Having problem getting her up and runing
when my 280zx was doing that it ended up being to fuel pump.
Funny electrical issues.
well, I am moving in about 3 hours, checking right now to make sure I have everything packed, but I am off monday morning so it looks like I will try to do what you have stated above at that time. Also, no I have not had it tested, is this something I need to take it to a mechanic for, or can I do this myself?
Funny electrical issues.
OK, so I have gone through and cleaned and reconnected every wire I could get ahold of, nothing changed at all. it has been about 5 days, and today when I got out of my day job I turned my car on, and BAM A/C blowing away! Sadly it only lasted for about 15 seconds, and then it was off again. I can't figure it out. I am missing my A/C relay according to the diagram in the repair manual. I have no idea what it is.
Fuse Relay Question
Ok thanks guys! It might still be my A/C relay because I had been switching them around on occasion to do tests and see what they did. Maybe not the best idea, but nothing seems to have gone wrong. Again thanks a lot!
Fuse Relay Question
Does anyone know where I can purchase some new relays? I seem to be missing one from where it should be. According to my Automotive Repair Manual it states that it is the Air-con relay. I brought one of the other relays in to autozone and O'reilly's but neither could find one. Just curious if anyone knew.
Just Joined
I don't know exactly where the "speedo cable" is located... and I am afraid to ask for a diagram.
Funny electrical issues.
Well, I was going to work on the electrical things but decided I needed to clean out my trunk and do some other projects... http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30381 Taking a foreign exchange student out tomorrow morning, then have the rest of the day off. Hopefully I will be able to start going through some wires! I will definately let you know if something works!
- $21.73
So today I decided I couldn't stand the look of the trunk of my car... is it called a trunk? Anyway in the rear area, I had taken everything out pretty much. The carpet was shredding and everything was going downhill due to leaking issues. I wanted to buy the new fitted carpet kit, but I don't have any extra money laying around, so I did the next best thing. I made my own. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/untsnare/IMAGE_070.jpg about an hour and 45 minutes later... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/untsnare/IMAGE_071-2.jpg I just need to wipe it down, and do small things.
Funny electrical issues.
Alright! thanks for the quick response, I was hoping someone would give me something to work on in this beautiful weather outside! I will let you know what I find.
Rust Repair, 280ZX in Colombia
Was was the price you are paying for this? I am saving some money up on the side (whatever I can thats not being saved for my honeymoon) so that I can get my 280zx cleaned up.
Cool Things about this Club!
I am pretty new to this forum/club, but so far I think it is quite enjoyable just because of how fast people respond to questions or comments. I have had a positive experience since I joined!
Funny electrical issues.
So I was on my way to work one day, a little over a month ago, and it was pouring outside. I had working windshield wipers at the time, but my A/C does not work so my car windows were getting foggy. Anyway, because of the fogginess of the windows, I didn't see the pothole coming up and I hit it pretty fast. After the bump my windshield wipers stopped working... but my A/C was blowing like crazy! After work I get home and as soon as I came to a stop they switched back again! So the good news is, I know that my A/C can work, the bad news is, I don't know how to get it going. I have the repair manual, but that wiring page is rediculously confusing! Thought I would share that with everyone here. And maybe get a little info at the same time.
car won't start... after I got gas
so I took her to the shop... the news: blown fuel pump. dangit
need to get her home soon.
Hey man, I had something similar happen when I needed a jump, my roomate put the cables backwards and I could smell something burning. My fusible links were pretty bad, thats the first place I would check. After I made a new one, car ran back to normal!