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Everything posted by Zedrally

  1. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Fantastic, the power of the club has been proven again. Not only have we started a thread and condensed an amazing amount of information on 1 piece of equipement, I've also been able to locate the supplier. aRCH-Z, many thanks again, I'll head past Zworx tomorrow for a price. PS. I had thought of spraying it black this time!
  2. Zedrally replied to QCAR17's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sound's like a belly flop to me. There was never any attempt to change anyone's opinion on this, merely to highlight the differences between HS & HLS models, rather than to paint all S deriviates into one bundle. MOM
  3. Zedrally replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Electrical
    Gav, I think you have a couple of seperate problems which have occured at the same time. To solve you no click, no nothing, my best advice is to check your baterry terminals. I had a similar problem last night when I left work, although now I know what the "problem "is as it's happened many times to me. I have fitted a screw time battery cuttoff switch and every time it's been the contact. All I need to do is unscrew the switch nut, clean[sand] both sides and replace. Solve this problem first, then look at you next problem. Unfortunatly, I have no experiance with electronic ignition, but a educated guess is a problem with the module?
  4. Back in'79 I was faced with exactly the same problem. After much head scratching I rang the Service department of the largest Nissan dealer I could find and asked whether there was a special tool for this. There reply was to use a ring spanner, this I had tried but was unable to get the head over the nut. [sidchrome has a good 45degree bend and will not reach]. When asked how they managed it they replied that they used a Stahl Willy [not sure if the willy is spelled correct]. So off I went and brought one, which I still have to this day, reserved especially for uses in which a very slender ring spenner is required. It has the slightest bend which is all that is required for easy dismantling of the T/S. Oh and no bloody knuckles from using this...... HIH
  5. Zedrally replied to QCAR17's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'll have to chime in here and ruffle some feather of the Left Hookers. There is no Series 1 or 2. Just early and late model 240's. As noted there is no cut off date as the S30 series and derivitaives was in a constant state of modification. Possibly one could concede that the last of the first 500 LHD was the end of a "series", that however would only be true for the LHD market as the RHD market was different again! There is a wealth of knowledge in a thread started by KATS early this year and hopefully it may dispel this series 1 or 2 myth once read.
  6. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Last One. Does it help anyone?
  7. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    From a differnt side.
  8. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks everyone for all your help. I never realised that there where so many devoloped over the years. I went digging for photo's of the zed last night and found these 3. This is what I need to replace!
  9. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    God that took hours to downlod..... No, that's notthe one either. Front extends to far and sides are straight. Anyway at least where getting all the spoilers into one thread! [all except the one I need]........
  10. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hi halz, It's pretty close, then again without seeing it front on it's difficult to see if it has the dimple? Any idea as to it's name?
  11. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hi C, Sorry no photo and nothing left of the original. The best I can describe is it's very similar to the on 26th posted less the dimple in the nose and bolt to the apron rather than replacing it. MOM
  12. Zedrally replied to 3RDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Has to be an earth problem. Check the earth strap from the body to the battery. You didn't mention if the light circuit has been upgraded? If your running relays and have taken the positive directly from the altenator then you will experiance dimming lights. HIH
  13. Can't see why not, might decrease you're capacity somewhat but I guess you're circuit racing anyway. Wouldn't reccommend it for Rally purpose or general driving. Best use would be motorkhana that I can see. If capacity is a problem look at modiying the fuel outlet to multi pickup, it is infinately easier to do than to baffle.
  14. You would need to modify the tank outlet. Possiblly by adding a multi point pickup to the fuel outlet or baffle the tank or use a collapsable fuel cell.
  15. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks for the link, I had a pretty thorough look thru it with no luck. The spoiler that 26th spotted is the closest I've seen. After a bit of thought I'm pretty convinced it would be a Ozzie AM spoiler produced by a company called Alpha Fibreglass. With the attachment to the front apron being more in the style of a BodyKit rather than a replacement for the apron, it suggests AM. Any one down here that has any more details, last I heard was that 1 owner got locked up and the other headed north!
  16. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    This is close , the difference is there is no holding clips, the fibreglass just continues [flows] back alond the front apron so the spoiler when looked at from below is "V "shaped, one vee being the mount to the apron. Second difference is the dimple in the nose. The one I'm trying to replace has no dimple. Thanks a lot for your help, any idea of it's actual name? Maybe someone else can chime in here with further info as we are getting very...close.
  17. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Unfortunatley, doesn't show the type I'm trying to replace. Someone mentioned the name stone guard, anyone with any further info?
  18. Zedrally replied to halz's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Depending on year, there are 3 differnt starting methods. 1. Models not equiped with electric pump. Pull Choke and crank. 2. Models equiped with pump. Turn ignition listen to pump, when the fuel bowls are full the sound of the pump changes. Then pull choke and crank. 3. EFI...Don't know as I don't have????? The 240[No pump] takes a few turns to start. I reason that this is due to fuel evaporation in the bowls after the last journey. It can be tempermental on cold mornings. The 260[Electric Pump], generally fires first time, I guess this is the best reason for adding an Electric Pump. No point pumping the accelerator as other have noted there is no accelerator pump! Hope it helps.
  19. Zedrally posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Does anyone have a collection of photos of ALL the different Spoiler Types used on the S30 series and derivites up to 78? MOM & Bar
  20. Zedrally replied to St.stephen's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That's one close shave, how did the rest of the rally go?
  21. From your reply it's obvious that the choke is your problem. Whilst you can still drive without it being attached, I strongly advise you to either re-attach them or replace them if they are missing. This will also increase your fuel economy!
  22. Zedrally commented on ozlime240z's comment on a gallery image in Zcar Ladies
  23. Zedrally replied to bulzee's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    That's my next question. I must be a dinosaur as I have no knowledge on where to find these or create them?
  24. Zedrally replied to bulzee's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Oh OZLIME, that Avtar:love:
  25. Zedrally replied to CZCar's post in a topic in Interior
    Sorry to hear about your problem, especially if you had an un-cracked dash. The news that you don't want to hear is that there is no solution to your problem except to have the dash re-covered. One of the club sponsors offers an excellent service, click on the sponsors forum for more details. Good Luck

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