Everything posted by Zedrally
Serial Numbers and Maufacture Dates.
LHD & RHD do not share VIN numbers, nor do they co-relate to model years. Why don't you try Scotts Old Auto Rubber, Oakleigh Victoria for a seal kit.
Tachometer Problem
Failing removing the tach and looking for dry joints insdie the meter, there is very little that can be done. You have a common problem that many zed owners have, most, if not all have not found a solution or quick fix to this. Good luck and don't forget to post any success stories back to this thread.... MOM [who has a busted tach as well]
Strut Inner Threads Messed Up on a 72 240Z
I guess you don't want to here this, but the only way to "clean" up the thread is by use of a suitable size tap. If the cross thread to bad you may need to find a "new" strut housing.
new member and need advice, 240Z or 260Z?
Buy the 260, if's it performance you want then change over the carbs. {no boat anchor jokes either as my 260 still has the original carb] I've got both [240 & 260], my partner loves driving 260, not the 240 go figure....must be a girls car after all..... Good luck and welcome to the club..... MOM
Amp Meter Issues, Starting, Battery VR ALT.?
Checked the battery terminals? from your PS it sounds like a bad earth connection.
A Theory - RHD HS30 Model Standard Exterior Rear View Mirror Fitment
I'd be bold enough to suggest that the mirrors were actually mounted after arrivial in Oz. JUst like the seat belts, which were either not there or replaced after arrivial [ADR's didn't recognise the JDM rules] This would suggest that in the climate of changing ADR's Nissan would be more inclined to import a bare bone model and add the components that were required to bring the model up to standard.
dash repair
I guess that depends on model? The 240 should, but how do you intend to drive it without gauges! Removal of the dash isn't that complicated as many assume it is, it's just that not many people feel confidient to do this. Follow the FSM instructions and you can't go wrong...
engine cooling
Have you considered that the sender unit may have gone u/s or faulty. I had a similar problem in the 240, this was traced to a faulty transmitter. Swapped it out with a used one, stilll reads high but that may be due to gunk left behind. Otherwise, is the termostat functioning correctly? HIH MOM
Steering wheel Restoration
Mark, There have been as many threads on this subject as I have had hot breakfasts! Use search and not only will you find the answer, you will also find the history of the wheel and the fact that it is actual wood.
Spring choice in Oz
Hi Richard, Perhaps you could expand and mention the make of Shock you're using, and the type of work your zed does? ie Road, Track or Dirt.
Spring choice in Oz
Hi Buggsy, Hope you might be able to assist me, as I'm exploring options. I'm doing up a set of struts for the rally car and was wondering what type of springs & shocks are you where using? TIA MOM
Questionable L26
The L26 was also used in the 260C in Oz. It may have found its way into a pickup or light truck as well, but I doubt it. Someone with greater knowledge of Datsuns in OZ needs to jump in here... MOM
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
Sounds fuel related. Check your fuel filter.
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
What L series engine does your 810 have? 810?, was that the violet? MOM
Spring choice in Oz
The 2+2 springs have an extra coil [i think]. Are you still selling the Kings? MOM
Thermostat problem or not.......
Why not swap it over with a new one if your concerned about it? It would be one of the cheaper parts and possibly the easiest to swap in any case!
Spring choice in Oz
Hi Nacks, If they are for a 240, I'll take them... MOM
mechanical fuel pump woes
Never heard of a flattened lobe. Have you checked the filter? That and rust in the tank is a common problem in cars that have been sitting for so many years. Considering the period of time the car has been sitting I would suggest dropping the tank [it's not difficult, do a search for more info], cleaning it out etc, changing filters, and blowing out the fuel lines. MOM
Hello. I was driven away by the 240sx crowd.
Sorry for hijacking the thread, however, 73 carb fix? Can you enlighten us flat top drivers! MOM
DATSUN 240Z Euro Spec. Springs???
Thanks Alan, as always one photo begs another question.. I noticed what appears to be a moulded opening in the dash above the nav light. Its certainly been moulded into the dash, rather than a cut & bash type of operation. Any idea of what it's for? Somehow I don't think it's for a Cigarette lighter? MOM
DATSUN 240Z Euro Spec. Springs???
Hi Alan, Thanks for these great photo's. Just one question [isn't there always]! THe photo's show only one halda, where was the other & do you have any photo's of the complete LHS of this car [& which works car was it]? MOM
need info on head and intake porting
Yes, I'm perfectly aware that many small enhancements are required for that big bit of performance increase over stock. That however was not the question.... Perhaps I had better re-phrase to, what is the performance increase by doing a port & polish ONLY? 1%,5%, 10%???? better?????? MOM
need info on head and intake porting
Hey Ed, What increase did you get after your port & "polish" ? MOM PS. Thanks for the pic's now I have a better idea of the finish required for this operation.
wrong firing order but it ran perfet
You could also be reading the order in the wrong direction. Search for Firing order, this will solve the problem......
Part Number Request - RHD Specific; Master Vac Hoses
Joseph raises an interesting query. Is there anyone in the club with a RHD parts book? If there is, would a project cd be feasible. I, for one would buy a copy.