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Everything posted by Zedrally

  1. Isn't the Datsun 240Z considered as yet Classic in the US? Do you mean it need another 25 years (over 50 years) or have I mis-read your posting?
  2. Zedrally replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Interior
    I'll add a bit more and hope it hasn't been a PO modification as the switch was mounted opposite to the one shown in the photo (post#1). I've always assumed it was factory as a PO would hav emounted it on the Drivers side (RHS on HS-30) not LHS? Hope Alan's radar is on?
  3. Zedrally replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Interior
    The mounting posistion is correct for HS-30 (1973) models (top side of console). Is this another difference between HLS & HS models? edit: model year
  4. Is that a 'K' convertable in your avitar?
  5. Saddly, while we all like zeds, after 30 years they are becoming far and few between. The Skyline circus has taken over in the majority of zed shops. As Russjz-zed wrote, best to forget the big bag, unless your after Skyline parts........
  6. Zedrally replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well, I recieved noticication of your reply? Perhaps you need to un-subscribe (in your case) and then subscribe again?
  7. Zedrally replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I solved this! Do the following. 1. Open the User CP (from front menu). 2. In the subscribed thread menu (LHS). Select List Subscriptions. 3. IN Subscribed Threads in Folder: Subscriptions. Slect Notification (RHS & click). 4. Scroll to bottom of page & in the Selected thread box select: Instant e-mail noticication and click on go.... You have now reset your option for notification...
  8. Must admit it does look like a serial number, rather than a head model (type) number. Never noticed it before.
  9. Didn't the "works" cars make an appearance in the USofA?
  10. You left out Rally Cars, these are International. Therefore my vote is a "works" rally zed.
  11. So true........
  12. I don't think there is anything "wrong" with glass. I believe that they where used primarily in racing (weight) and in the early series before production of the metal stamping occured.
  13. Zedrally replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    comments like this serve no purpose other than starting flame wars. Please have respect for "us" internationally minded crews.
  14. Zedrally replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You guy's crack me up! Slug away.... (i'm suffering from the effects of a head cold and need some comic relief...)
  15. Zedrally replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Electrical
    Ballast Resistor
  16. Zedrally replied to boyblunda's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm waiting for the cigar..... Actually, I don't really need to define/refine the situation any further, lest it devolve into a rather bitter us/them argument. The point was made.
  17. Zedrally replied to kats's post in a topic in 432 & 432-R
    You know Carl, I'm convinced that you must be going soft. After reading the guts of this thread, I would have to say that you actually now admit to the 432Z as being...well a 432Z not a Datsun 240-Z that was built for the Japanese market!
  18. Zedrally replied to Mat M's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Mate, if you believe that then you'd believe in dehydrated water, just open the can and add water.........
  19. Zedrally replied to kats's post in a topic in 432 & 432-R
    You serious Carl, 10 Dealers outside the US, please, I supplied you with the list of Australian Dealers which listed over 330 Datsun Dealers. Why do you have to be so USA centric? OK, I've named a country, now what have I won......?
  20. Zedrally replied to pbatura's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Ah, you beat me to it. Realisticaly Oz is too,too far even for post... Pbatura, why do you want to do this, FI beats SU's anyday?
  21. Zedrally replied to red_dog007's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There was/is one in Melbourne. (Sinista's, forgive the spelling if it's incorrect) Basicly, it's a skyline with a zed body. Shitload of work and money went into this car, unfortuately, there is no category for it to race in, so it only comes out to play for practice days.
  22. Yes, you have every reason to be paranoid. When I did my rears the LHS axle popped out, the RHS, well what can I say, I'm still seeing physio for "fixing" after 6 months. This is one job I'd gladly pay someone else to do.
  23. Hi Carl, This is interesting as I would have thought the VIN of the RLS30 would commence at 000000, instead it appears it was either 010000 or 012000. Any observations on this? Mike
  24. Maybe the best documentation you could obtain is the Homolgation Papers for the S-30? You can purchase them from CAMS, might be a bit pricey though. Personally, I would just do what you want to do and worry about the consequences later. Very few people in Vicroads would even know what a zed is. mu2/5 c worth.
  25. De Ja Vu.... Check the connector below the water ****. That had a habit of working loose. No connection and no fan. A good way to check electricals in the wiring loom and connectors in the creature comfort area is to check if you have illumination of the heater control panel. No lights ten you can bet a connector has failed. HIH MOM

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