Everything posted by Zedrally
Just to bring all up to speed on the Latest. Saturday brought forth many ideas and suggestions, some good & some not to good. An interesting point was made regarding 260 front struts. Apparently they are a better strut than the ones used on the 240. News to me, I thought they where similar. A quick check into the factory manual indicates a hard and soft suspension option. I guess that it would be in the springs, however, are the struts the same all the way through the model series or did they upgrade/strengthen then over the model years? I start to wonder about the front end in the 280C series, being a heavy car, I can only guess the front struts would be "beefed up". Thats something to look into later. Luckily as far as the RAlly Zed goes, the local koni distributor owns a rally zed thats had the covers draped over it for a while [these cars just seem to have been "ferretted" away for a rainy day here]. Enquires are progressing into his setup. Cheers......
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
Nick, I think you have just spotted a mistake in the book? or is it an oversight as no Jap production is given. If so then there figures are"rubbery" to say the least! It must be remembered that the 240z appeared as the Fairlady Z with a 2L engine there, but the question remains how many zed's [2L to 2.8L] where produced in total? Anyone with any answers? The first 500 where all LHD, 500 was a production figure that Datsun [Nissan] needed for the vehicle to be recognised by whichever sports ruling body at the time as a production whatever car [racing,rally/whatever]. The earliest RHD is #004. I know the owner and it is maintained in showroom condition.
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
Nick, Surf over to http://zhome.com/History/Zproduction.html Production figures are listed. A total of 6437 zed's [240 to 260] where imported into Au. The page gives a great breakdown on yearly figures. How many are left is another matter?
Small correction Alan. My 240 didn't [doesn't] have a rear sway bar. The mounting brackets are there though. My 260 has the bar. There where some 240's that where destined for the UK market delivered here [wharf strike in UK meant they diverted the ship here instead, that's an unsubstantiated rumour, maybe you can confirm]. On of my firends has one, they stand out as they have the large front indicators, must check if it's got the rear sway. wonder if any Australian delivery 240's made it to the UK to replace the ones that we pinched! [maybe a new thread on this, I leave that up to you] Thanks for the in depth explanation on springs, rates etc. I don't feel as I'm floundering now, not a expert but able to reasonably understand.
Our rules allow 1" over standard, most 240/260's out here run 15". The rear sway bar is from a 260. I'm heading out in an hour or so to see the expert, so I',, keep you informed of what they suggest.
Don't get your hopes up hmsports...yet. I still have another Zed with original suspension and would like to complete the collection with a 260 2 seater. Thanks again for the assistance, I'm inclined to go for Bilstein's as suggested. Although, I can't help feel that Koni's with a stronger spring might be a solution? The Bilstein option opens Pandora's box... Are there different types of Bilsteins? If so which is better suited to the Zed and forest rallying? Do I need adjustable platforms or can I go for 15" rims for extra ground clearence? What would be a suitable spring to start with? TIA for any advice that you can help me with.
This is great guy's. I probably should clarify why the springs, originally the idea was to have a setup that could be used on the track, autocross, tarmac rally and forest rally. I now realise that is impossible in one car and having enjoyed rallying the most, I intend to develope the car in this area. Looks like there will be a set of Koni's on the market here. Thanks again, you both have pointed me in the right direction.
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
Cheer up, move to Melbourne and have access to parts & service! At least you've located 4 Perth members, Moderator Mike's visiting Melbourne and there has been silence from the local community. C'on Melbournites [fellow Victorians], lets hear from you and get together to welcome our overseas visitor. :classic:
Obviously having posted this in the Rally forum, thats the use of it {rallying}. Certainly lowering is NOT an option in this area of the sport, in fact if anything we need an extra 1'-1 1/2". The springs have NOT been shortened, they are just a smaller diameter spring to accomodate wider rims.:stupid:
Who's using what?????? I fear I don't have the best setup as I keep "stuffing" the front shocks. Once more on Saturday night, I collapsed both fronts. It was an easy night, no fast belting around in the bush either. For want of better words! Needless to say I'm starting to have grave reservations about the setup. I presently running Konis in each corner with a modified 2.5 inch spring on the front struts. What advice can I glean from the experts? TIA:(
My Fellow Australians ...
Don't know where to start? L28's came off the same line, it's possible that they changed heads between the C & the Zed, but that would be more for emmision reasons. The only way to tell is to find a C and check the head. It would be a safe bet that it's all original, so it could give you a comparision. Maybe someone else can give us the US combination of the L28 as it was fitted to the 280Z Unless your L28 has been re-built, then I suspect that the redline would be the same, how long you would want to play at the speed is another matter.
My Fellow Australians ...
All these 280 engines originated from the 280c salon. Most wrecking yards will have a couple of these beasts around. In most cases they will not have had a hard life as the 280c was an auto. The 280c is has other donor parts on it, so have a good look around. I remember seeing a 240z with 280 motor and the original [280C] downdraft carbie once. It was obvious the owner had NO idea! Personally, I wouldn't worry about diff's etc at this stage. Just get your motor strip & re-build or just and drop it in. It's a direct swap.
National Z Show in QLD, Australia?
Sounds like the Zed Nationals. Qld next year, Vic the next & NSW the one after.
restoration of steering wheel
This would have to be the simplest repair/mod/update you can perform on your zed. Don't be deterred as it really is easy! Easiest way is to use steel wool and detergent [soapy water] to clean down the rim of the wheel. This will remove the years of dirt and grime. Any bumps or nicks can be filed down with file or sand down with fine emery. This smooth sanding will eventually bring the wheel looking similar to raw wood even though it's plastic. All that is required to complete the job is to mask off the spokes and apply as many thin coats of semi-gloss spray varnish as you desire. You can change colours if you desire by using wood stain before you varnish.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Gav, There is no way you can do it. Several years ago I went thru Vicroads with the aim of tracking down 240-260zeds in Victoria and setting up a register. I kept hitting my head against the wall they put up. I would think that the same would apply in the other states as well. Why not put an ad into the Trading Post. Wanted such & such as agent for Jap Buyer. If it still exists then it would certainly flush out the buyer!
Only $AUD 295,000.00
This came from zhome. It's good to compare the original with whats on offer. Wonder what the side panel was for? South Sea's peso, huh, is that retribution for beating the pom's at cricket.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
This came from zhome. It's good to compare the original with whats on offer. Wonder what the side panel was for? South Sea's peso, huh, is that retribution for beating the pom's at cricket.
"works" rally original parts
Hi all, Alan T asked me a while back to be on the look out for original "works" rally parts that may have made there way here. How would I be able to identify these as original, if offered to me? TIA
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Sure that isn't a typo? or a lost decimal point?
Triple SU's
Triple Webber's, Miki's etc,etc. But are triple stock SU's a possible upgrade? Has anyone done it?:tapemouth
Getting Started Rally Racing
No, you all have it wrong [although, its been interesting to read what other's have interpreted Boobmeter as]! Short explaination is that Jodi [female and well endowed in the chest region] is the event secretary and is engaged to the Course Checker. Thus the inside information of what the event may run over. If you still don't get it, Boob's are the Aussie equivilent to Breast's and generally refer to the female of the species. Hence the term Boobmeter, this being the up & down movement of the Boob's measured as a function of road[track] roughness. I can only summise, knowing Jodi, that the're some pretty rough tracks out there that we might be visiting!
2000 London-Sydney Marathon
Someone asked about details in one of the other threads, couldn't trace the original question so... The other picture is B&W and doesn't do yours justice.
Getting Started Rally Racing
Popometer? Good God, what next!!!!!!
Rally near Melb in Aug?
Mike, Surf to vicrally.com.au. This lists all rally in Victoria in the calender. I'm already competeing in the JMMET & the Longest Night rally. These 2 events are HRA organised and may attract more than my 240(hope). They are truly navigational style rallies ie no forest racing. The Rally of Mt Gambier is a forest race in Pine Plantations. Saxon Safari is in Tasmania. If yuor still around on the 17th August the Mt Alexandra Trial might be a possibility. Cheers
Getting Started Rally Racing
Hi all, I can only echo these sentiments exactly. In our events the co-driver is more commonly known as the Navigator. Essentially needed as the following will give you some of the conditions that we encounter in Aussie Events. This excerpt from the up and coming JMMET. [Jim Maude Memorial Experts Trial], thanks to Jodi for the descriptions:..... ""After spending all day in the car on Saturday, I now have the new and improved definitions for roads according to "expert's", they are: Road Fairly distinguishable, tracks can been seen, expect quite a few potholes! Track Barely distinguishable, tracks can hardly been seen - expect holes, the odd stump or two and lots of close growing shrubs Grotty What track???? Looks like a goat track, complete with holes, trees, stumps and the odd rock or two!! What tha? You want me to go there??????????? All I can say is that the "boobmeter" (my expert and fairly accurate device for measuring the severity of a "road") was well and truly put to the test, I'll leave the rest up to you imagination....."" Needless to say but you can't do these events by yourself, teamwork is essential as is a crystal ball!