Everything posted by Zealous
Reverting back from an electronic ignition
Sorry about the delay things have been a bit hectic here at work. Here are the pics of the pertronix install. I plan to do a write up with photos for everyone because I had to tease all the bits and pieces to get it done. The first shows my distributor as is, I have a series 1 240z but somewhere along the line the motor went and it now has a 1972 L24 which I am guessing the PO took that distributor. The second shows the points taken off and the third shows the naked distributor.
Nice 71 240Z in Spokane WA - $5500
Gary it looks like an amazing car. All the best with the refreshing!
Clutch replacement costs
Parts you can find easily by looking on many of the Z part suppliers: http://www.courtesyparts.com/ http://www.motorsportauto.com/ http://www.zcarsource.com/ http://www.zspecialties.com/ etc Labour is generally $75 an hour charge rate here in CA and then I would say it is about maybe 4 hours to do depending on facilities. That should give you a rough estimate and then go to local places that know Z cars and get a quote or two. Cheers JC
Pertronix Ignition and auto distributor, compatible?
Pertronix Installed on my 1971 240z. But I am 90% sure you will have to modify it to fit a dual point distributor.
Great 370Z design influences article
Yeah nice article, but some of the links to the original "Fairlady Z" are quite weak including the interior section almost like the author was trying to find more areas to fill the article. I do like it better than the 350 already but am waiting to see it in person before making judgement as to the links with the S30 especially with that really fat rear end.
Refurbished engines
Thanks for the info Bruce, Ill keep looking around
Refurbished engines
Bruce, what head, block, oil pump, intake, cabs, condition, has it previously been machined? I am looking to get Rebello Racing to rebuild a 240z in the near future and that sounds like a good deal. PM me with more info if you can.
Car Cover Recommendations.....
I would agree with you ToXIc I am currently trying to find a place with one myself. Z Good 1 I would take cleaning out the garage and storing the Z there over a car cover anyday! Perhaps paying the neighbourhood kids to help you clean out the garage would be a better way to spend the $$$. For reference I got my Noah for like $130 shipped to CA using google shopping.
Cable coming off of positive side of battery...
Excellent question biddljj
Refurbished engines
Dare I say it too occasionally old running engines appear on the evil "ebay" check the seller with people here and have someone have a look at it. I agree with gotswap there are occasional engines popping up on craigslist in various states short/long block, heads etc. I am surprised after a year of searching you have not found anything. There are many places that provide engines. Sounds like you are looking for a L24 but do you know what head, oil pump (high / low flow), etc. If you are wanting to spend that kind of money you should determine exactly what it is that you want. Search through the forums on this site and read more into the specifics of the different blocks and heads. Also I found the Datsun Z garage (http://www.datsunzgarage.com/) to have a great write up on rebuilding and all the different engine types. Once you know what you are looking for there are many places to get engines and you can go from there to get what you want and way up the cost (including shipping) to see the best money for value. Cheers JC
Car Cover Recommendations.....
I purchase a fitted Wolf Noah Car Cover for my 240z and am very happy with it. It was on the pricey side ~100 but so far I have been very happy with it. It has a great fitted shape with pockets for the mirrors and is easy to take on and off <1min. I use it all the time (provided the car is clean do not want to scratch it up). I would definitely recommend a cover especially since like me I must park it outside since I only have a carport. I think I used google shopping to shop around for the best deal.
Anyone in south bay area?
Stephen sorry about the confusion yeah I am in the San Francisco South Bay Area just north west of San Jose. Thanks Carl, Yeah I have moved permanently to the USA. I got my dream job here so I am not going to convert her to RHD. Took me a little to get used to shifting on the other side but soon came to me. Still have to think sometimes when reversing out of a park. The back ground image is the inlet to worlds largest wind tunnel located at NASA here in silicon valley. Thanks John. I just recently joined up with ZONC and am hoping to catch up with more Z fans but I guess with winter coming up everyone retires to work in the their garage. Would love a hand and advice on the Z. Also am more than willing to work on other Z to learn more and help other Z fans. Great to meet you all Cheers JC
Anyone in south bay area?
Sounds great Julio I look forward to seeing your restoration!
Nice 71 240Z in Spokane WA - $5500
Looks like a good deal to me wish I had the money and space for another Z (no couch problem). Diseazd: I hope more of these keep popping up as I liked to own another one in the near future
Reverting back from an electronic ignition
I just recently swapped to Pertronix ignition in my series 1 Ill upload the before photos to give you an idea when I get to my home machine tonight.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Amazing simply amazing Kats! Thank you so much for all this info and the amazing sound of the S20!!! I have never heard one until now. I think I saw the film set you talk about going on ebay about a month ago, glad it went to such a fantastic home.
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
This thread makes me so sad To see all these potential beautiful cars that have gone to waste rusting away. I only hope that their bits and pieces have gone on to revive their sisters.
Differential part number?
Perhaps posting a picture of the differential would help?
- Monterey5
- Monterey4
- Monterey3
- Monterey2
- Monterey1
Differential part number?
I believe that is the part number for the housing of an R200 but as to the model I am not sure as I think the same housing was used for the majority of R200s. Not sure if that helps maybe some of the more knowledge people here can help. Cheers JC
Anyone in south bay area?
Hey all, New to posting on the site but love all the help and advice of the community. I am new to CA originally from Australia and picked up one of my dream cars a nice 1971 Series 1 240z. I am looking to meet up with Z car owners in the south SF bay area? There must be a few of us out there as there are several good Z shops. Is there a group in the area that meets regularly? Cheers JC