Everything posted by conedodger
Hello Wilson from Elk Grove! I am Rob from Fair Oaks. Mine is a '73 as well but a bit more traditional on the powerplant. There are a couple of us at least around here. Matman is up toward Auburn. I have an event every month that is mostly Porsche guys but since I am a Datsun guy first, Z guys are invited. Family Donuts and Deli, 9045 Fair Oaks Blvd. Corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and San Juan Avenue. This month, the 23rd 9am to noonish. Car doesn't have to run - this is just about the people and getting to know each other. Never know when you might need an extra set of hands for that R 200 install... Good to have someone you can call.
How would you build a DSP AUTO-X Z
Anyone protesting that would have to know Z cars and your car like a brother. Not likely to be noticed.
How would you build a DSP AUTO-X Z
Vic's "full interior" was an interesting interpretation. It clearly was determined to be legal as it would certainly have been protested at Nationals when he won with it. It was, as I recall lightweight carpet screwed to the door panels and the same on the floor. It wasn't so much THE full interior as it was A full interior. Very fast car and driver...
Whats your Z plan for 2010?
Oh gosh... If I put it down in black and white - I suppose I have to accomplish it don't I? I have a complete new interior to install, seats to recover, new dash with new guages to put in.... Then, I suppose I will drive it.
Z Specialties Brake upgrade kits
Ideally, what you replace your stock brakes with would be as good as well serviced stock brakes or better by some measure. Brakes convert kinetic energy to heat so having larger calipers is only part of the equation. Lighter would be one measure of better. For instance, I discovered that Alfa Romeo GTV aluminum Brembo brakes had the same bolt spacing as my stock Porsche 914 caliper. As an added bonus, they were spaced for a vented rotor. Porsche is a master of economy so they use the same bearings and spindle size on the 911SC. So, I got lighter aluminum brakes and a vented rotor. Better on two counts, lighter and better at dissipating heat. As an added bonus I polished them so they are so sexy people oooh and ahhhh over them all the time. See the picture below. These weigh 4# per side less than the factory calipers! 8# of unsprung weight!!! Has anyone really searched to see what else had the same mounting bolt spacing and could use a vented rotor that would also fit? This would be an improvement worthy of arguing with the original engineers. I recall an engineer from Lockheed-Martin that used to post to the old IZCC email list saying words to the effect - arguing with an engineer is like mud wrestling with a pig. After a while your covered in mud and you realize the pig loves it. Bottom line is this; if you cannot measurably improve on the braking - stick with well serviced stock brakes. They were engineered by the factory and should be just fine with a set of really good pads.
So I ran into Brian Morrow the other day..
What does he do now? Is he still in Campbell?
That Wife of mine !
She is cheating on you. If she really loved you, she would have gotten you a new dash JK!!!
Removing tape from 1yr old paint and stuff
Adhesive remover. WD40
Alarm System
I wired a foglight switch that was in my dash as an off/on for my fuel pump on my 914-6. It has even fooled me once or twice!!!
Engine rebuild in basement..?
If I were you, and this is just a word to the wise, I would start worrying about a wife even before you have one. That way, you will not be in such a hurry to get one. They are wonderful - and hell all at the same time! I'd worry about the smell and mess too. I can almost hear the conversation at Thanksgiving dinner when you are 35 and you're trying to raise your own kids and Grandma and Grandpa start telling them about the time you rebuilt that engine in the basement and stunk up the whole damned house!:stupid: Thereby undermining everything you have tried to keep your own kids from doing! :classic:
Engine rebuild in basement..?
I'm not sure if your basement is finished or not but having built several engines, I can tell you that even after the gunk from the previous life is cleaned off all of the parts - engine building is messy. If it looks perfect, you still need to spray it down with brake cleaner and wipe it then douse it in assembly oil before you bolt it together. I'm pretty sure I would suffer something between blatant stink-eye and sudden death if I tried to rebuild an engine in the basement and my wife is tiny and sweet. Bigger - meaner wives will probably take your head off. Ever smell brake cleaner??? Better to take the parts that you have cleaned down there and bag them up so you can assemble them in the spring. Engines don't have that many parts and once you have done the clean and prep it takes only a good day to assemble.
R-T diff mount Group Buy
I had a body shop do that several years back. The poor guy gave me a quote and then spent 4X the hours on it that he quoted me. I paid him extra...
Replacement seat covers-QUALITY??
I forgot to mention, when I did this I purchased a set of two electric seat warmer kits from a guy in Oregon who has a website called Camp914. They are great! 50 degree night with the windows open and heater on low... Heaven!
Help no heat
Heater control valve? Behind the glove box, on the inside of the firewall. Sometimes pisses all over your carpet when it is bad...
Replacement seat covers-QUALITY??
I have them. They seem to be very high quality. I used the foam inserts as well...
Starting Issues: Car acts like battery is dead.
Check your cables. Check your grounds. A great battery will not do a thing unless the electrons can flow.
Oil pump upgrade
Call a dealership and ask. I have used the turbo pump and do not recall there being a choice.
Relationship of Comp ratio to HP
I recently blew up a Porsche motor with 9.5:1 compression by exploding a piston. I was on pump premium unleaded Chevron here in California. I think I will probably back down to 9:1 on the rebuild which will start in the next month when my sponsor gets parts. If this is a street motor, just stick with half a point higher than stock. Be careful with your cam. Biggest mistakes are made there...
MSD 6AL in combination with Pertronix?
I agree with Jon, I have never bothered to dyno the car with and without the MSD but I find that the car idles better and has better throttle response. Plugs read better when you pull them out for change etc...
R-T diff mount Group Buy
Dude! Flipping it and adding a hole voids the warranty! Oh wait... The warranty was only good until you opened the packaging... Never mind...:classic:
second autocross with the VMSC. Nov. 15
You need wheels and tires badly. Nice presentation though!
Odd...Porche 280-Z found in Florida
Looks like pot plants behind it in the warehouse. '71 911 will have a schmit load of rust issues in Florida. Still, early short wheel base 911's are gold right now and even if it is totally rusted, I see $3K worth of part-outs. Funny someone should bring up Craigslist. Yesterday evening I was cruising out of town Craigslist ads for Porsche parts. I blew up my 2nd gear in my 911 and I figured I might find a gearbox on the cheap. I see an ad for 2 - 8X16 Fuchs Wheels. These are the same factory forged wheel you see in the pics above but much wider and found on the 930 Turbo models. The guy is asking $200 for the pair!!! I emailed him and paid him all within 30 minutes. Then I posted a for sale ad with HIS pics on a 911 site and sold them for $1600 + shipping. The best part is he is shipping directly to my buyer. Some people just don't know what they have!
R-T diff mount Group Buy
Both looked pretty good! I am going to use the GM mount. My wife asked me why I was reading that tattered up paper when she brought the recycling out. I told her I was looking for sales on a new outfit for her and then showed her a picture of an Asian girl in a teddy and stockings apparently offering massage services. Hmmmm... Company uniform? She grinned. Funny how when you trigger something in her brain she suddenly can't reach her back in the shower and needs me to help... I will take a pic when I get the chance. I have my 911 up on the lift right now because I blew the heck out of 2nd gear. I guarantee we are talking about more than a $1000 even if I fix it.
R-T diff mount Group Buy
Got mine yesterday at about 4pm. I had it powdercoated by 6pm. Read the alternative lifestyle dating section of the Seattle area paper while I waited for the oven. LOOOOOOOOOOKS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
R-T diff mount Group Buy
The Vikings are experimenting with a new formulation of Geritol. We may have to keep him for another year after this. It is a prospective experimental study... It seems to be working!