Okay, configuration... I am running triple webers on an L28, fueled by a Mallory Comp Pro Series 70 (P/N 4070LP) fuel pump set at 4 psi. I was getting 2.75 psi to the fuel rail under the hood. This setup has worked flawlessly since 2010, and the webers loved it. Well I finally finished getting the dash back in the roadster and took her out for a pleasure drive for the first time in 4 months, and had to back up the Z. I just drove the Z 2 weeks ago and I swear she was running better than ever. Car has been rock solid for years. However, the thing would not start, and smelled like it was getting way too much fuel.."How can this be I thought, I have everything dialed in!" Still smelled like fuel.
I got out and noticed a STRONG fuel smell and my fuel pressure gauge on my fuel rail, which is normally happily at 2.75 or so reading, well it was not reading anything as the needle was pegged past 18 psi and my beautiful webers were streaming fuel out at an alarming rate. Guess I know the floats cannot stop 18+ psi.
So I took the pump out and pulled off the bottom off to see the seal and expose the gear. I cannot see anything that would lead to this happening. I have never touched the tensioner spring inside the bottom of the pump.
Any ideas?