Everything posted by Zedrally
Solid Axel Conversions
You would probably be better looking for advice at hybridz.com. Most people on this site tend not to modify their zeds. Good luck and post any results back to this thread! MOM
Down Under Bumper
No-one answered the both questions! Yes Develdog, the mounting brackets where all the same on all model years. Thankfully, the 5kph shocks didn't make an apperance here. MOM Incidentally, the last zed I saw in a wreckers was a bare shell as well, minus ALL removable body parts!.
Central Locking
I would if I could, but there is little point as I have no camera! If your in Melbournne, your more than welcome to drop in and check it out. I'd even help you do the fit up! MOM
Central Locking
It can be done, I did it to my 260. Don't ask how as it was 6 or 7 years ago and I can't remember, suffice to say it wasn't easy and I had to add a length of wire somewhere in the process. [damn wire rattles against something at 100kph, so make sure your run some tape or something arond it so you don't have the same problem]. MOM
attn: all WA members
Pro240c, You may not have been told the full story about CAMS. A Level 2 Non-Speed Licence costs $46.00 for 2005. After your club pays affiliation fees the club balance sheet will be going into the red, rather quickly too!.. I suspect you mean that your annual club subscription is $50. This entitles you to apply for a CAMS Licence at appropriate cost for the level that you require. These licences can cost up to $600 [iIRC]. Good luck with your affiliation, the new State Manager at CAMS is a great guy. MOM
Stromberg 175 CD-2 SE vs. SU Carbs?
And Nissan used SU's to their full potential on the L series!
Stromberg 175 CD-2 SE vs. SU Carbs?
Yes they are crap. Better to spend your $40 on the overhaul kit.
Stromberg 175 CD-2 SE vs. SU Carbs?
Don't bother with them..... Either O/H the flat tops, contary to some opinion they are a good carb once overhauled, or if money isn't an issue, just pickup a re-built set of round tops. HIH MOM
Yes, tyres it is.... Anymore before Alan & Enrique arrive with differences between Spanish & Japanese. MOM
2 dozen....eh.... well, thats a slab.......
gotta sell my 69 fairlady
Yes, it didn't go un-noticed. Last year there were rurmurs regarding 003 being re-discovered in Western Australia, despite numerous e-mails, I haven't been able to un-cover anymore information about it. Just one further point about 004. This was recalled to me by the owners son over a few ales several years ago! The owner at the time [Harry Corbitt] contacted Carl Beck [& Carl can verfiy this] about it's probable build date. In the absence of absolute proof, it was agreed that it was most probable that 004 was built in 1970. However, that was based on the available data of the time [when was that Carl?]. With new emerging data that has come forward in this thread, it could challenge that belief and may place the build date of 004 in the year 1969. If only Kats had access to export data from that era! MOM
gotta sell my 69 fairlady
Although the thread was hijacked from it's original theme, it's none-the-less interesting to us "zedophiles"! One common agreement [big step forward] has been that the S30 is the core of the family. Therefore, it's safe to say that the HLS30 was developed from that core [s30] for the US market. That in it's own right is a major step forward. MOM
Your fluid ounces were different to imperial ounces, although bottle size was similar measured capacity varied, hence 24 ounces and not 32. I'm surprised to hear you mention 1 litre bottles are in use, looks like those subversive french have infiltrated the US! Incidentally, common bottle size herecwas 750ml ]again 24-26 fluild ounces depending on how accurate the bottling line was operated, 1 litre seems to becoming more standard. MOM
In Australia when the zed was first introduced, it also adopted the nickname of a "bottle" amoungst other local names. Why? This was in pre-metric days and 24 fluid ounces was roughly a full bottle of whatever. Down here, fluids ounces where abbreviated to ozs. So the 24 ozs became the bottle, stubby or what ever nickname according to area was the fluid capacity. Local history...... MOM
It's the proper pronounciation of the letter "Z" in the queens english. you say zee we say zed. nuff said.... MOM
gotta sell my 69 fairlady
All that I can add is if the 240Z [HLS30] as known in the US market was the core model, then how on earth could the designers get it so wrong by locating the handbrake on the "wrong" side! Surely, such an important device would have been designed & mounted or placed in a position of immediate acceptance to its greatest potential market, unless such vast sales where never anticipated. The reality of this thread [now hijacked] is that those who don't consider the S30 as the core model will never accept the fact, similarly, many of us can never accept the argument that the HLS30 is the core model. Long live all S30's and it's siblings..... MOM
types/Classes of racing
Woooo there. Rallies aren't races. Better to get the definitions straight before the thread gets to big. A race is a timed event conducted on circuit where speed is the determing factor. A rally is a test of economy/or of reliability and/or navigation, taking place on public/private roads in which in competitors [note min of 2 crew] are required to follow a prescribed course and to report at specified points , and in which the highest speed is NOT a factor in determining the results. HIH MOM
Rally Racing Info
Vicky, Solo isn't rallying at all. It requires a different thread to this one that Mike started, perhaps someone with Solo experiance can start a thread on it. [not exactely sure what Solo is, however a good guess would be a similar event to Autocross{OZ}]. Depending in which part of the world you live in event names may be known by other names. Grouping is generally controlled by the rules laid out by the FIA, with member countries adopting their own "name" for a particular FIA category. HIH MOM
Compliance Plates
The very first zeds imported into OZ were sent to the dealers without comp plates attached. Datsun left it to the dealers to attach them. There are a few examples which haven't had the comp plate attched at all as it was simply left in the glove box! The factory plate is really there to cross check that the engine & chassis serials are as they left the factory and to my knowledge was always located on the drivers side front strut panel on RHD export models. Perhaps there are the odd example where it wasn't, but then we come down to zed trivia. Maybe Alan T or Kats can verify where JDM or European Export models had there factory plates fitted. As to the legality of not having these, I would suggest that it may be difficult to re-register without the ADR plate, unless it was one of those very very early zeds. Radar on Alan? MOM
Compliance Plates
If it didn't matter to Kirby then he wouldn't have asked!
Compliance Plates
If this is the car the there are many things wrong! The ADR [aluminium one] is mounted on the firewall near the battery. The factory one is mounted on the driver front strut.
Compliance Plates
Haven't you got that around the wrong way? ADR Comp plate is on the firewall near the battery and the factory plate on the RH [drivers] front stut thingy.... MOM
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
I've had another read of the thread and see no mention of checking that the vacuum advance is working? mmmmmmm! MOM
motorsport cams?
Another option may be to alter the valve timing by moving the cam sprocket. You may need to "play" around with this as I can't remember if I retarded or advance my cam to reduce the "lumpiness" I sure someone else will chime in with the correct solution. MOM
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
Depending in what part of the world you live in, it may be part of the EGR system. EGR was fitted at different times for different export markets. ie Here in Oz, 73 240's came with the early model SU's and no EGR. Couldn't see how it could be part of the problem in this case. HIH MOM