hey im Johnny im pretty convinced that the next car for me is either a 70-78 240z or a 280 i love the looks of the 240, whenever i see one i just find myself drooling over it, and i've done that since i was about 6 years old when my dad bought my brother a 280 for his 16th birthday and then my dad sold it to someone else (which highly pissed my brother off) and ever since then i have wanted one. i've done some research on them so far and im not stranger to manual chokes, no p/s, and letting it warm up before you drive it. so i wont mind that so much as of now my car is a 1996 ford probe se. its kind of riced out, fwd, but it does handle like a dream, which is about the only plus it has, it has no power, its a total jerk to work on, and stuff breaks on it all the time. so i basically hate it after i get a few thousand saved up i hope to find a nice z around here for 4-6k thanks in advanced -johnny