I read that, and I am not too worried about it. For ever report that they snapped, there were just as many that said they had been running them for years. I think that the extra load probably had something to do with it, but I would wager that a TC rod would have to be already flawed to break. A minimum strength for steel I found was 1018 annealed steel, with a yield strength of 32000 psi (just looking at the first reference I had). If the rod would fail due to tension we can use this number. Figure the rod is 3/4" round along its length, it would take around 24000 lbs. I would need to see where they are failing and what the grain structure at the crack initiation site looks like to see the mode of failure. If it failed at the neck down to the threads or near the bolt holes that hold it to the control arm, that would mean a totally different loading environment and I would need to look at that differently. Also the amount of suspension travel would heavily influence the result as well, as it would indicate the size of the fully reversing load (fatigue perhaps). It would also be nice to know what it was actually made of, its heat treat specification etc. I think the failures are real, but I think the super hard bushings aggravated an existing condition that led to these failures, rather than them being the root cause.