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Everything posted by DC871F

  1. I had an 81 do the same thing a few years back. For kicks I went to junk yard (when there were alot of ZX's there) and replaced the airflow meter, everything ran smooth as silk after replacing.
  2. Yes!! I remember that on mi 81 ZX, which was not a GL model. The GL's have a different system. I would have never remembered that if you didnt say something.
  3. I have determined through ringing out every wire in the antenna system, that it only can work with the factory stereo. I have installed an aftermarket antenna, wired it in and works great, just wish I could get my 2 days of ringing wires out back. If theres a way to wire the factory antenna in with an after market system, I would still be interested in the answer, just for kicks.
  4. Please explain. Manual up down? The only switch I have is the factory mid/long range button that was a seperate switch on the radio face plate. The the aftermarket radio, I only have the antenna plug that plugs into the (car) side. Thanks
  5. Installing aftermarket CD player, cannot find power for the electric antenna. I have the prints handy, but where do I hook power (antenna lead) from the CD player to the Car harness? I have an 83 GL with electric tuner. THanks
  6. This is a funny subject. I have a 73 240, and my turn signals were on top, brakes on the bottom. I rewired them to do the opposite. I have seen other 240's where they were originaly set up with turn signals on bottom, wierd.
  7. You need a wiring diagram. All the wires, if original are color coded, ex. a "black" wire with a "green" stripe, etc. I have done well in the past just with the old Haynes diagrams.
  8. There are some Zcar or 510 mirrors on ebay.
  9. I have owned atleast 6-7 240's and 280ZX's, it wasnt until about 2 years ago that I saw prices that were insulting. I always have been able to find desirable cars, that may have needed a little TLC for the right money, and its no secret that you can still do that today. Just a few days ago on ebay, there was an all original silver 240 that still was not at reserve at 14K, and the sad part was that there were like 20 bids for the car, this is ridiculous. I thought this very thing was going to start back in the 90's when Nissan opened the "Z stores", but it didnt take, and things died down. I blame the internet purely for this inflation on a car that is not rare. Other than a few select items, you can find anything you want for these cars, and you can find any car you want in any given condition, so why the big bucks. Whats the first thing you weigh in real-estate, what will it be worth in a given amount of time, the same for "high dollar" cars. 38K is out of line, but congrats to the seller.
  10. There are a few pairs on ebay right now. I have gotten a set from the guy in Bankok, nice.
  11. Not necessarily true. The internet is making many thing "old" go up in price because I believe it is making people more lazy when it comes to the hunt for such items. I bet if you went to CL, Ebay, or just google "240Z for sale" you will find plenty of cars that will come up, in various conditions, but I guarantee you will find one that is close to what you consider acceptable to your specific requirements, probably in a price range that would also be acceptable. Until you get to a point to where you cant find one then we can talk about asking crazy money for the average car, which the one we are discussing is not, but will artificially inflate the average cost. The VW market is the same way, and I have watched as people are getting ridiculous money for a car that is NOT rare. Whether anybody here who thinks about the prospect of making a boat load of money turning an older Z over, just remember, these cars (240Z's in general) are not rare, but a fool and their money will be soon departed.
  12. What finish are you using from the Caswell system?
  13. Where are you getting all the metal work done? It looks like your getting everything in an alcad type coating. looks very nice.
  14. DC871F

    Z Music

    "This as a Brick" Jethro Tull. All of our 240's were new when they released that album. "Forever Changes" Love "Songs of Experience" David Axlerod The Doors Flaming Lips
  15. Nothing specific, just went over to the shelf for electrics and it was hanging on the shelf. By the way, yours did exactly what mine did, one of the terminals on the breaker has broke clean off. I put a 20A breaker on mine, $2.99. Also, when I reinstalled my new breaker, I zip tied it on the outside of the inner structure, there was no way in he11 to get it to go back in the hole.
  16. I searched through all threads here, and allthough they were helpful, they were a little lacking, so i thought I would post this incase anybody else need help in the future. On my 83ZX, this breaker was located on the passenger side above the fuse panel. But what some of the threads here do not indicate is that you have to remove the two bolts that hold the junction box where all the wire connections are. This is a fist sized black plastic mount that sits at a 45 degree angle that block you from getting to the breaker, just remove the screws and push it out of the way. Now, for the breaker location. It is attached by 2 bolts to the inner structure of the car, and the breaker hides in between this inner structure and the outer fender area, just above the fuse box. The 2 mounting bolts face inward towards the passenger compartment, and the breaker hangs in the this afformentioned recess between the 2 metal structures of the car, so its basically in a hole. Its attatched to another wire bundle and a black relay box about 2x 3.5", undo this bundle from the breaker and finess the breaker out of the hole to undo the 2 bolt on connections that have a rubber boot covering both. THEY ARE NOT BLADE TYPE CONNECTIONS, they are studs with a lock washer and nut. Another note, I was only able to find the breaker by the color coded wires from the wiring print, meaning that the breaker is not in view when your just fumbling around moving wires around to find this thing. I saw the 2 wires and followed them down the hole, and still at this point I couldnt even see the breaker yet. Not until you undo the 2 bolts will you actually see it. Fun stuff! Nissan still carries this part (special order), for $60.00, and thats not a typo on the price. Went to Autozone and got a simular one for $2.99. Good luck.
  17. I found a set on ebay last year. Paid around $350.00 for them, originals. They were in rough shape, but I used the micro-mesh system on them, and they look brand new. Side note, after buying them, I have not seen any on there except for the G-nose. With that being said, it took me 2 years to find mine for the price I thought was reasonable.
  18. Several years ago, when i was a kid, I had an 81ZX, the pump was leaking, so I just didnt put any more fluid in it, untill about 9 months later when I found out it was just a line that was leaking. Fixed the line, serviced the fliud, and the pump worked good as new. The car was a daily driver.
  19. I have had 6 Z cars, 3 ZX's, and 3 240's. I currently have a 73Z. I have had them since I turned 16 in 1989, and they were dime a dozen. I remember going to the junk yard and getting anything I needed. I would buy and sell 240's for $2000-$4000. I honestly think that the internet has made most desirable cars to go up in price. I have also had several Vintage 50's VW Beetles, and before the internet, they were pretty cheap as well, and now the are through the roof, along with the parts, and for the most part, these cars are not that scarce. But, I have always got into these cars for the fun, and have never thought of the value as far as collectable. I have driven nice 240Z's everyday, rain or shine, to work, long trips, after all that what there meant for, and will probably always do so, but maybe in the future I will have a couple parts cars in the back.
  20. I have a 73 with just over 21,000. Spare tire still has the knoby's, and the color strips, I dont think it has ever been out.
  21. What paint products were used in the engine bay? Also, does a clear coat hold up in the heat of the engine bay? Just wondering about discoloration.
  22. I fly for Kalitta Air, Cargo 747's We stop in Japan out of Hong Kong for gas on the way to Anchorage. Where are you domiciled?
  23. Kats, who do you fly for? I fly for international cargo airline. I was just at Kansai last week, on the way to Anchorage.
  24. I went to paint store today, they are recommending Nason products. can someone point me in a direction for quality paint?
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