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Everything posted by Zedyone_kenobi

  1. I love your car. It is a great way to see what mine may look like with different options... Like those orange turn signals, and those beautiful wheels.
  2. Bumper is bolted back up, all parts are snugged up, and this baby is ready to roll. Better shots tomorrow when I take her for a drive. Man I miss driving her. I just want to take the time to thank everybody in this thread who helped me out and gave me really good advice. For those who want to try to fit a spook on their cars, I do hope this thread serves as a tool and can save somebody at least one headache. I started from nothing, had to source the body parts, bolts and spoiler. So this should cover everybody!
  3. Yeah, I will have to work on that. And I may have to increase my % done to 91% vs 90% in my signature... Carl you are, of course, correct.
  4. Okay, I did some tweeking tonight, and I think I am getting very close.... Before tweeking.. After Tweeking.. One more after tweeking,, Put a fork in it, I am calling it done. Just have to snug up all the bolts one more time to be sure they are all a touch over hand tight and then I will put in the last two bolts in the bumper!
  5. Tell you what, I have a full set of side indicators, I will swap them out and we can compare. I do think they get lost on the silver
  6. Geezer, mine is an MSA as well. RP975, I cant compete with you...
  7. do you mean the side markers on the fender Arne, or the ones under the bumper? how about a 'crazy man'? Just check'n
  8. Geezer, you always have enlightened opinions, and I have Saturday reserved for fixing those gaps. I think your right on needing more support. The spoiler is very rigid right now when the bolts are tightened. But I agree it needs to be worked on a tad. I am using 1.25" spreader washers now, but I bought 5 more bolts and washers just in case this happened. I will start this fabricating process Saturday. I only used the 5 captive nuts that came from Datsun in my lower valance. I think it needs probably 2 more to close up the gaps.
  9. Ah, 2 points for the 80's 'rad' reference.
  10. Almost finished with this project. I am just about happy with the way its looking on the car. I need to do some final adjusting and shimming, but I think its looks pretty 'far out' to use the 70's vernacular. My bumper is loosely bolted up still need to wiggle it just right to get the side bolts in, but I think thats will not prove too difficult. The tricky part was getting it back on by myself. THANK GOD FOR TUBE SOCKS
  11. I should have tried a smaller hardware store in the first place.. hoping to bolt everything up this weekend.
  12. I am going to order a set of bushings for my car as my bushings are dry and basically old. But Black Dragon has them listed as 18mm and 20mm. What size came stock on a 1971 240Z. I realize I could just go measure mine, but I am at work, and thought I would pick your brains.
  13. Just for informations sake, the bolts are M5's that fit the captive nuts in the lower valance. Its amazing how hard it is to find a good source of metric bolts.
  14. Welcome... but I would caution you about one thing. Sometimes when you try so hard to not be part of any group, but be your own group, your own person, you step back and realize that their are groups for that too. My advice, is enjoy your Z, do not let what your for or against define you. Its a waste energy trying to be anti everything. Just Believe what is morally right to you. Life is too short to fight the system, you just end up growing old, and tired and bitter and part of the system you stove to rebel against wondering where you youth was spent. Cant wait to see your Z by the way!!!!
  15. Update: I did a trial fitting before drilling any holes. I need to go find out what size bolt goes into my center valance captive nuts. They are smaller than the welded nutplates on either side. Why they did not use all the same is beyond me. I am very pleased with the symmetry of the air dam. It fits well, and I think will snug up nicely once I get the sides drilled and bolted and the 5 center bolts in.
  16. I think I speak for everybody when I say we need a video of that puppy running and revving up. VID - EE - OH VID - EE - OH
  17. um. yeah, I think somebody may have mentioned that to me... cough... Arne.. cough
  18. Mine measures 16 1/8" all the way across. So I am missing 3/8" of length. THere is no telling why. Perhaps the car was jacked up inappropriately. Who knows. THe question is, how much sleep am I going to lose thinking of ways to fix it.
  19. Okay, geezer, I can totally do that. I will make sure I am in 16 7/16" range. Was that measurement consistent across the opening.
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