Bolts came off fine. I am in pretty good shape there. However, It appears that this fender was removed before. I know the car was repainted about 15 years ago. The hood alignment rubbers on the fender facing the engine bay were about 1/2" off. They apparently snapped the orignal bolt heads off where they mounted them from the factory and then decided to drill a hole next to it and put a big freaking bold on to hold it there. I think I am going to try to get some easy outs to fix that situation. ON a happy note when I pulled off my cowl panel in front of the windshield, it was surgically clean under there. Not a drop of rust, or discoloration. I am pretty impressed by this. There is some VERY light surface rust on the underside of the cowl. The kind you can almost wipe all off with your fingers. I think I will POR the whole underside and then not worry about it any more. The fender is 50% better now. I was able to get it aligned much better, but the bottom of the panel, I mean the absolute bottom looks like it just needs to be curved more. if I had the panel off, I could probably bend it easy enough. But that will have to wait until I am done. I could get a light on the back side of the panel, and I am happy to report it is all steel and very rust free. Yippiee. I did have an issue with my windshield washer squirters, but I will start a new thread on that.