Hi Carl, Not sure if you will remember me. I was a member of the IZCC with a member number of like 3250 or so... I had a website called PlanetZ with a couple how-to things and a few pictures of my car. I have been sort of absent for a few years while I finished my PhD. I have a 1973 240Z now. I am the second owner. The first was an enthusiast and the car has in his words "just about everything that Nissan Motorsports makes". I have painted it in its original white and will be spending the summer replacing the interior panels with the reproduction stuff. It is mechanically very strong but I will be "de-tuning" it. It has the 2.4 block with an E31 head and triple Webers, Nissan Motorsports headers, original 4 speed, into an R200 with Nissan Motorsports LSD. The suspension is way too stiff for my 'softening with age' tastes so that will be returned to rubber if I can find it. Nice to see you are still around the Datsun Z. I always appreciated your expertise. Rob Sime