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Everything posted by DC871F

  1. This restoration is truly a benchmark. I have to be honest, when I do work on my 73, your car is in my mind. In no way can I be mistaken for a fabricator or restorer, but I have some skills that allow me to do this all the while making mistakes and then correcting them. I'm now at the point of having fun with my restoration, instead of yelling obesities, turning the lights off and stomping off for a beer. I have told my wife on many occasions, that I dont know what the hell I'm doing, but I still go back out there and try. You have inspired me with this build. I acquired another 240 that will need some restoration, and the more I learn from OJT and people like you, it only brings smiles. Thanks so much for sharing.
  2. But at least you're at the point of shooting primer. Congrats.
  3. Anyone successfully plated their own stuff at home? Any firsthand experience?
  4. Couple things not right with this one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1971-Datsun-Z-Series-/324895853223?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  5. It's definitely not a hobby anymore. If I can find a magazine I kept from a few years ago with a 240 on the cover with the heading asking "Is it time to call old Japanese sports cars classics?"
  6. Did this many times in Georgia living in Florida to get clean titles.
  7. $21k for a car that needs some serious work. I'm astonished.
  8. Ekkkkk. Those pictures say many things. Not sure a frame straightener would be able to fix this without some surgery.
  9. Not sure what would be easier, add metal to the doors or unzip the doglegs and just make it right. Lots of work.
  10. I like the fan setup, thats probably 3 or 4 times the airflow I'm getting from the stock compressor fan. I do get water in the tank, but it never makes it to my air tools. When I start painting I'll probably redo my system to incorporate a higher volume fan.
  11. Thanks. Your setup is what I have been eye balling. Do you ever get any moisture at all out of the dryer? They seem to work really well from all I have read and seen on youtube. I think the way you did it is better or at least the same from a refrigerated dryer, but I'm no expert.
  12. Can you share a pic or two of your paint setup? Shop air, dryers, etc? I rigged up a transmission cooler on the fan of my compressor, it brings 300* air down to about 70* before entering tank. I want to believe that it reduces the amount of condensation in the tank, although I still drain some out of it.
  13. $18,200!!!!!!!! I'm about to lose religion. If they made it brand new today it wouldnt go for this.
  14. . They must have put a new guy on mine at the factory, the spot welds and MIG welds are pretty bad, and thats coming from someone like me who is leaning how to weld as I go. Did you add supports anywhere when you removed the rails and radiator support?
  15. One of my favorite cars of all time. There is a really good video of Toyota testing it on a track.
  16. Cant stand cell phones typing. Convenient but maddening. I read a study that suggest that if you show a common word that starts and ends with the correct letters but the middle of the word is all askew, the mind will still see it as correct or something like that. Auto correct wasn't feeling me out right.
  17. Anyone like to discuss disassembly technique where the frame rails and lower radiator supports are welded together? It looks like a necessity to dissemble the lower radiator support at the very least to get new frame rail up in there. Lucky for me I need to replace the inboard (rear) lower radiator support piece that has the lightning holes in it anyways. Thanks gang.
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