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Everything posted by DC871F

  1. How does the flow FROM the air cleaner go against the vacuum? I'm confused.
  2. FSM says the routing from air cleaner to flow guide valve does just that FROM air cleaner. Routing is, FROM tank, FROM air cleaner, TO crank case. The cleaner is vacuum. So FROM can't mean routing in the FSM surely, or does it? But do arrows lie?
  3. Series 1 on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394502712476?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=fFdwTZJLQH6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=_AYqAzeGTJq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. What's the one on the left go to? Disregard. If I could delete post I would.
  5. Lol, that's awesome. Mystery solved.
  6. I swear it says 23, but maybe it smudged during the print and it's supposed to be 73. So if it's 73, then each series 240z got their own speedo? 69-1/71 /20mph 71-72 /10 mph 73 /0 mph
  7. Starts at zero. Is this not a 240z speedometer? Series 1 start at 20, and series 2-3 start at 10?
  8. Makes sense of why the "P's" are there. Might be a good place for a fog light switch. Thanks.
  9. What is the black square plug for next to the rear defroster switch on series 1 consoles?
  10. https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/ctd/d/falls-church-1971-datsun-240z/7577827457.html
  11. https://bham.craigslist.org/cto/d/jemison-1976-datsun-280z-22/7574165004.html 280z 2+2 Alabama
  12. That's a hard hit. Strange angle. Famous 280zx loose booty?
  13. 2023 Z on Ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304755304029?hash=item46f4d4e65d:g:AeIAAOSwo0RjryPD&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoLqtgk3iopQDGpJgUOmpSzriBK8L27KjkNC8Mu4CwIW%2B7Gk%2Bo1Mom%2Bkzy2Td0k0cB2RUvTwL3PFRd6fAEPSNMrWDiI5n%2FeJClbYj4jsLU5B%2BBFSxO1Zxk0sCRAoBgChvTZSIR%2BCjFizgt1Z%2Fym%2BtgaFt8vZLEo8D7xPCdZZGq1ilzuVyOvd7CSOIkdklY%2BC4UBsKSW%2BniWzEPKLRyK6ZOvE%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_T93d-vYQ
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134395559518?hash=item1f4a997e5e:g:WUcAAOSwdzNjs1CE&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoIbClOwMNqzYwjMC8bB3UMj%2FqlBdc4rRGm7Swt2sQ2Nc2wYRkGdLIWtx2FhlfZi%2BGiXmJEKMf6QxSye4S1indU2sStNSq%2FxbRN4WGxRT7OvX6dXvOz2CJcvG3o2MpACw5LPKDb8pg%2B06wbdZGfFTFLzYAByGIvyJVg9D0xCLVHFjp5lJyYoFQ%2FklghrRcgS3JtnwMZTT14Md%2Bk19hhghumQ%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_L93d-vYQ Early 260 on Ebay, no reserve. Project, parts car.
  15. Was this decal on the outside or inside the window?
  16. Botched dog leg repair. If they willingly did that, then the whole car is suspect.
  17. The green 73 he was selling didn't sell at 145k. In what world does this not make reserve?
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