I searched through all threads here, and allthough they were helpful, they were a little lacking, so i thought I would post this incase anybody else need help in the future. On my 83ZX, this breaker was located on the passenger side above the fuse panel. But what some of the threads here do not indicate is that you have to remove the two bolts that hold the junction box where all the wire connections are. This is a fist sized black plastic mount that sits at a 45 degree angle that block you from getting to the breaker, just remove the screws and push it out of the way. Now, for the breaker location. It is attached by 2 bolts to the inner structure of the car, and the breaker hides in between this inner structure and the outer fender area, just above the fuse box. The 2 mounting bolts face inward towards the passenger compartment, and the breaker hangs in the this afformentioned recess between the 2 metal structures of the car, so its basically in a hole. Its attatched to another wire bundle and a black relay box about 2x 3.5", undo this bundle from the breaker and finess the breaker out of the hole to undo the 2 bolt on connections that have a rubber boot covering both. THEY ARE NOT BLADE TYPE CONNECTIONS, they are studs with a lock washer and nut. Another note, I was only able to find the breaker by the color coded wires from the wiring print, meaning that the breaker is not in view when your just fumbling around moving wires around to find this thing. I saw the 2 wires and followed them down the hole, and still at this point I couldnt even see the breaker yet. Not until you undo the 2 bolts will you actually see it. Fun stuff! Nissan still carries this part (special order), for $60.00, and thats not a typo on the price. Went to Autozone and got a simular one for $2.99. Good luck.