new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
hi guys, its been too long i know..but these are the latest..cheers!:classic:
240Z " the long way to new again"
hi Bart, dint realise your story was here all the while!.. great job! and let's see when she's fully done. cheers~
My 1974 260z 2+2
jay28, thanks so much for giving the 2+2 such a great done up...i know what to do to my 2+2 now!!! cheers!
WTB: G nose lamp cover
hi guys, anyone seen this item up for sale around? cheers~
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
hi guys, just to share some updated pics here..:bandit: will have more coming up..cheers!
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
hi guys, Thanks again for those encouragin words. Bart, yeah, Pattani is not far at all from my place, or from the place the car is now. Do let me know if u're near though:p by the way, only 2 fella working on the car...slowly... VYN, many thanks. Shall post more pics once available!! idpearl, yupe, custom made a full aluminium radiator for the car already..
the Z from grave yard...
hi guys.. thought of showing it here too.. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=258447#post258447
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
hi idpearl, i think i've seen tht car just not too long ago.. guys, the resto process is getting abit too slow but neverthelss...this is the car with the G-nose and custom made hinge. Still have no feedback from BadDog parts though..the hinge works well..
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
guys, having difficulties in getting the G nose fitted withouth the Hinge...therefore waiting for it to be sent out from US...meantime, here are some other Malaysian Z photos i wish to share!!>..cheers!
ZG nose bonnet hinge...need help. Thanks
hi guys, i need a set of the hinge post to Malaysia. Contacted John from baddogparts.com though. anyone here has got a faster solution as John will only be starting operation again after 1st of June as he is out of the country. Thanks!!!:dead:
ZG nose bonnet hinge...need help. Thanks
hi guys, Thanks for the bag dog parts website lead. nissanman, true enough. Thanks alot for the pictures that you've shown. Would be great to see more of the pics!..or perhaps i should try to do the same as yourself. Thanks a million!! cheers
ZG nose bonnet hinge...need help. Thanks
hi guys, bought the ZG nose conversion kit from Japan and found out later that i actually need the special hinge for the stock bonnet to open and clear the extra peice of bumper. Anyone who has experience in this anywhere that you know that i can buy the hinge from? Thanks in advance for any sort of help!!!>..cheers!:classic:
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
this is the G nose replica kit from Japan..bought it for around USD350. Not sure how well its gonna fit, its all up to the installation work later on.
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
hi guys, here are some newer update of my project..and i'm gonna name her as Megumi!!....anyway, decided to finish her up as a ZG replica. :knockedou The body restoration works were completed and now left with the outer surface work for spraying. Even the crippling legs, i do miss her alot!!.. The wheels will be sparayed with same colour, the dark grey
new owner 74 260z
guys, hijacking this thread abit.. any good website that i can log on to and buy engine performance parts like the cams etc etc. Preferbaly those not transacting through paypal as paypal is not really a convenient thing in Malaysia. Thanks a mil!!