I am considering the big respray. Here is my issue. I have lots of tiny little things that bug me about my paint job. From 10 feet away the car looks fine, better than fine at times. But when I get closer the 20 year old respray it has on it now is not holding up in some areas. For instance, the back is not as shiny as the front. And I have many rock chips, and a tiny dent in the hood I want fixed. The paint inside the doors, trunk, etc is all great. Is it worth getting just the outside of a car taken down and resprayed? Is this a half a$$ed idea? Every time I detail the car I see tiny spots I want fixed. But I am a novice at any kind of real body work. Do you guys suggest I do not go this route? My plan would be to take everything off the car, including windsheilds and side windows, and rear windows. All lights etc. Then get it smoothed and resprayed in Datsun 901 silver. Opinions are welcome.