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Everything posted by conedodger

  1. Now my 914 friends think this picture might have been taken at the HSR Mitty in 2007. A Frank Beck driving the 914 and Tom Trabue driving the Z...
  2. Alan, You are apparently English? I fail to see that the fact that the website is International has anything to do with the cultural traits of the English. You are writing in a conversational tone and frankly being rude. At first I thought I was mistaking your conversational tone with cultural trait but it is pretty apparent that it is just you. Your reference to the IZCC mailing list and allegation that Carl edited posts before they hit the screen reveals some prior problem with Carl. I still don't know or understand your point of view and as I said, I want to but your point gets lost in your tone. For instance "would it help if somebody explained it to you?" This post implies that you think Carl is stupid. Are you being rude, or do you actually want to tell us that you think Carl is stupid?
  3. My conclusion, is that Alan was being rude. I have not visited either website nor examined the validity of the argument. I am actually, in this regard, unconcerned with the difference of opinion. But, as it is a thread that I started, I would prefer he not be rude or condescending in the presentation of his point. As for this being a Carl Beck Fan Club... My goodness! Carl gets no pass here. If he were being rude I would have asked him to tone it down as well... As it is, if Carl could be called rude it would be for ignoring Alan. I just want the truth to be sought out without acrimony. Now once again, Alan - what is your point? What is the problem that is so great that you feel the need to be rude? Further, why is it so important to you?
  4. I don't see it either way. I freely admit that I do not know. But, from the start it appears you are going after Carl as if he isn't an authority. On that I do have an opinion. I just think you would get a little further in your quest for truth if you approach the people who disagree with you in a little, shall we say, gentler approach. My life is dedicated to exposing the differences in cultures and I do know that the English argue differently. But it may help given the lack of dimension we have here on internet forum if you first state your premise as a question. Isn't it true that...? And then support your premise with cited sources. In academia we really have little respect for websites in general. They are seldom peer reviewed and often contain revisionist ideas. Let's start with that. Your referenced website is no better than ZHome in my eyes and perhaps not as good in that I have known of Carl Beck for a decade and I have seen him seek the truth as it regards the Z Car relentlessly in that time. I have always known his mind to be open. If you know the truth and can prove it, or at least can cloud the truth as he knows it, I am sure he would be open. If you find a more respectful tone... Again, thanks for your effort in that regard... I am not an arbitrator. Address yourself to Carl. However, it may already be too late...
  5. I would certainly be interested in any evidence you might have to support your point if you could find a tone that is a bit more, shall we say - respectful? Thanks in advance for that effort.
  6. These are some great shots of Brad Frisselle's Z! It just happens that I live in Northern California not far from a shop that generally restores and races vintage race cars... Bruce Cannepa is known for the Porsche cars he does but I noticed on his website that he is selling the restored Frizzelle car. Interesting to note for those of you who like to argue history, Bruce claims this to be the first chassis imported to the United States. Yes? No? Let the fur fly! http://www.finecars.cc/en/detail/car/7313/index.html My Porsche friends think the 914 might be Adrian Gang but no one is sure... Anyone here have access to old car numbers from the day? I am assuming based on the Kitty Litter that is Road Atlanta. What corner? Is this picture below from the 70's or from a vintage race later on?
  7. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    John, I think you should post this in the carb forum. It will sink off the page without notice unless you put it where those boys hang....
  8. I have heard it said that about 90% of what people think are EFI problems on LJet are actually electrical or vacuum. These engines with their LJet intact are terribly vacuum sensitive. Just try putting a high performance cam in one and you will see. It will barely run. Check your fuel pressure Clean all your electrical connections Check all vacuum lines including the rubber accordian tube from the front of the car to the air flow meter and from the air flow meter to the engine.. especially that second one.
  9. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I approached a friend who is in the vinyl business about making me the accent stripe that goes along the bottom of the car in red instead of the available black or white. He says he can do it, but he wants me to send him a closer picture of the 240Z script. He also says he can make me as many as I want in different colors. He will be making 4-5 for me in the red. Anyone want? This is the picture I sent him. I forget who's car that is but it looks exactly like mine but red instead of white. Anyone with a closer pic of the 240Z script?
  10. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Stephan is right... I am teasing again. There cannot be too many Z cars in South Dakota. I was stationed there for 2 years and I never saw a single one! Great people though... None better... I still have my South Dakota plates on the garage wall DreamZ...
  11. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Oh! You almost bought the Z that is in South Dakota! There isn't more than one is there?
  12. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Jared, No problem... I figured that your post was the result of a quick scan judging by the misinterpretation. Here is my thing... I teach... I am supposed to say I am a professor but I am not quite used to that yet. What I see here is this, the guy selling this car isn't advertising here or one of the other sites where discerning experts lurk. His description is not too sophistocated. He is selling on Craigslist which is generally a bargain hunter site not a place someone looking for a classic car goes. So, I think when he says that it is in very good condition he means that for a 30 plus year old daily driver it is in very good condition. His target market isn't you and me. To me, his car is a parts car. But to someone who is looking for transportation in California - and we do love our cars - this is a flashy little sports car. Put some sheepskin seatcovers on it and it is "mint" in their minds. It is just a cultural variance. You and me? Parts. The analogy that is often used in the classroom is this, take 10 blind men and ask them to describe the tied up elephant and you will get 10 very different descriptions - all of which are correct from the point of view of the blind man depending on what part of the elephant he examined. They all had a different cultural perspective. The one back by the tail thinks this thing must be a $^!# machine! Get it? Now speaking of cultural perspectives... You say that there is nothing special about the Zap and Black Pearl editions. I agree, Datsun never intended them to be anything other than an ad campaign not a special edition. But let's say you don't own a Z car. You know what you know but you don't own a Z car. Along comes a guy selling three Z cars. One a perfect 50K mile Zap. One a perfect 50K mile Black Pearl. One a perfect 50K mile blue 280Z. All at the same price which you can afford. Which do you buy? As the cars become more and more classic - special "ad campaign" cars may well start to mean something. If it was me, I would pick the Zap or the Black Pearl. I would guess if there was someone doing valuations on Z cars the way they do for my Porsches, the Zap and Black Pearl would be worth $100 more than the regular '77 Z. My argument is that this gap may widen when the cars are more rare and approach classic status. Probably a discussion for a different thread though... Thanks for the apology, I will have my brother the hit man from Champlin stand down
  13. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Jared, I'm not quite sure what you are getting at here... I made a joke about people who are selling used cars and their integrity. It is a pretty common joke and I certainly didn't coin the phrase "if his lips are moving he must be lying". The carguyinok didn't agree with you. In fact, he called me out for being too harsh and pointed out that I have a motorcycle for sale. In fact, it would seem that he doesn't agree with you at all or think the same way. You think the guy is not being truthful and carguyinok thinks I shouldn't have called him a liar. It seems you agree with me. Either way, I made a joke about used car sales but then tried to mitigate your comment by pointing out that he isn't claiming it to be a Zap model. Zap and Black Pearl models are somewhat sought out here in California by the way so I can't agree with you that everyone who knows Classic Z cars knows that there is nothing special about them. They are the closest thing to a limited edition in the first generation Z car. There is a guy named Steve who lives a few blocks away from me who happens to think his Black Pearl is pretty special compared to most other '77 Z cars. In fact, the car is in pretty common condition for a car being sold here in California at that price. I would bet you could negotiate but in the ad he states it will easily pass smog. That is huge here and it speaks to originality. Two of my three cars run perfectly but would not pass smog here because they don't have original equipment. I do know your car culture as well. I grew up in Minnesota and graduated from the UofM. I was a board member of Minnesota Autosports Club. In Minnesota cars rust out before they wear out. In California they sun rot before they rust out. This car clearly has some sun rot as evidenced by the dashcap and the taped up seats. The seller isn't trying to hide that. He shows the pictures, he calls attention to the dashcap in his description. As I said this sun rot is common here. But that is no reason for you to heat up the tar, pluck the chickens and fire up the troops for a tar and feathering. In Minnesota this car might likely look like this but could be hiding massive rust issues. I doubt that is a problem here. You just aren't understanding that you live in a different car culture. This car has this value here in California. I have no doubt he will get it. Remember, he isn't trying to sell it here on ClassicZ.com. carguyinok is claiming I am too harsh for saying "his lips..." He is defending the guy selling the car if you ask me... I am saying everyone selling a used car doesn't tell you everything - in a way that uses humor. I agree with you, et caveat emptor. I am simply pointing out that this car isn't too far off what the guy will get for it here in California. I'm not kidding. I see Z cars of this vintage driving every day and when they are for sale that is a common asking price. But let's move on to some meaningful discussion. What is it you think he is hiding?
  14. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Notice the little laughy guy smiley right in front of that statement? It's a joke written in response to the quoted text in which the other guy says he wonders what else he isn't truthful about. Get over yourself... Besides, if you read what I say, I am defending him. Oh, and the BMW isn't for sale anymore. If you don't mind I will take my time revising my signature... Let me know if you mind because clearly you are in charge.
  15. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    ! He is selling a used car. If his lips are moving, he is lying... Still, let's face it. He isn't declaring the car as a rare Limited Edition and for a 30+ year old car it probably is in very good condition.
  16. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The Zap Z was a color scheme in '77 involving a yellow car with a graphic that was on the side and stripe that ran across the deck, roof, and hood. It wasn't officially a limited edition but it was featured in ads saying Zap! It had a companion in that regard called the Black Pearl. This guy is not calling it a Zap though it appears it is and his price is not too bad. Be advised though, rust is an issue close to the coast in California. It also doesn't appear to have its original wheels.
  17. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    As regards the tire portion of the question, a 205 50 tire is a squeeze on a 5.5" rim. That is as wide as I would go if I were you. I would even consider going to a 195...
  18. It has been years since I had this problem so my memory is fuzzy. I found that the limiting strap though it looked fine allowed the differential to move too much. At the time, I could and did replace the limiting strap and after doing everything you did and still having a clunk that fixed it. Perhaps, if the limiting strap is NLA you could tighten it up a bit by shortening it somehow? The assembly is intended to move a bit...
  19. Body shop supply stores will have it. It is the same stuff used to put windshields in on some cars... Butyl tape I think?
  20. That's what I'm talking about! This is turning into a good thread... Hi Phil! Long time no chat... How is the frozen North? Phil and I have known of each other since I was a Minnesotan... I had to leave when my nieghbor Jesse ran for Governor. Of course, now I have the Governator!
  21. Altec-Lancing 914 and Bob Sharp Racing Z...
  22. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Josh, I hate to say it because you have a bit of poor starving college student aura about you but a broken bolt on the exhaust manifold is often a warped exhaust manifold. Usually the rear most bolt...:dead:
  23. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Yes, you will be replacing a head gasket for sure but... You should check that head and make sure it didn't warp during the overheating. As long as you have it apart, you should do the valves and replace your timing chain, water pump... Ahh the infectious "while you're in there disease".
  24. I want to amend my opinion. If as your screen name implies and the car looks - that is in fact a Black Pearl, you should get the factory correct wheels and stick as close as possible to original. Others will disagree but after a while the ZAP and Black Pearl cars may gain some value over their contemporaries...
  25. You cannot go wrong with a factory option. Looks good and they are a bit cheaper than some of the other wheels out there...

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