Thanks. I'm sure the "factory reconditioning" program I'd heard of was the one you cited. I was afraid it was a myth. I'd love to keep my Z, but I'm a fisherman, not a mechanic. I'd just drop a new engine in it and keep going but there are so many little things that don't work that it would take me forever to track down the parts and fix them myself. It's a wonderful tool for my fish bum lifestyle and the only cars on the market that I can replace it with are the little SUV's. With their p.poor mileage, I don't want one. Most of all, however, I just love the trouble-free driving in my sweet little Z. I've had it for about 14 years and about all I've had to do is replace a couple of injectors and the tranny. I've given up on the AC, but after 300,000 miles, I sure can't complain about it.