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Everything posted by DC871F

  1. Thank you! Welding new metal onto old Datsun metal was quite a task, especially for a novice. Several pin holes. Has to be a better way of doing it. One thing I would do different is to make the cut onto the tunnel at one level. I adjusted each strip to where there was clean metal. I should have just went up the tunnel level.
  2. Just ordered these. It had been a while since I've been on their site, they have added some nice panels to their list.
  3. Passenger front seat mount. Classic Fab.
  4. It would be fun to see someone hook onto them to move them.
  5. https://daytona.craigslist.org/pts/d/daytona-beach-datsun-280z/7422784491.html Generational rust. These must have fallen off the boat and dredged up.
  6. Passenger floor pan installed, touch up areas still need to be welded up and then seat mounts.
  7. I think at this point you will be rewarded with value even though it's not an early car.
  8. When you look at the factory installation, down on the bottom side of that joint it seems they left it bare. On the inside there was all kinds of sealer that had to be ground out, seemed pointless unless it was just to make it air tight, but did nothing from below to keep water and debris out. I like the idea of seam sealer, but before I was thinking pf packing as much epoxy or rust pain as possible in there before had.
  9. I have body molding that I'm going to put back on so I dont have to do this step.
  10. Yes. I was looking at it and something wasnt sitting right with what I was seeing. Nailed it.
  11. Final fitting of passenger floor pan. Had to go to work before welding in, hopefully before Christmas it will be in. Have some weld through primer on the joining seems, but I'm wondering what to use after its installed on the area that will be plug welded on the rocker. Just something like epoxy primer to get it up there in the seem thats on the bottom of the car?
  12. What kind of horns did the rally cars use that made the oscillating two tone sound?
  13. Thanks for posting this. From what I have gathered you use whatever it takes to work the panel. I think a lot of times you make one from popsicle sticks or whatever when needed to fit what you're working on. The people that do this for a living make this look easy. I'm doing my car on all OJT, posting videos and info like this is worth its weight in gold. About 25 years ago I was going to fix a dent on the roof of one of my VW Bugs, well after 3/4 of a gallon of Bondo and air filing and sanding, I gave up. I could never make it right. Hopefully I have better results as a grown adult and a little more access to knowledge.
  14. Finished patch panel on forward attach panel for right floor pan, and welded up holes where I drilled spot welds on the rear attach area. Next, weld in floor pan. Copper backing to weld in holes.
  15. Found this at the Good Will record section, couldnt resist.
  16. Would the complete nut and bolt set that's offered by Z Depot be correct? Not sure going to get that anal on my build, but then again.... It seems like a convieniant route to have nice hardware, if they in fact correct.
  17. Gotten used to these techniques with this old Datsun metal. It was getting to the point of being such a cold weld that it was causing more problems. Decided to cut a bunch out and patch it. I was just the area that was under the original floor pan up front where its seam sealed.
  18. I dont have pics of it. It was the area where the frame rail was attached on the opposite side that must have a little rust in it. The firewall (footwell) thickness seems a lot lighter than the floor thickness. Maybe old, thin, slightly rusty metal didnt want to cooperate. Maybe of I were a better welder it would work.
  19. Thanks to Terrapin Z (David), He supplied me with a spare lower radiator support for the rearward panel for my crunchy one that will need to be replaced.
  20. Small update. Cleaned up rocker to accept new passenger floor pan. Patching better metal on the front tp accept pan. Was welding up a small patch and kept blowing right through it, kind of strange. I'm blessed with clean rockers.
  21. It looks too much like an S30, or 280ZX, not saying thats a bad thing, but I think auto makers and corporation as a whole try to always modernize their product. Making something thats almost a replica of something in their past may seem a bit hackish. They would get just as much pushback on that design as they do on the real one. But I'm no marketing expert, I'm just a user.
  22. Ha. It takes while to accomplish some tasks. When the power tools touch expensive parts is when you know I have excepted the reality I may be destroying a perfectly good part, and tell my wife our check book may need more depleting.
  23. First time. Had to stare at it for half a day before getting the angle grinder on it. Thanks for the kind comment. Hopefully the frame rails can go as smooth. Been doing odd jobs around the shop to improve welding skills and fabricating.
  24. Passenger floor pan installation. Lucky for me the tunnel is rust free except on small area where I will have to bring up the pan up the vertical slightly. These are pans from Zedd Findings.
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