Volt meter and tach issues
Replaced the alternator and voltage regulator and no charge light! Thank you! I was going to replace the belt as well but wasn't sure how to get the thing off. I looked in the service manual and is just said to replace it. No steps on removing. Do you have take off the fan shroud and fan?
Volt meter and tach issues
I just spent $90 on a new battery, so that shouldn't be it. The wiring for the alternator was screwed up, so I'll take a look at that and get back. But to be sure, the charge light on the vlotmeter means that the battery is not being recharged by the alternator and will eventually die? Is that correct?
Volt meter and tach issues
I have a 77 280z that has had electrical problems since I got the thing. I believe I've got pretty much everything figured out and I'm ready to start driving it. But I'm not sure about the volt meter. I've got 3 questions... 1) The volt meter reads 12v when the car is off and no lights on. Is this normal, or is something staying on and draining the battery? 2) When the car is running, I've got 12v, but the red charge light stays on. What should I be looking for? 3) And last, my tach jumps all over the place when accelerating or above 4k.
tach problem
77 a/t 280z the tach is acting very strange. it will rise w/ engine revolutions, but will then stop at the highest rpm it was just revved to. it stays and won't go back down!? it can be revved higher, but it sticks at the higher rpm on the tach and so on until it hits the rev limiter. the needle will then go back down after the car is turned off and sits for awhile. is it time for a new tach?
temp sensors?
thanks again. you wouldn't happen to know a place to get a thermotime switch for a decent price and does the engine rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise looking at the front of the car?
temp sensors?
77 a/t 280z there are 3 sensors on the upper radiator neck. one has a male bullet connector and the other 2 have clips with 2 wires going in to each. what are each of these sensors for? particularly the one that needs a 25mm socket
starting problems on a 77 280 AT
i can't thank you enough sblake. your knowledge of s30's seem to be bottomless
pinout diagram for engine harness?
thank you
having issues starting a 77 280z
another thing, when it's cranking, the tach gradually moves up and stays. does this mean anything?
having issues starting a 77 280z
i acquired this car after the p.o. gave up on a wiring migraine. (search in electrical to see the ridiculousness) the owner before him had it running but went to work one day and came out to be unable to start it. i have fixed the wiring and i am getting fuel and spark. i can smell the fuel and know the distributor is firing when attempting to start it. the only thing is that the car has been sitting for about a year. it had a little under a half tank of gas when it was parked. i just put 5 gallons of premium in it w/ some fuel injector cleaner. it turns over but just won't start after about 30 minutes of trying. i don't know what the problem could be. it is blowing 2 fuses, dome light and flasher. has it just sat for too long and being stubborn, or is there something else i should be looking at?
starting problems on a 77 280 AT
which ones do you connect together? i see 2 green wires w/ male barrel connectors and 2 white/black wires w/ female barrel connectors
starting problems on a 77 280 AT
if the inhibitor switch and/or downshift solenoid are not connected, will this prevent the car from firing?
pinout diagram for engine harness?
what manual is this from?
pinout diagram for engine harness?
ha, right. 77 280z
pinout diagram for engine harness?
does anyone have it? just the ones that connect under the passenger footwell that run into the engine bay