Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
hey mike, i just don't take "crap" from anyone...least of all people that have personal attack on me for stating the obvious. and no...you are wrong, we are not all friends here. just look at some of the rudest threads here esp with that Z train character. i hate these 50 + childish "bullies" who gets off by proving someone wrong with an insult. disagree...sure. you know it all...why not. but to go "line by line" to address someone's statement and sign off with "point, match, set" ....no sir.
Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
yeap, i thought so. just another drop out with low IQ. can't even remember what you wrote from previous thread. it's okay brother, i understand that making 70k a year seems like a lot to you , if you even make that. but then again,that's all you can ask for a high school grad. did you even graduate high school? oh yeah...the "capital key" or "cap key"....not button. there's no button on a "key pad". it shows your education level there. and yes...i prefer typing with small font. it's called informal style attributes. you would never have heard of it unless you've gone to college. don't bother responding since you are now on ignore list. that means i will not be able to see your response...should i send you a manual to see if you can decipher that? mmmmm...point, set, match! C YA!!!
Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
yeah z train , you are right.you're always right. i'm sure you're of those people who argues his way through everything. your spouse must be in a happy relationship with you. just look at your post and you'll be amaze at how much pride you have. calling somebody an idiot without knowing them is a giveaway. this is not your site. i have the right to be here just like anyone. i can have my opinion just like you. i can post here as i please. you are probably a high school graduate who worked as a mechanic and tries to prove to everyone that you could have gone to med school. you want crass...you got it.
Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
this is why people are reluctant to ask questions now. we need expertise and sound advise, not argument from either side. post your comment and move on. some people will disagree but such is life. no need to insult anybody. no need to brag. let the other person save face.
Removing the cooling lines (intake manifolds)
stuff like this is what gives this site a bad name. i don't care if you think you are the god of all mechanical farce. state what you know and move on. if it contradicts...so be it. no need for insult and showboating. it's a freaking question not an invitation to show which godhead you belong to.
Adding turbo to non-turbo ZX motor?
just now reading this post and i must say i'm astounded on how people respond to a very simple question. inline6, your questions from the beginning are absolutely right on. bottom line is that a turbo that is compatible for higher CR should produce more efficiency. and since the parts in questions are the same with the exception of dished pistons...then why the hell not. i have a 79 280 zx. my set up is good now. why buy a l28t version motor if i can upgrade to a turbo now. i don't get why people don't understand that. the point is simple and dont try to complicate things by writing a freaking novel to showcase your knowledge.
thanks z bane
trying to get new wheels for my 79 z. any suggestion on a good wheel place, let me know. thanks in advance.
Nissan Museum
who used to work with Mr K himself. Limited cars in a tight little space but amazing cars indeed. I will take pictures and will post. I fjust feel lucky to be this close to a Datsun museum and had a heart to heart talk with the owner. Just happened to read the newspaper and found out by accident.
Nissan Museum
Excited to find out that the first ever Datsun Museum in U.S. is 2 blocks from where I live. This is Temecula Calefornia, Riverside. Amazing thing. This non profit museum is managed and onwned by a guy9
Insurance for collector Z car?
Thanks Carl Beck for your response to Bre-240 z's rather rude comment regarding a comment that was reponded many times before.It's common sense. I for one do not keep track of all the topics here. I learn from "pros" like you. Some people here are so condescending that I am discouraged to ask for anything, however mundane, for fear of getting ridiculed. I once put a bully straight to the pavement in highschool. It's amazing how they find their way back through the internet. My apologies everyone. Just telling every single mouth to shut unless they can say it in a a good way. Back to the topic.
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