
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
Amazing man, thanks for the pictures. Do you have a thread with your Skyline build?