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Everything posted by Zedrally

  1. Zedrally replied to Alan Pugh's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Long live 2+2's! Only a metal nose 2+2 could be better.
  2. Zedrally replied to MDyer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Rob, all you need to do to make them compatible is to turn them 180 degrees.
  3. Zedrally replied to 2ManyZs's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    I think it might be like a MX5?
  4. Zedrally replied to Cuong Nguyen's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Don't suppose there was a G-Nose version of this factory V8?
  5. Had same problem in 2 cars, one was a dirty tank [240], the other was capacitor in distributor [260]......take your pick!
  6. Interesting, I've acquired a slippery out of a corolla, anyone have any ideas if it will fit?
  7. 260's will fit, but you may have to change both sides. I think the same would apply for 280's?
  8. Zedrally replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Vic roads has me as a 1973 Datsun Coupe, Tare 1000 Somewhere, somehow they have upped the weight?
  9. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alan, without actual physical evidence, then no-one can say that it existed. However, I feel that there must be sufficient doubt at this stage to completely rule out the story. The statement that was made about not buying it because it wasn't complete indicates that there was something made in metal which the one armed man believes to be a g-nose. It must have been an ad or something he saw or read that made him remember, after all we all have that repository of useless knowledge tucked away waiting for the right moment. If it was, then knowing him it will still exist, somewhere in his archives. It up to him to establish the validity of this statement and I will remain on the case. In the mean time let's both keep an open mind as it's not beyond the realms of possibility. In one way I can't see why the G-nose couldn't pressed out, most all other body parts are, and if complex curves are needed then the assembly is made in pieces and assembled. A good case for this would be the 2+2 that I would like to replicate. If this was the prototype for what was to be the 2+2 then they would have needed to press the nose out to manufacture sufficient numbers, after all the bonnet is complex enough and it was pressed. Anyway, enough of this grasping at straws so to speak, lets keep that open mind and await further developements. Mike
  10. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alfa, If you ask a question then you can expect an answer, what neither Alan or myself have is a crystal ball [workable, of course]. I'm the one who asked Alan if what I heard was true [2 G-nose varients] and Alan supplied the reply in a PM, if it's so upsetting to others then why not simply come out and ask what the answer is, instead of flaming Alan. Now, I going to take an aspirin and go back to work. Ha, 3 g-nose types......
  11. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bit hard on Alan, aren't you Gav, Unless I've missed something as well no one apart from myself asked about different g-nose versions, and even then I didn't specifically aske the question as I wasn't aware that there where different versions. Simply put, I was offered a garage full of datsun bits and a g-nose was amoungst it. Knowing the age of the owner and his rally history it was within the realms of possibility that some parts may have been "works" bits and asked Alan for advice. I'm feeling sorry to Alan for being public on this, maybe in future we shouldn't discuss interesting "bits"of history, just PM between ourselves! I really don't see what your problem is? There isn't any secret agenda about penile extensions, just general discussions about some interesting possibilities. Mike
  12. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alan, Alfa, Gav et al, After reading Gav's response I felt it would be unfair to keep this private. After all, I did raise the prospect in an earlier post, so in fairness I'll continue the discussion. The one armed man replied to my question last night. Out of respect he wishes to remain anonymus as he doesn't want to be inundated with e-mails, visitors, flames etc. he has asked to have his privacy repected. His response is as follows: I wouldn't go out re-writing history just yet, but if he said he just about brought one, that's pretty good for me.
  13. Zedrally replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alan, Bad news I fear. My ears didn't hear things. I'll PM you with details. MN
  14. Zedrally replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Alan, You're quite correct, it was discussed in a previous thread. Vicroads has the 240 "tared" under 1000kg. [980 from memory]. So I can summise that every State body has it's own rules for determining weights! MN PS. have jsut been in touch with the one armed man and expect a reply tomorrow.
  15. Zedrally replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Alfa, My money's on the fuel filter. I had a similar experiance in the red zed, only this occured more than once. Eventually, I had to drop the tank and flush it out to remove all the crap that was coming out of it. FWIW, you should be able to see petrol thru the filter, from your description it's sounding pretty clogged up. Good luck! MN
  16. Alfa, You amaze me with badges and e-bay. Everytime I search thru it, I always draw a blank! What are your trade secrets!
  17. Zedrally replied to GunnerRob's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Mike, If possible it would be of greater use to show either server time or GMT on the main page. Either one will give all members world wide a standard time reference. Obviously, GMT would enable all to quickly calculate time within other time zones, but this is not essential. Could it be placed above "Who's Online"? [best if it could be incorporated with a "Who's in the Chat Room"Box, hint, hint]! Thanks for doing such a sterling job with the site.
  18. Zedrally replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in RACING
    Ah.. every State runs it's own listings Really like the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.... First Port of Call would be your club. Second, try www.cams.com.au. If you don't have any joy get back to me. MN
  19. Zedrally replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in RACING
    Touring Road Event as defined in the CAMS manual.
  20. Zedrally replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in RACING
    Stay with TRE's and don't cage. Most of us are.
  21. Zedrally replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in RACING
    Full cage, I'm afraid, and engineers certificate. Depending on the event you will need a 2NS, 2S or Rally Licence. The GP Rally required 2NS, whist the Forest Classic requires a 2S, can't figure that one out and will be speaking to the event checker about it tonite. Forest events at State Level require a NRL and car must be caged, Club Introductory 2S and no cage, whilst International such as Targa, [not sure where the Classic Adelaide fits here] require International. Bring back the good old days........
  22. Zedrally replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Why not polish & port it at the same time? Just get some sand and follow the instructions in the P&P Thread! Don't forget to add oil to thicken up the mix, metal shavings to replace the metal that accidentally flies off and glass beads so the lot rolls out of the exhaust! ROFL ROFL ROFL
  23. Zedrally replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in RACING
    If your not already caged then you may want to re-consider. ROP regulations in the CAMS manual require a certified engineered cage now-a-days. Good bye more dollars [last quote was 3K], don't forget the National Rally Licence as well and you can probably appreciate why many of us have dropped out of full time rallying. Ah... the good old days and albatrosses.
  24. Zedrally replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Normal is what "normal" people do, not things that "experts" like yourself do!!!! ROFL ROFL ROFL
  25. Zedrally replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes Sir, that's the one that the name escaped me! The procedure may look daunting, but it does work and after you have done the first one the next becomes easier, oh, and I did it with the head out of the car. Actually the hardest part was finding a permanent maker that I could use on the arms.

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