Yay 1st post. Im a member at hybrid Z, thought id sniff around here and see how it was. For what its worth if youre interested, go here if you want that airdam http://spoilers4less.stores.yahoo.net/70fronairdam.html This is the cheapest place to buy that airdam- 190 shipped to your door. This is the same thing being sold for 200 dollars at the Z store, and they still want shipping. This is where I bought mine from and am pretty happy. Just keep in mind this is urethane- not fiber glass. This stuff is incredibly durable, you can twist this thing 180 degrees, run the thing over- or have an elephant sit on it- and it will retains its shape (paint on the other hand). The only concern is related to how it mounts. Because its soft and only mounts at the side- over quite a few years theyre known to "sag" a little in the middle becauee theres no mount or support in the center, and its not a "rigid" piece like metal or fiberglass/plastic. This is extremely easy to deal with though, just build a center support- & problem solved. Theres man examples of how this can be done over at hybrid Z. Some methods bolt right up to spots on the stock body and cost 5 dollars in parts from a hard-ware store. Up to you if building that bracket is worth the durability or not over fiberglass.