I understand the comments guys, well put. But to me green technology and racing do not go hand in hand. Or rather they should not. Green racing cars should be kept to green races. LeMans greatly benefits from improved efficiency, and that could be an advantage, but it is about outright speed and endurance. I understand it was an innovative car, but its efficiency is a meaningless metric when it runs in a class of one. If made to run in a actual class with the same rules as everybody else it would not fare so well. 1300 lbs with fuel is crazy light, and while that is noteworthy, not having to stick to any rules what so ever makes it little more of an exercise in material selection and design. Being fast and outside of the rules is quite a bit easier than being fast and staying within the rules. Trying to improve fuel efficiency of race cars to save gas for the environment is completely emotionally driven, and not at all realistic. Race cars use up a trivial amount of fuel. Further when race series become an exercise on who can get better mileage it starts to become boring. At least in shorter style races it does. At LeMans, fuel efficiency is a very important metric as you all know, but more so is speed. Thus the Audi Juggernaut with its diesels. Audi did not sacrifice speed for efficiency. They worked within the existing rules and made a blisteringly fast and fuel efficient car. The delta wing is a car in search of a race. A car built that right now nobody wants. The only people saying it is the future of racing are the inventors of the Delta wing. Saying people care about it because it is a green car is also a bit of a stretch. Most racing enthusiasts I know really could not care a bit about the fuel efficiency of a race car. They want speed. If the delta wing gets accepted, it will be in a spec race (like you mentioned it was designed for) against other delta wings. It will not be chosen because it is faster. I hate to sound contrary and argumentative, so please do not take it that way. While I can appreciate the work it took to make, what I see is a neat marketing toy vying for acceptance in a world that did not ask for it to begin with from people who are trying to make a lot of money building cars. It the answer to a question nobody was asking. The solution to a problem that did not exist. But, at the end of the day anything can be raced and can be entertaining. Speed is relative. Do people want to watch a bunch of delta wings in a spec race? Well they watch a bunch of miata's, a bunch of Sprint Cup cars, a bunch of Diesel Jettas, so why not. This to me is just another company looking to cash in on the 'green' marketing monster to make a buck.