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Everything posted by Zedyone_kenobi

  1. Almost ready to get the member list out.. but I still need email addresses from the following people: srbigbutt Jack T Zcurves WingZr0 Krista I will send out what I have so far, but will update when I get these email addresses. Also, if there is anything wrong or bad info, I may have made a typo. Let me know and i will be happy to fix it. I saved it in the 97-2003 excel, as not everybody has the new office suite yet.
  2. My gosh your car looks great Kirk! I am sorry for the bad luck. You and I need to do lunch this week to catch up. I think you need to acquire my panasports, so I can get some gunmetal konig rewinds.. haha
  3. Wish I knew more shops around houston, but I have no idea what is here and what is not. You would think that in a city this large we would have somebody.

  4. I want to first sincerely thank everybody for coming out. It was a pleasure to meet you, some for the first time, and others it was great to shake your hands again. What a great day. I good friend Kirk, did not make it due to a tire issue, but he was there in spirit. Missed you Kirk. Everybodies car was just beautiful. We had a wide range of folks, from the student who has great taste in cars, wbsupernatural, to the Veteran racer, Frank. All the cars were each beautiful with a story to be told. I learned of new places to get my Z worked on, and got some good advice from folks who have been there and done that. I will be consolidating the email addresses and notes I received and I will get those out ASAP. Be looking in your inboxes for the next meet! Again it was a genuine pleasure to meet all of you! There are over a dozen more on my flickr site. Please feel free to browse. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdamico/sets/72157623149004415/
  5. I really do not have a head count guys. Lots of interest, but nothing official. Its tough to get a feel for how successful these things are going to be. But if I get to meet one of my local Houston area Z buddies, I will consider it a huge success! What I would like to do is meet everyone, put a face to a name, and get a list of email addresses and phone numbers. I have sort of already started this, but its incomplete. That way I can email out all the names phone numbers, etc of folks, and what model car they have. In the end, it would be great for us to have a contact list of people with like year cars to ask questions, get advice, share tools and knowledge. Sometimes, you just wonder if a part is right or wrong and would like another 240/260/280 to ask about. I think we can all help one another out. Look forward to seeing you guys there. Hope parking is okay.
  6. I got a gates hose that is made for a 240Z from Advance Auto today. I did not think it was going to fit, but it was close. I ended up boiling the radiator end in a large pot on the stove and it made the rubber VERY compliant. I was able to get it on the car today and get some hoseclamps on. I am very happy with the fit now and I have functional radiator hose...I will keep an eye on it as it is stretched some what tight.
  7. WhooooT, GREAT JOB!!!! Keep up the great work... and pics of course are mandatory.
  8. Well MET! That looks just fantastic!
  9. Ok I have been refreshing my car lately and have done numerous mods. Radio, antenna, carbs, air box, etc. All is well. however, I noticed the belt on my dealer installed Air conditioner has been cutting into my lower radiator hose. It never broke through, but the hose is 80% or more sliced into. So I ordered a new lower radiator hose from MSA... Here is where it gets interesting. Since I am running a non stock 3 core radiator I suppose to handle the dealer installed AC, I discovered the outlet on bottom of the radiator is a larger diameter than the stock radiator hose will fit over. I now have two radiator hoses for a 240Z that are essentially useless. So, I pulled the damaged hose off the car and took a note of the part number, as it obviously does fit and has worked for many years. the number was a GATES 20780. So I call up two parts stores and order one from each, not knowing who will get one faster. I pick one of the hoses up today and it is not like the larger diameter hose that I took off my car. Now strangely enough, the GATES 20780 is EXACTLY the same as a stock 240Z hose. Somewhere, that hose changed. So I am left with very few options. I can either do one of the following: 1) Cut the end off the larger diameter hose that is still on the car and but a plastic joiner to connect it to the factory hose replacement, which will also have to be cut to fit (this is really sort of ghetto) 2) Find another hose at the autoparts store that has the similar bends and cut to fit my application (already tried this once actually with no luck) 3) Pull the radiator out and have the larger end cut off and a smaller outlet neck welded on. Any ideas for help. I would certainly appreciate it.
  10. Thanks for the correction ktm on Bob Sharps car. I was not aware they ran staggered setups. However, i would wager the 911 has wider tires in the rear as the car has more weight in the back end and needs to control it. As far as the rear sway bar making the car tail happy, I would say that adding wider tires is a fix to an unbalanced car. Adding the tires would negate the reason you added the rear sway bar in the first place. A properly set up suspension (read as balanced, neutral handling) should be set up to make the most of all 4 corners right. I think we agree for the most part
  11. I love my clear front lenses. I think they look the part on a silver car.
  12. Great thread Arne, I just found this when I was looking around after lunch. This is essentially what I want to have done to my silver bullet. Only I really wish I could get the engine done as well, but the car needs a good respray on the outside.
  13. I think you should keep the tire size the same in all four corners. Very few street driven cars can benefit form staggered fitment front to rear. Those that can come that way from the factory. When the Datsun were raced in the 70's VERY successfully, I am sure they had the same size all the way around. The car was designed to have the same size all the way around. Do not discount the engineers choice at the time, it was not a mistake they equipped the car equally. I like 15" rims on my car, but I have seen 16" rims look pretty nice as well, but the taller tire on the 15" wheel seems to just fit the stock car.
  14. pics of the rewinds sir. I have been thinking of selling my panasports for some gun metal rewinds. I love the look of the darker rim with the polished lip.
  15. Indeed, the guys at Retrosound are sending me another plate, free of charge. Nothing like service after the sale. Kudos to Retrosound for helping me out. =Enigma= As far as MP3 capability, I have not tried that out yet, but ipod compatibility through the AUX input is great, sound quality is clear and crisp though the internal amp. I have to try to convert some itunes format music to MP3 so I can stash them on a memory stick. After I do that I will know how it handles having hundreds of sounds and the sound quality through the MP3 player. I usually ride with my ipod hooked up, but having the USB is a wonderful feature since it does not require any charging. I am not using an external amp of any kind so my reviews will only reflect what the internal amp can do. I am also running some mediocre pioneer 6x9's with average sensitivity, TS-G971M are the model number. They sound fine and orders of magnitude compared to my dry rotted realistic. If people are interested, I will do a complete write up on functionality and ease of use, install, etc.
  16. I demand pictures... Joker 72z, I really have a bad crush on your headlight covers.
  17. Usually the better solution is always to wait. If you have to decide, go with the 3.9 or 3.7. It is always better to err on the side of caution. During an autocross, you do not want crazy short gearing. Having to shift between 2nd and 3rd adds time and usually mistakes. Its better to have taller gears so you can leave it in 2nd 95% of the time and you can concentrate on being smooth and driving the right line. Autocross is 80% driver, 15% tires, and 5% car. Do not obsess on making your car the fastest it can be. If you are serious about autocross, make your car reliable, predictable, and make yourself faster. Go for the taller rear end, it will make you happier longer.
  18. Which kit is it? If you have a compressor like mine, I can shoot whatever pics you need. Right now, my pulley for my tensioner is off. Needed a new bearing. I am waiting on buying a vice to install that back at the moment.
  19. I am afraid that the nicks your seeing 70 Cam Guy are due to the flash from the dremel cut off wheel. It more melts the ABS than it does cut it. So a large chuck of plastic gets melted and moved to the downstream side of the cut-off wheel where it re-hardens. When you file it off, it took part of the front of the face plate. Next time, I will cut off outside of where I want it, and then file my way to the right position. I am going to try to make something more flush mounted and fit the curves of the 240Z a bit more. I may even try to make some lettering above the knobs that matches the font on the stock center console. That would be a nice challenge, and would make it look stock. Arne if you are willing to part with the ABS, sure I will be happy to have it. Let me pay for shipping or something. I was going to go to the craft store or Home depot and see if they had any.
  20. 70802 miles today Arne, you are catching up with me quickly. I will be right back, I need to go drive!!!
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