OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??
I got the surprise of my life, i had been complaining about the 302 i put in my z to my wife and everyone else, she got me a 347 balanced stroker kit. Damn, now i have to remachine all my emblems to read DATSUN 570Z now
Steering rack bushings
When i put the poly bushings in mine i tried them in all kinds of different ways, ended up with a gap but after driving it a while and retighteneing it it has closed up to about 3/16" just had to get them settled in and compressed.Just make sure to clean everything real good and lubricate..IF they are poly bushings that is......
Dallas z owners with butterscotch interior?
The headliners i have do have padding on them but not enough for them to just hang there, or was it glued to the roof??? i suppose that since i have installed a sunroof and it hangs down about an inch i can glue in some 1" foam and stick it to that. seeing the pic of the wrapping around of the vinyl it makes sense to me now. that looks like it will be a bit$^ around the "a" pillar and roof area meeting point.
Dallas z owners with butterscotch interior?
Have a question for those of you that have interiors, i understand the a pillar and the sheet metal around the inside of the car above the doors and the windshield have the leather glued into place. How is the headliner attached?? i have a new headliner and cant figure out how it is held in place around the edges. My interior has a piece of that slip on edging all around but cant figure out how it is supposed to be installed. pictures would help, i remember when i tore mine out the plastic slide on trim was over the side and front pieces but cant remember how the headliner was attached.
Dallas z owners with butterscotch interior?
Well after i get through all this xmas season i think i am going to try tea or coffee dying on some of the leather i have up in the attic and see how it turns out. I am also going to see if i can find or mix up some rit dye and see if i can get a match. i was out shopping yesterday and went to about 10 different places that sell craft pleathers and had no luck at all. If i ever find anthing close i will make sure and buy several rolls.
Austin, TX S30 gathering?
I would love to get in on this too, buti am in the process of making a fiberglass dash and console and lotsa wiriing
Dallas z owners with butterscotch interior?
Hey there, i too am looking for the butterscotch fabric, i have everything but i have black door panels that i need to recover. I have 3 new oem headliners but dont want to cut them up to cover doors with. I am looking for enough to cover door panels plus cover my fiberglass dashboard and fiberglass console with. Even if someone knows a vinyl sparay that is a close match i would go that way. I have several yards of off white real leather that could even be dyed if i could find the right color..... William Cunningham 1975 Datsun 500Z
Under dash wiring diagram
I found those drawings while looking through the previous link, i did print them out and went straight to the garage and damned if they were close, i had all of the ones in the pictures but i also had 3 other plugs not in the picture, but all the connections i will need to tye into my new gauges and everything else is there. i guess the wiring for the heating and ac systems is in the other harness, easy enough to trace that one out, thanks people i really appreciate the links and pictures. I do have another question though, did datsun have a harness for the backup lights and neutral safety switch for an automatic trans too??? mine came with a 5 speed but didnt know if it had the harness in it.
fuel vapor canister behind panel in trunk area
Can anyone tell me where the hoses for the fuel system go on the fuel tank and the vapor canister located in rear wheelwell behind the plastic panel. I removed these lines and hoses a few years ago when i deleted the fuel tank and went to fuel cell. now i am putting an original fuel tank back in place. need to hook up the fuel hoses and vapor lines. Was there a charcoal canister on this model when it was manufactured??? It is a low pressure system since it is 302 carbureted motor. it is a 75 500Z (280 Z with a 302 or 5.0 FORD motor)
Under dash wiring diagram
Found exactly what i needed thanks to your links, even a picture of the placement of the plugs under the dashboard... now onto wiring in everything.
Under dash wiring diagram
A few years ago when i got my 1975 280Z it was gutted for racing purposes, over the last year i have been to get it back road worthy, when i removed the dashboard. i unplugged everything, i will be making a fiberglass dash for it with different gauges (tach, speedo and 9 different 2" gauges) and putting in a modified BMW heat and air unit and would like to use as much of the factory wiring as possible. My question is this.. does anyone know where all the plugs went too or have access to a wiring diagram for under the dash. I have purchased 3 different color wiring diagrams but none of them show the breakdown of the underdash wiring.
75 500Z finally painted
Well it isnt flake at all it is black acrylic enamel with gold marbleizing, just paint your black, let it dry, spray bomb gold over that spray lightly with mineral spirits and take some plastic and dab it here and the to get the look you want, try it with spray bombs sometime, just be sure the black is completely dry or the gold and miineral spirits will make the black wrinkle up, which isnt a bad look either....i love the look.
75 500Z finally painted
I am nneither II, III or IV, we all (12 generations) have different middle names I am William D, my son William /c and the William E is my dad. Yes the 500Z is a 5,0 ford motor. Will be buffing it all out after i make all the interior panels and do the interior. i have the plastic panels for the rear section but having to make all the leather pieces, plastic front pieces and make a fiberglass dash and console. That all comes after i get the BMW heater modified to make it fit and work.
Fuzzy door strips
Hello peoples, i got new fuzzy strips for my interior door panels and wanted to know how the h#%& do i attach them. The old ones seem to be stapled on through the steel upper door panel part. Any suggestions??? BTW i will be recovering the door panels if this may be of some help
75 500Z finally painted
Spent the last 7 months preparing my 500Z for paint and finally got it done. Through a big set back painted it Bronze metallic. painted it candy apple red with gold pearl but i didnt like the way the pearl looked i sanded it down and picked this bronze color.