Z car specialty...
Oh man... Thanks sblake.
Z car specialty...
This isn't actually a question for my 240, but actually my 84, but since Z31.com for some reason won't accept me i was wondering if anyone knows of any shops out here near Fontana CA (San Bernardino County). I've heard of Z Car Specialty out in upland and i was just wondering if they were still open and if they worked on later model z's. Anyways it looks like i need a full engine rebuild for my 84 and im just looking for a good reliable place to take it to and i don't know of anywhere to take it too out here.
350Z to 240Z rim conversion...
Hey guys i just came into possesion of some 17" rims off of a 350Z and was wondering if anyone knew where i could get the adapters to fit them onto my 240Z, i've seen it done before, at the 2008 MSA show and was wondering how or what they did. I know it makes a difference, but i have tokico illumina shocks and eibach pro sport kit on my car. idk the specks of the tires but i do know that they r stock. Any and all feedback will greatly be appreciated! THank you!
1970 Ball joints replacement
I need to replace the ball joints on my 1970 240z and i was just wondering if there was any advice i could get from anyone who's done it or knows how to, i went to order the part and they asked me if i wanted 14mm or 11mm, is there a difference because of your or what? Anyways any help or advice will be greatly appreciated!
1970 240Z
1970 240Z
1970 240Z
1970 240Z
1970 240Z
R180 vs R200
LSD means better burn outs! No, but in all seriousness, i have the R200 installed in mine and i have to say that i feel more power to my car and smoother feeling when i shift.
Just Covered Dash and New Gauge Face Plates
Not too thrilled about the dash cover, but it's all up to the owner right? But the gauges look very nice!
240Z in movies
In Friday after Next there's a broken down completely rusted 280z sitting in a front yard when they are chasing the bad santa. Also in the first episode of Knight Rider (Part 1) you can see i think a white 240z in the backround.
Might be on Ebay soon...if so don't abuse me too bad
That is a very beautiful looking car!
New member from Fontana CA
Mainly MSA, Black Dragon, Ebay, but the only problem is he has no funds! my mother doesnt understand that it's his dream to fix up his car! He's always done all his car parts from MSA up until recently but it's both our favorite place to shop.
New member from Fontana CA
I'm pretty sure i'm in North Fontana near baselin and Citrus. Just below the 210.