This is called living life. Some see living life differently than others. There are so many variables to covid.
My 80 year old mother in law who is overweight, diabetic, and elderly stayed in her house for 2 months at the beginning of this, until she said screw it, "this is not living, I'm done" she said. When my wife and I had covid and didnt know it, We had spent time with her for a few days and she never had one symptom or issue (pre vaccine). My wife was really sick for 3 days and I felt like I was catching a cold off and on for 3 weeks. My point is, people as individuals have to make the call on what they believe is correct, arguing on levels from Federal to personal is wearing thin on many, and graphing from California, Australia, China is great, but is the end game to pit one group against another?
Australia gave up on their goal of locking down the nation until 70 or 80% vaccinations because they realized that it was going to do more harm than good.
I'm in Vancouver, WA today, and was out for a walk during the morning cool, and this woman walking towards me on the sidewalk quickly donned her mask and looked at me like I had snakes coming out of my ears, no I didnt have a mask on.
What kind of world are we creating, and what are the positives of it?