Everything posted by Zedrally
Stub Axle from a 260Z into a 240Z ??????
Springs may be different & require a changeover.... sorry, just re-read, yes they will swap, 260 strut is a tad "fatter" and IMO better. use the springs from your 240, otherwise you may have a higher front ride height....
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Hey, Dave could you add the engine casting numbers to your DB as well? MOM
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
If your going to do this, could you please include engine casting numbers on cars with original engines. There is little [if not nothing] known about these numbers. There is a seperate thread on this that has been recently re-birthed. MOM
71 240Z Valve Problem
Hey Carl, You might be on to something here. My initial thoughts where bent valves, cam towers need shimming [correct valve geometry] or WTF! In reality, the only why forward now is to remove the head, there must be something, someone forgot about.
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
At this point in time we are all becoming philo"z"ophers.... Sorry Will, your best intentions have exposed a serious flaw in how we all view our vehicles, as to "Optimized", good try, it might become a better way of describing these "bettered" cars, only time will tell [pun]. Perhaps we had better wait until that gent from over the other side of the pond has had his cuppa and crumpets & commented....!
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
It's a big problem in our neck of the woods. Is my 260 actually a 260?, its got the 280 body and production year, so it must be a modified 260, yes, that's it! or could it be a modified 240? Oh, I nearly forgot, it's also a 2+2 so it been streched and modified from a 260 [or was that a 240]? Did you hear about the 260's that are actually 240's, check out the lower radiator support to see what it is..... MOM
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
Typical.... MOM [Don't you just hate it when the rest of the world is forgotten]
280ZX Coupes in Oz?
Any idea how much longer/shorter the coupe is compared to the 2+2?
280ZX Coupes in Oz?
Something in the back of my mind tells me that 2 seater zx's weren't imported into Aus. All Ozzie examples are 2+2. MOM
Suspension noise
2 Similar yet different paint sytems. Chicken or the egg anyone? MOM
Hopefully this sounds familiar to someone...
WAG ? I agree with the oil. Easy to check and easy to fix...
So what have you guys replaced this stuff with? (sound deadening)
I haven't seen it for sale in Aus for 40 years! When it was available, you could buy it from a hardware. Don't bother with Bunnings, however you could try a very old established country store. [one never knows what turns up in these stores]! MOM
USA members need help from the UK!
I don't understand how you arrived at that conculsion I was simply agreeing with Mr.C I believe that our 240's initially [apart from 004] came with only a drivers side mirror. The passenger side was a dealer add-on. MOM
MR2 or 240z-I have to choose :(
Oh Carl, you really crack me up sometimes........
The first Z pace car
Hi Alan/Carl, I must agree with Alan on this, hopefully it will become a world wide pace car thread. It would be dangerous to focus on one country and one model alone alone. Out of curiousity, I noticed an emblem on the grill which doesn't appear to be the "normal" one. Was this a special for the JDM? MOM
Does anyone have a parts car?
If all else fails, you can obtain some threaded rod from Bunnings that you could cut to size.
USA members need help from the UK!
Thats my understanding as well. 2c..... MOM
which motor? 240z or 260z?
The Ozzie 260 engine is the same as the US version. Nissan got lumbered with heaps of them and dumped them over here. MOM
Electrolytic Rust Removal
You're thinking of a metal bin, not plastic. A metal rubbish can would work, I use a stainless metal bowl for electrolytic greese removal prior to plating and it's ok.
Oil pressure Sender Q's
2 different bullet types. I certainly wouldn't accept a 2 spade connector as a suitable replacement.
Oil pressure Sender Q's
I'm no expert on senders, but I would think that they haven't given you the correct replacement. From memory there are two types and they need to be matched to the correct gauge, else you will have erronious readings...
They are trying to total my car!
I would be asking myself how much would it cost to replace with a similar zed? Obviously, if it's less than 3K, then take the money and run [try to negotiate to keep the remains]. If it's more than 3K, I would be inclinded to force the insurance company to repair the vehicle. An offer doesn't mean you have to accept it, legally you can force them to repair your car back to the standard that it was before the collision. HIH MOM
Bracket for rally clock
Here it is anyway..... http://www.rallysportnews.com.au/cms/A_100629/article.html MOM
Bracket for rally clock
Do you mean a rally computer/trip meter similar to a Terra Trip? If so, then the most common way is to find a scrap glove box door use this instead of your original door. Mount the Terra Trip on the directly on the door. I manufactured a dismountable fitting that clips over the glove box door, being secured from the demister vents and top of glove box. Neat way of moving a trip meter between cars. There is a site that describes this, can't exactly remember it, but can find it if your interested? MOM
megasquirt system is it worth it?
How do you envisage mounting this. For instance, do you want to change over to a FI Manifold or convert some[?] Throttle bodies? Which would be the best method of injection, sequential or mass? Seems like a very good system, like to learn more... MOM