So ill give a short story to defend my stupid mistake, the most embarrassing mistake ever but atleast I have the balls to admit it was me and not "a friend" or "a drunk guy" long shitty day at school, left lights on before my classes, dead battery, ask girlfriend for jump, cross wires in my moronic near-sleep, and smoke. it cranks with cables hooked up properly now. I tried to ghetto rig some new wires with alligator clamps as new fusible links just to see if it would start or not. Im thinking no spark but ill have to check for sure tomorow while im by it and have a screwdriver. Question is, what the hell did I do to it, and how do I get it out of the school parking lot soon? Thanks, and dont waste your time flaming, I really dont care about your e-bullying and the fact is everyone makes some dumb mistakes in their life.