23k mile 1972 in Seattle area
I guess the things for me are the head gasket seepage, repaint on brake booster, and what looks like a possible rust hole below the clutch cylinder. Don't get me wrong, still a great car, and better either of mine by any stretch of the imagination. If I had the money and was near by, I would consider it. I hope someone is happy with their new purchase.
just an idea that started floating here..
how many people do we have here who are the "respected authority" on our early Z's. think it would be great if those of us with interest could take some time to read/investigate and or discuss the subtle differences in our cars. I'ts been a great read "school me on the 67 only parts) put to put it all together in one spart where everyone could look it over would be great. I wouldn't mind moving that type of discussuion/pictures somewhere else if things get a bit out of hand. I can get some pretty decent bandwidth and a server box The more I learn, the more I forget. Still hard to believe how much happiness they have brought to my family over the years. [Anyone got a hathaway motors plate ring??}
The September Sacramento Z Car Reunion
I am going to try to be there with my 72. She needs a little more work before I can make that long of a trip though..
23k mile 1972 in Seattle area
looks great, but I question the mileage. My knowledge is not the best by any means, but I see a few things in the pictures that say repaint to me - but none the less, still another outstanding car (but I could be wrong). I will leave it to the true experts to pick it apart..
Is '72 AM-FM swap into a '71 plug and play?
will be digging into the 71 and 72 in the AM to try to give you the best answer!
Is '72 AM-FM swap into a '71 plug and play?
what are you doing with the seeking AM when done? (I need one for my 71)
Anyone have a heater control panel - 71?
Howdy.. Looking for a heater control panel (driver quality) for a 71.. Nothing fancy.. I would rather go through someone on here to get one than ebay.. You can't tell the condition and people here seem to me much more trustworthy. Willing to pay or trade.. Let me know if I may have something you need.. Thanks
Trying to get her started
looks to me like you are still a tiny bit off - but close enough for running =)
Well I survived the evil winter blues FINALLY
Looks outstanding, and very similar to one that seemingly has vanished here in Los Banos over the past few weeks. My 71-72 bookends are coming along well . I need to get some systems together for posting some of the hoses (NOS) that came with it so I can tell if I am putting them in the correct places. 72 is running but needs serious adjustments.. 71 should be fired up later this week or weekend depending on my week and time schedule...
Vapor Lock??
depends on your definition of hot.. we have not had a hot day here yet.. and if your gauge tells you wrong information, and your coolant is really VERY hot, that could assist in vapor lock.. just a thought..
Vapor Lock??
are you sure it's not getting too hot? are you running the water intake for the carbs. I have learned not to trust the factory temp gauge...
hls30-52662 Saved from the junk yard
no fees, and a free tow home.. dropped it right into place.. now its time to get working =) got a couple of carbs to rebuild, several hoses to be replaced, new fuel pump, etc.. hope to have it fired up middle or so of next week..
hls30-52662 Saved from the junk yard
Howdy Folks, Well, the 71 FINALLY made it all the way home today. I had to store it at a friends tow yard while I finished up the rear brakes on the 72.. Thought I would share some pictures them side by side.. more fun to follow =)
I wish I saw more Z's
I remember the days where people would stare at my 240, but now when I take it out, people don't even seem to notice it or even care about it. People used to walk up and ask questions. Now, they don't even give it a second glance for some reason. There is only one other in town of similar vintage (78 or so 280) which is in pretty good shape. I have meant to stop by and talk to the guy that drives it. It's pretty clean but he parks it out on the street (seems like a shame). At least the weather here gets along with them pretty well
Acc and Ignition problems. I need help.
ok, first question, is this a "new" stereo install? or is the problem just starting? Have you checked to see if the battery connections are nice and clean and the battery isn't dropping cells? Do you get any "idiot" lights when the key is in the "on" position? The clicking you are hearing under the dash, are you sure they are under the dash and you aren't hearing the starter trying to turn? I would call but am not in a position to at the moment..