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Everything posted by DC871F

  1. Lol Yes. I like the point about finding an original car. I agree $$$.
  2. This happened in the VW world as well, particularly Oval window Beetles. Many have said because the cars are "rare", I say BS. Rare means you cant find one without a true hunt. If you want an Oval window Beetle, you can have one heading to your address tomorrow, Ebay, CL, The Samba, etc. S30's are not rare, so what gives. Once both my 70 and 73 are restored and on the road, I really have a hard time believing there is over 6 figures worth of cars in my garage. I sold this 56 in a few minutes of hitting Enter on a VW site.
  3. Doesn't look like a z at all. The others are great.
  4. Awesome, thats perfect. Thank you.
  5. Looking for measurements on the following. This is an early VIN car under 1000, not sure if that matters if its series 1-3. Thanks.
  6. Looking for measurements on the following. This is an early VIN car under 1000, not sure if that matters if its series 1-3. Thanks.
  7. Never spent time around 280z. I always thought the major change was just the US bumpers. Thank you.
  8. Here are two valances, one is recognizable, the other is not. The brackets on the short one are definitely Datsun, but too short for 240z.
  9. Maybe, I was referring to the Judge that would be handing you a sentence after perforating a thug.
  10. Yes. I own a few firearms, and knowing when to deploy them will keep you from queuing up for chow for 10-30 years. Nobody has a sense of humor nowadays.
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224622229120?nma=true&si=TdVXYK%2BCsEjtyEAzd6BJ8qLh91E%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Did this go way to cheap?
  12. No expenses spared on this one. One question, is this going to be a driver? YOu have set the bar here.
  13. Not sure its wise, but with all my vintage cars I have owned, I've always left them unlocked (short term stay). I figured since I dont leave anything worth value in my cars, its better to let them get in and rummage and leave, instead of sourcing windows, fixing scrapped paint and dents. Like Speed Racers brother said, if someone wants in, there getting in, might as well soften the blow and cost. I do like some of the camera tech thats out there now that records on any bump of the car or break in.
  14. I always liked pulling the rotor.
  15. Its bolted to a frame jig. About half way through the video's he put it on the jig and straighten the car than started cutting the front.
  16. Yes it is. That dude is amazing.
  17. Its for 260, but the bottom piece I'm looking for seems very close to working wtih a little massaging. That NOS, hate to cut it up.
  18. I have been watching a video series on youtube from Japan of a 240z restoration, and they found one somewhere. I'm pretty sure it was a new piece since there werent any drill holes and cuts in it. Been working on other areas of my 73 restoration and mentally put that panel on the backburner figuring I'd have to scratch build it.
  19. Does anyone know if there is an aftermarket replacement panel for the lower inboard radiator support?
  20. I know you really dont mean that.
  21. I was just giving a recount of my experience, not saying I gave her a ration of crap about it. Cruel seems a bit over the top. Since I'm on airliners every other week, it also threw me for a loop when a woman boarding an airplane said I was too close to her. I mentioned that we will be sitting within inches of each other for the next 3 hours, and she replied "yeah I know, but you're still to close". There's no reasoning with this type of attitude. Seeing societal evolution take many steps back is unsettling. Again, I was just giving recount, no slight against her, just odd.
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