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Everything posted by conedodger

  1. I know a guy... Chris Moore. Kind of quiet on the Datsun scene lately but he might have one. He got married and had a couple kids a while back. Last I heard he was teaching at ARC. He owns some pretty sweet Datsuns. What harness are you looking for? Year? I just bought a newish 73 dash that is supposed to be coming with everything still attached. Maybe I will have an extra dash harness...
  2. I know of a shop in Napa. They work on mostly Porsche but the owner does know his way around a Z car. Original Customs. Ask the lister to drop by and have Mark look at it. Tell him the shop is located behind Napa Auto Parts in downtown. PM me if you want a phone number. I am 70 miles a way or I would do it personally.
  3. Congratulations Bob! Bottom end is easy. Just keep it all clean and put it together. It's the top end and the timing chain that requires a brain...
  4. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    What Dave said, but check for rust too... Your body is twisting a bit I suspect.
  5. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Nice... Perfect crossweight! I just did my Porsche 914 and got similar results, though quite a bit lighter than that...
  6. You did just fine. I just responded to your PM.
  7. I have a set of carbs, manifolds, and an aircleaner. $150 for the lot and I would guess I can get it down to you somehow if you don't mind waiting a bit. I have to pick up my wife and child at SFO on either the 14th or 16th of January depending on how long she plans on staying in the Philippines.
  8. conedodger posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    In a box somewhere I have a bunch of older issue Z cars. I even have one that is made in Poland and supposedly rare. Misspent money I think. No fun if you don't display them and I don't. I will take some pics of them soon...
  9. I only use mine for maintanance. You have to remember Jon, 3/4 of my "herd" is rear/mid engined and aircooled. The sissors lift works wonderfully for them. I bought my 240Z basically mechanically done. So, I don't really need to get at the transmission etc. If I did I can crawl into the sissors area. A bit creapy but the thing does have safety gaches to keep it from coming down on me. All of that said, I would prefer a two or four post that I could lift one and park another under. In fact two would be perfect. But I am dealing with a 58 year old home and it would require pulling out the concrete and replacing it and raising the garage door. Too much bother. Someone around the Z world dealt with garage doors a few years back. He bought my newly built engine and drove up to get it in a garage door installation truck.
  10. Actually, that would be perfect. I know several 914 guys in Eugene and it is a quick one day up one day back trip. Back in the day, I probably could have gone up and back in a day. Ahh the idiocy of youth...
  11. Now to get the darn thing home from Seattle to Sacramento. The shipping price is almost as much as the dash cost. I may have to drive up there as I don't trust UPS or FedEx to get something that rare to me in one uncracked piece. Anyone driving from Seattle to Sac soon?
  12. This is coming up more and more as the price of these things have come down to the stratisphere some of us can afford... Just a comment for the guys interested in the sissors lift type, a buddy of mine sold me his first sissors lift and bought a second that will lift his car high enough so he can walk under it. But he didn't want to deal with the ramps he had built so he could still park his car in the garage where the lift was located. He cut out his concrete and built a form in the shape and depth of the lift and cut a channel over to the lift motor. Then had the concrete poured. Now his sissors lift is recessed into the floor. It is a thing of beauty. Only problem is now I am going to have to do it!!! Here are some pics of the process...
  13. 4Runner = 6 911 = 6 914 = 4 914 = 4 240Z = 6 BMW motorcycle = 2 gas string trimmer = 1 walk-around gas string trimmer = 1 lawn mower = 1 tractor = 2 chipper = 1 power washer = 1 second power washer =1 I will think of more... I just have to do inventory plus, these days you can buy CI credits from others with more than their quota. My brother must be over 100 at the age of 53! I remember Souchery from when I lived in Robbinsdale growing up...
  14. I will get mine posted. Perhaps we could also post memories of the man. While I was the track medic I got to roam the pit area after hours while the paying public was drinking heavily in the middle of the track. Paul Newman stayed in an RV that was provided by a local Brainerd dealer who would sell it after the race weekend as a "Paul Newman stayed here" RV. This particular event, Paul came out of his RV in the early evening and approached the car that was being driven by Willy T. Ribbs, one of his Trans Am contemporaries. He told Willy that he wanted to sponsor him and asked if $1000 was sufficient. Willy said yes and Paul wrote him a check for that amount. Paul then wrote "Drive Faster" backwards on the hood of the Ribbs car. Everyone smiled and laughed and Paul went back to his RV. Willy said he wouldn't be cashing that check because "Paul doesn't give autographs". As I said, I have several pictures from that era. They were all from a 35mm film camera of course so I will have to digitize them.
  15. I have a few from Brainerd International Raceway where he one his first race. I was a track medic so I could walk right up to him. I will dig them out and scan them... Maybe Carl should archive these at ZHome now that he has passed.
  16. On my ex-280Z I replaced the water temperature sensor (sorry) had my AFM rebuilt by Brett Industries down in Orange CA., had my injectors cleaned and blueprinted for flow. It was a bit of an investment, but it ran like a new car after. So smooth and fun to drive.
  17. It may not be the air flow meter. How is the wire from your cylinder head temperature sensor doing? For that matter, how is the sensor? It is on the thermostat housing and if it came disconnected in a perfectly running engine it would make it run very rich. It is a resistance signal. Look into that too... I do not remember if the '78 will work. I think the later ones had some kind of shut off for the fuel pump if they were inverted as in a roll over accident. Not sure if the plugs will mate. Sorry, I knew all of this once.
  18. Just a couple years back I bought a new one from Nissan. It was set up for an automatic transmission line. They told me that it was all they stocked now. That way they only have one on the shelf...
  19. I think I have about 4 or 5 of these from various years 240 - 280Z. I don't think I have a problem with mine in my '73 240Z (never driven at night as of yet) but if you want, I can send you all of them and you just send me back the 240Z one rebuilt. I don't suspect there to be anything wrong with any of them. Just grabbed them while parts diving at the pick&pull...
  20. Visual image foul!!!
  21. I live 5 miles from there. I have bought from them before. No problems... Probably boxed and Greyhound shipped at that price.
  22. I thought you guys might want to see the actual score. I paid the guy $360 because I wanted to make up his Paypal charges... This is an amazing deal and I wish this luck on all of you...
  23. Carl, The car is sitting on what looks like sand in a 3/4 front driver side shot from down low... Very blue sky in the background.
  24. Carl, You have done an exemplary job of restoration on this car. I recall you finding it about 10 years or so back. I had not seen it until now. I never got the September issue of CM... Kudos
  25. Hey!!! I am the professor! Who spell checked my post Actually, I love Oregon. I had never been there before buying a car from a local Portland guy in 2005, flying it up and driving it back... Amazingly beautiful. Portland was the cleanest city I have ever seen and once you get out of Portland you see so much natural beauty you are tempted to move from WHEREVER you live... I know I was and I am just glad the lady in my avatar was not with me or I would have an Oregon address...

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