Everything posted by conedodger
Who has 14x7 Applance slots or Konig Rewinds on a 240Z?
I have a set of the slotted dish wheels in the shed. I am not sure the width though. I have Kosei K1 wheels on the car and have no problems with them but that is not relevent to your question. I intend to clean up the dish wheels and sell them to someone into period correct wheelage... In fact the Kosei K1's will be going too in favor of some Panosports.
Sacramento Area Carbo Load and Chat Session...
Time to do the Sacramento Area Munch and Bench Race Session again! This time September style! 9am to noonish... Family Donuts and Deli at the corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and San Juan Avenue in Fair Oaks... See you there? September 20th
350Z Crash! Holy Schmitt!!!
My track 914 is caged. My street autocross 914 isn't but I don't believe it to be needed plus I am losing my "girlish figure" and climbing in and out is a pain. I wonder what led to the endo... He must have really been moving to go through the cat-box and the catch-fence and the outer fence too... That ambulance could have been "involved" if it had been any further to the right!
350Z Crash! Holy Schmitt!!!
http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/f68/crash-mid-ohio-scca-f2-nissan-61500/ This guy walks away!!!
flat tops vs round top
The carbs original to your car have a number of changes for smog purposes that make them notorious. Reportedly hard to tune etc... They have many detractors and are often refered to as 'boat anchors.' They also have many supporters who will probably show themselves in this thread. I think you need the carbs and possibly the manifolds only. Pretty sure everything else will fit. I have a set if your interested. Just PM me.
ZDDP? and the use in older Z engines
ZDDP has to do with the zinc content in the oil. This has been reduced in recent years to lengthen the life of catylitic converters. ZDDP is of particular importance to aircooled engines such as earlier Porsche and VW motors. I am not aware of the need for higher ZDDP levels in the I6 motor in the Z car... A good reference is the LN Engineering website. Charles Navarro and his wife have done a good deal of research on ZDDP levels. Brad Penn and Royal Purple along with some motorcycle oils have decent levels.
Seen at the Monterey Historics this weekend...
I knew I could count on Carl! That is exactly right. It was a great weekend...
Seen at the Monterey Historics this weekend...
Por 15 gas tank sealer
I have never done a Z tank but I recently did the tank in my 914. I used the three step POR15 Kit. Careful as the Marine Clean will burn skin. But it was quick and fairly easy and cost quite a bit less than the radiator shop option.
Z Update
Basically the difference between a MAF and AFM is that the MAF uses heated wires to measure the mass of the air flowing by them. The AFM uses the position of the flapper to tell the ECU the flow of air. The MAF is far more accurate but the AFM can work just fine. I am curious too. How does a drive in the lot come back with a faulty AFM? You can leak a ton of vacuum in the folds of the bellows for the AFM. A dirty little secret few people know is that Motorsport Auto has their AFM's rebuilt by a local company called Brett Industries in Orange. You can walk right up to the door and have yours done. Not sure it will get you anything off but you might get it faster...
Good point on block rebuild...
Almost all of the possible stupidity in an L series rebuild can be made in the top end. The bottom end, particularly if it uses or reuses stock pistons is basic short of fancy reground cranks and such. I doubt the bottom end can be too loose as your mechanic is worried about in only 10K miles. Jon is right as well. The bottom end of my 914 motor is loose enough that the rods will wobble on the crank. The stiffen up when you have oil flow. This is normal for a performance motor. I find it doubtful that the rings would have any discernible wear in 10K miles. I understand your mechanics concern. It is a known fact that doing the top end only often unmasks weaknesses in the bottom end. If you are SURE that the engine was rebuilt 10K miles ago you have mitigated that possibility. But you wouldn't be the first guy who bought a used car from a liar.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
Talaga! Hindi...
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
The mentality is that the internet is like a masquerade party. No one really knows who you are so you can say things you wouldn't normally say without fear of getting your butt kicked or your face slapped. Perhaps my wife is treated well out of respect for me because most of the guys do know she is my wife. I don't know for sure. I propose, and I think what Mike is saying is that it is just as easy to be respectful and treat women on the site if not chivalrously at least like one of the guys... It is too easy an excuse to say that this is a bunch of guys acting like, well... guys. I hold a monthly event with Porsche owners and have invited Z owners, Mat and I are the only Z owners so far. Lots of times wives, girlfriends, daughters show up. If someone pulled that crap at the event they would be shown the door. It's simple. Like Mike, I want everyone to feel welcome. MEZZ, good luck with your science experiment but I can tell you that I have been here for months and had that avatar the entire time. My profile has been visited only 17 times and 2 of those were me... I don't think it makes any difference in that regard. I just like looking at my wife
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
Khrystina doesn't seem like the kind of gal who needs to be protected but I think Mike has a good point. If a woman posts here, no one should feel the need to protect them. They should be treated with respect. As to the "Welcome to the Internet" comment. If the intention was to say 'this is the nature of the culture' and it is too bad... That is one thing. But if the intention was to say that 'this is the nature of the culture' and there is nothing you can do about it that is quite another and I see why Mat got defensive. I know Mat personally and I am sure if you can explain the intention of what you said he might be less offended. My wife (in the avatar picture) is a member of some of the sites I frequent under the screen name Yopu. She is always treated respectfully. Why should it be different here?
Sacramento Area Carbo Load and Chat Session...
Mat, I insist that you go to the Zoo with your daughter. Although this is a Porsche Family Reunion birthdays win out... Enjoy your day and say hi to the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZebras
heard a rumor today...can anybody confirm it??
I have found that the cars that spend significant time right near the ocean have some level of rust issue. Inland, what doesn't rust will have rubber rot. Rubber rot can be as expensive to fix as rust. Ever try finding a 30+ year old seal? Of course you have... I forgot who the audience here was... Still, you are correct. I am amazed as I drive down the street and see 70's and even 60's cars being daily-driven.
They are going to tow my Z!! Part 2
HOA sometimes have some pretty unreasonable powers and the homeowner signed on when they bought the property. I had a rental property that was in a very nice Sacramento area called Gold River. The HOA said that all cars must be parked inside the garage, not in the driveway. There was no parking on the street on the side my house was located. My renters couldn't even leave the garage door open for extended periods. If your car is properly tagged and insured and has no obvious equipment problems like missing lights or broken glass the Sherriff should really have no problem with it absent a complaint from someone else. I would bet you have come into the sights of an HOA officer. I am not entirely being tongue-in-cheek when I say, you're toast. Move out.
They are gna tow my Z!!
It is possible that the key code is on a tag inside the glove box if you can open the door. Language is a living thing. It evolves as we do. Like it or not, text typing is part of that evolution. Let's give her a break and concentrate on the situation.
Sacramento Area Carbo Load and Chat Session...
It will be good to see you again Mat!
Sacramento Area Carbo Load and Chat Session...
Julio, This is about the people. Not just the cars... It never fails that someone needs something welded and one of the guys is a good welder or someone used to install stereos and one of the guys just bought a bunch of boxes of stereo stuff and he is looking at it baffled. We all just need to meet and expand our resources. I just happen to be both a Porsche guy and a Datsun Z guy... Come on out in whatever runs... We all would love to meet you...
Sacramento Area Carbo Load and Chat Session...
I get a group of guys together monthly at a place in Fair Oaks called Family Donuts and Deli... Corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and San Juan Avenue. This month it is on August 23rd at 9am to noonish. In the past the turn out has been mostly Porsche 914 guys but Mat has come down and another Z guy whose name I cannot recall came last month... Anyway, come on down, have a donut and some coffee. Chat with the guys and start your weekend right...
Stock interior leather seats?
My 280Z had that same "arm rest" as depicted. It was aftermarket as I recall and I believe you could buy it from Bob Sharp Racing Catalog. It was hinged at the back and tilted back to open up that tray located at the back of the console...
Stock interior leather seats?
Carl is right. Leather is available through both CDM and MA. I suspect though that it is more likely a case of ignorance over deception. I have a new set of seat covers and padding sitting in the garage waiting for me to have time to restore the seats in my '73. The quality is so much better than the stock vinyl that I wondered if MA had accidently sent the leather ones. They really are VERY nice...
this is beyond me.
Easy now... He is in Northern Minnesota. I used to live in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area. It could take days on snowshoes to get a new filter. His answer is culturally correct. :laugh:
Rear hatch ledge rot?
The part of Nevada/California you are talking about gets snow and uses salt/sand on the roads. This is high country, in the Sierra Nevada mountains between Reno and Sacramento very close to Lake Tahoe.