Again, great advice. If you are looking to buy, spend more up front. I would say every dollar you spend on the purchase to get a quality Z initially is probably worth 5 dollars down the road. Spend your money wisely. A well maintained Z that has been looked after can be a very reliable daily driver, but let us not forget, these cars are nearing 40 years old (240z-280z anyway). Unless you find one that has been restored, it will have older rubber, older wiring, etc. Things WILL break, mark my words. But not as often as you think. One of the real benefits is that these cars are VERY easy to work on. Since I have had my Z, I not spent much on repairs, I have spent a good bit on upgrades, and refreshing things. I am a fan of fixing things BEFORE they break. When something looks worn, OUT IT GOES. A Z is a great car, fantastic even, and if you can turn a wrench or two, very affordable.