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Everything posted by Zedyone_kenobi

  1. ooooooo good point on the rear tail light panels. You can get the OEM paint color at Classic Datsun Motorsports click on 240Z and then click on MIsc
  2. I feel like I have seen this car before... but with different wheels. The diamond plate over the radiator and center paint stripe is reminding me of something. but let me say welcome welcome welcome! You have them makings of a great Z car. Do you have plans for it? I would highly recommend getting some more appropriately fitting wheels and tires. Those looki like Weld Drag wheels like you would order from Summit or Jegs. If so they are a great wheel, but more at home on a Camaro than a Z. That is just my opinion mind you. the emblems have been shaved and the rear exhaust has been welded closed. That is interesting. How is the interior? I would also recommend getting a nice set of SU carbs for it. The downdrafts you are running may be leaving some HP on the table. In the mean time, keep the pics coming and welcome. Keep us posted with your car, what you need help with and what your plans are!
  3. THATS IT I am doing this next. The result are just too fantastic!!! And if it does no work, I will just slap a damn cap back on it. BRAVO everyone who has done this!!!
  4. I love threads like this. It inspires me to pull off my dashcap and see what lies underneath. I will have to try this before it gets to hot.
  5. well I respect where you are coming from. But it will be 10+ years before we see a real electric car race of any substance. Here is my biggest gripe beyond the crappy range and really bad batteries all EV have right now. Half of the motoring experience whether driving or watching it is the sound. Just as removing manuals detaches the driver from the driving experience, so does removing the sound and FEEL of an internal combustion engine. Let them have ECO races with EV and cars that can change out those heavy batteries. But to not pollute pure motorsports where the blessing that is fossil fuel is used. 75 years from now if oil and fossil fuel get too expensive to produce maybe I would be willing to entertain the idea of an EV series. But not right now. Why pollute F1 with this nonsense. I miss the sound of the glorious V10 engine. BUt it is gone. THE V8's sound decent, but nowhere like the V10's. THE V6's will sound different, and I am praying they have an aural quality that sucks people into the sport. I agree F1 is about aero, tech, etc. But fuel economy is just a waste of time. Do you really want F1 to start to emphasize Fuel economy. By saying you want to go green in racing you are essentially drawing a line in the sand saying okay, this about fast as we want to go, now lets see how efficient you can be while going that fast. A glass ceiling has been established. Naturally some engineers will find some speed somewhere, but stand by my statement that I want to give them all the aero and power they can muster. IF you want to go green, make the semis that truck the cars around thousands of miles electric. THat would actually make a difference, rather than the pseudo marketing gimmick about making F1 (or NASCAR, or WRC, or any series) appear to be more green. The whole CO2 contributing to global warming myth has been busted for years anyway. End rant. Going to drink a beer... this gets me all riled up.
  6. IF the drivers can push the car let them. If they reach their physical limits then they will stop pushing. A driver will not drive to his death. He will back off. A better driver can push harder than a less skilled driver. I miss the days where a great driver with a great car can lap the field under green if he was so talented. Regulating the car so that it is safe enough for the worst driver to push as hard as he wants takes an aspect of danger from the sport. Imagine a field of cars that no man on earth could push to 100%. But the greatest drivers could push them close to it. True heros of the sport would emerge. Maybe I am old fashioned. Would more drivers die? It would be more likely sure. But I feel driving a race car is their choice. Nobody is making them do it. F1 drivers make millions of dollars. THey get paid to win races and take risks. THey can drive well within their limits if they choose and they will not be at any more risk than they are now. However, rest assured that another drivers limits will be higher. They will have to balance, winning races and being safe. I am not heartless, I would also mandate more run off area on the tracks. Soft safety barriers, etc.
  7. Why remove power. Let the power AND the aero go up. Lets see what these cars can really do. Let the better driver emerge. Who can take the G loads, who can push the car further into its envelope. I am intrigued with the prospect of what the engineers can come up with, but I fear they will be regulated to death.
  8. Watching as much as I possibly can.. what a race.. with the weather, it must have been excruciatingly tiring.
  9. I would pose a different question...five and dime If you are only making the same power as the V10's, then why? NO why not. Why change just to be the same. Also, I hear these engines are NOT making the same power as the current V8's and former V10's (must be tuned down), and they need a KERS system that stores 10x as much energy to make it as fast as the old V8's. THey say they want to keep the cost down, but the N/A V10 had to be cheaper than the V8 with KERS, which had to be cheaper than a V6 turbo with an ultra KERS. As far as green, going green in racing is pointless, and a false economy. THe cars burn next to nothing compared to the semis, airplanes, boats, etc that carry them to the races. Saving some gas on a 50 lap race is just stupid. Every step away from the V10 we heard in the 2000 season has been a step backward.
  10. HUZZAH!!! great work.. Eiji breaths life back into a great car!!!! stay the course my friend.... keep it up Call me if you have any questions that I may be able to help. and one Eiji motor owner to another..
  11. You must post pics for those of us who are not able to attend!
  12. Datsun Spirit, Inc. this is will be the last call you make. Tell him Guy or Stephen sent you.
  13. I really like the idea of a short stroke high reving L series motor Guy. I will be watching this thread often and with great joy!
  14. Guy, for sure, I will do this next build myself. My Eiji motor will probably outlive me. But this is going to be a fun project. I may wait to do it with my son. Maybe it can be a good project for a first Z car for HIM!!
  15. Guy, you could always give Yoda, er.. Eiji a call and I am sure he could help you out! I am thinking about getting my old 70,000 mile L24 out of storage and cleaning it up shiney and new. I may even pull the head and get some work done. Just for fun!
  16. Guy, your impressive collection of cars just humbles me every time I see it. You simply cannot post enough pictures to satisfy me. also do you usually run 16" panasports? I really like how the panasports on your new, latest, recent, not sure how to refer to one of your Z's, looks.
  17. Get out of my wallet man! HAHAHAHAAH of course I will have to try!
  18. First drive impressions Okay I had 5 minutes to start the car up and take her for a romp. First let me say the car fired up noticeable easier and with less tapping the gas pedal. Three pumps and turn the key and with one extra blip once running she was ready to back out. The throttle response is definitely improved. Very linear and feels great. More throttle input resulted in expected more thrust. But the real difference I noticed can be summed up like this. Sure the car drives smoother, and more 'modern', but I was pulling from a light at 5mph in first and just stabbed it to the floor. NO hesitation, no sputtering, nothing but pure acceleration. It was actually more responsive then my 2013 Golf R. The thing just responds like never before. I will be playing with the jacket holes to find out where I am happy, but right now cruising at 60mph I keep dead steady high 12.8:1 AFR. Not sure I can ask for more than that. I would say for 150 dollars the hypojet inserts and jackets are a nice improvement over a standard 60F9 idle jet.
  19. gosh, that would shock me if it was Pierce and they were fake I have had nothing but great experience with Pierce.
  20. me thinks those are knock offs Blue. NO Weber logo, and the screws look more generic. The Manifold is also not a Cannon, but a clone of a cannon. I do not even want to think how bad that will fit. The Cannon is sub par.
  21. If you cannot get around the price for triples, DO not be afraid to call up Ztherapy and get some 'hot' SU's built. they are Great carbs and when fresh can give you a fantastic driving feel and good performance throughout the rev range. SU's are wonderful simple carbs that still give pretty good tuning opportunities.
  22. keep it up buddy! this is looking just outstanding!
  23. Okay, I installed my Hypojets today. I had to take a small pair of pliers and bend the two tabs that hold the idle jet in just a tad to firmly grip the hypo jet jacket. If you do not do this and allow it to be even a little free, when you tighten the idle jet into the carb body, when it seats the jacket tends to spin a little. This would make the hole in the jacket NOT line up with the hole in the insert, thus rendering your idle jet useless. If the holes in the jacket are numbered 1 to 4 with one being the smallest and 4 being the biggest, I used number 2. According to Keith, The smallers holes give you rich off idle AFR and lean out as the RPM climbs, whereas the larger holes in the jacket tend to be leaner at idle and richen up as the RPM climbs. I was running a 60F9 idle jet. With a AFR of about 13.5 at idle that was somewhat stable. When I installed my 28 thousands hypojet insert into the jacket on hole number 2, the car would not run at all with my foot off the pedal. It was around 16-18:1 AFR. I opened up the idle mixture screws one half turn and immediately the car fired up and settled down to a steady idle of 13.5 ish. It was late so I did not get a chance to drive it, so the jury is out. More info when I get a chance to drive it. i must say the need to deform the OEM weber idle jet holders so that the hypojet jacket does not spin is NOT an elegant design in my opinion. This needs to be fixed in hypojet #2. After you screw it in there is NO way to know if the jacket as turned inside of the carb. I pulled mine out two to three times each to verify they were still in position. Two of the six moved. So I crimped the idle jetholder further. IF the car drives worlds better, I will overlook this
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