Well there she is. Installed and ready to go. All I can say is WOW. My 2 year old could press the brakes in the car now. It is astonishing what a difference and how easy it is to press the pedal. What a wonderful upgrade. For everybody who has an old booster, this is one hell of a worth while upgrade.
Now the caveats.
There is a little plunger/pushrod that sticks out of the booster that presses into the master cylinder. I took careful measurements of how far this was suppose to stick up past the shiny mounting plate I used as a datum. The threads supplied on the refurbished booster were too short to adjust all the way out where the stock booster was. So I was left about 0.100" short of where I use to be. This would be pedal travel I would have to make up before ANYTHING happens, and since it is so close to the pivot, that 0.100" feel more like 1.5" at the pedal before I get any resistance. But when I do, boy do they come on well.
Also, make sure when you buy a refurbished booster that you make sure the pin that goes through the brake pedal and the fork of the booster will fit. I got mine mounted and spent 10 minutes try to get that damn thing in and low and behold it was too small. I had to drill it out. Just make sure it fits before and save your back some anguish.
Cliff Notes: Was this mod worth doing? Absolutely!!! The cars brakes feel eager to do the task of braking, instead of being mashed into submission. I will look to get some all thread or maybe a bolt and a rounded nut to replace the one I have to get the right distance. But as it is now, I can lock up the rears then the fronts with easily half the effort of before.
Some work we do is not flashy and glorious, but it is the little things that add up to make these car feel like their old selves again!