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Everything posted by Zedyone_kenobi

  1. My driving impressions so far. Its been a long while since I owned an older car. My first car I ever had was a 510 four door, 4 speed. Loved that car. It was great to drive and toss about. Driving the Z is totally different. Everything about the car feels tighter, and better put together. The steering is heavy as a non power steering car should be but lightens up and feels 'right' when moving. The shifter is fun to use, but I would like to get some bushing to take up some of the mushiness. Not really sure how the linkage looks down there, but its something I may take a shot at. The view over the hood is enticing. Makes you want to push that straight 6 again and again. The car feels very mechanical. You can feel when the clutch engages, when the brakes bite, the way the car handles directional changes. It has a very simple, yet unrefined mechanical goodness to it. I was concerned I would not enjoy driving the Z as I had never driven one until now. It was my childhood dream car, but up until this car, I had never lived the Z experience. Having been enjoying Subarus for the last 7 years I was worried that the lack of refinement would get me board. But I was dearly wrong. There is a connected feel to this car, that I have not experienced to date. Perhaps we are soul mates destined to grow old together, as I already feel a deep friendship the Z. When I get her out on the road, I will be able to do a proper review and see how much if any tuning she needs.
  2. I like it much better without the decals as well. I have an extra set the previous owner included, so if I ever feel the need to reapply them I can. But at this point, I dont see that happening. I am itching to get it on the road and stretch its legs a bit. All the neighborhood cruising is great and all, but I want to see how she behaves at speed. I have taken her to 5k so far and the engine seemed to enjoy being reved. I don't plan on abusing her, but she should be able to hit redline reliably, if not, then I will start with timing and then some carb work. Let the fun begin!
  3. I have to go get it inspected, but I have the insurance, title, and bill of sale ready. We should plan to meet up sometime soon. I would love to see yours! Garage is mostly set up now... I took the liberty of removing the 240Z stickers. I think I like it clean like that.. pics to come soon!
  4. an update...car starts and drives wonderfully. The paint is good, but there are some dull spots, that I made a half hearted attempt to clean up. I think I can get more shine out of her with an orbital, at least for 5-7 years, then I will probably paint her . Interior is just a flawless as I recall. I am sure I will find things to nitpick about, but so far, I have not stopped smiling!
  5. Well thanks to Horseless Carriage my baby arrived yesterday. Just in time for a clean this weekend. It had some good company in that truck... A Cayman S, a Bently Continental GT Convert., S class mercedes, 335i, and a Porsche 550. But overall, watching the truck 'birth' my baby was more than worth the wait! When I first saw here, notice the merc below me. the light of day.. ahh how sweet it is. almost on the ground! touchdown! Now, after a long search and wait, my baby is home... more pics to come after I get her washed!
  6. Car arrives tomorrow...I really do not think I will be able to sleep tonight!
  7. haha, its a boy Oiluj.. but yeah, he is my cool little dude... update, car was loaded today, on the way to my house!!
  8. Car will be picked up on Wednesday and begin its trip to my warm garage..
  9. Thanks, I certainly look forward to hearing your opinions of it.
  10. I may have to try this stuff... anybody have any experience with it. It appears to be the ticket for my current paint issues.
  11. I will be taking delivery of my Z as most of you know in about a little over a week. I want to do a really great detail job on her before I take her out for registration etc. So, my question is this. How do you bring back the shine in older paint. Most of the car is very glossy, but parts are starting to look satin to flat. I would like to bring back the luster to the car. My plans were just to do the basics. wash claybar polish with buffer wax with buffer Anything else that I can use to get back the new car shine.
  12. I believe the valve seats are pressed in...
  13. Believe it or not the factory AC still blows very cold air. Its shocking. I have no idea how long this treat will last, but I plan on using it, as nothing dies faster than an AC that never gets used. I debated taking the restore route, but if I did I would not be practicing what I preach. I have always preached to be honest with yourself and what you have the time/space/talent to do. I have no shortage of mechanical talent. But I am woefully lacking any skill at body work. I also have a 4 month old. And he takes up most of my time. I wanted my first Z to be a car I could enjoy from day one and slowly work on maintaining it, and taking it from 90% done to 100% done. Make it perfect for myself, while keeping it maintained and as close to pristine as I could. I had to buy one in this condition. I know the harsh realities of a complete restoration, and even though I have a 3 car garage, and plenty of tools, I still would not be enough to do it right in anything that would resemble a reasonable amount of time. Its never a fast job. To do things right takes time and effort. Thats time I would not be able to spend with my little boy. I mean look at his face when he first saw pictures of my Z... I could have sworn he said, can I have the keys.. but it may be my overzealous fathers imagination combined with chronic sleep deprivation... who knows. So, I search for a near perfect Z in the price range I could afford. I was guided by some wise people on this board, and the end result is my dream car you see. Worth the wait, and every single penny.
  14. Well, I decided not to take any chances, and I am having my car transported via Horseless Carriage I waited this long to get my baby, why take any chances in getting her home.
  15. I think I am going to use uShip I found what appears to be a good vendor, anybody have experience with uship?
  16. I would like to go with DAS, but the nearest DAS is 64 miles from the previous owners home which is where the car is. He is retired now and would have a hard time getting the car there.
  17. I plan on it. Right after it gets home. I just need to find a company that can ship it without me having to worry about it.
  18. Yeah,I know, I asked about that... I was wondering why they were so low instead of lined up with the Datsun decal. I plan on taking them off if the paint underneath is not discolored or overly bright. I would really prefer a clean side.
  19. I wanted to, buy my wife is taking care of our new 4 month old by herself. She needs me back quick, not taking every backroad in existance in my new Z. So I have to wait for the transport folks to deliver my baby. Just need to find a good reliable one.
  20. After my trip to North Carolina, I was blown away at the condition of this car. Mark did a masterful job of taking care of her. I am now left how to bring her home. I have to find a good transport company to bring her back to me. I already miss her. But its good to be among the fold now. Here are some pics of my new pride and joy. words cannot describe the feeling of finally owning my childhood dream car. I look forward to giving it a good bath, claybar, wax, and polish. I will enjoy every single minute with this beauty!
  21. Which one would you recommend? I happen to live in houston.
  22. The most realistic thing everybody here is alluding to is to be honest with yourself. Make realistic goals and have realistic expectations. Know how much time you have on your hands and be somewhat aware of the work you can do, the work you want to learn to do, and the work you will need help with. Projects often fail or be left to die because of the owner is not honest with him/herself. Just take a few hours to gather your thoughts on your budget, both in time and in dollars of what you will want to put toward the restoration of the Z. These are the steps I went through. I know my limitations, and body work is one of them. I also know that with a new 4 month old baby, I do not have any time to learn. So any car I get would have to be free of body work. I am not scared of any mechanical or interior work so I could be more forgiving in those categories, but again my 4 month old takes a lot of my time. And early on I decided I wanted a project car that I could enjoy from day one, not three years from now. So my decision was to buy a well kept and well maintained nearly original car. I will pay more for it up front, but the aggravation of having a car sit in my garage for untold months as the repairs bills keep growing and growing is worth the up front expense. Plus you almost always come out ahead buying a near restored example.
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