Everything posted by Zedrally
starting the 240
Burt, I kept on getting thrown out of the chat room. Ending with an error message. Very hard to re-enter when the module still believes your in there! That was why I tried to log in as guest. Catch you soon! Mike
oh you lucky, lucky Adelaidians. If you wait long enough, some of the SA list members will be in contact. In the mean time why don't you post some pic's of it.
Where in the world are you located.
starting the 240
Burt, I'm in the chat room if you want to talk about this in real time. MN
starting the 240
Burt, I think you have answered your own question in a round-about way. Firstly, something is draining the battery. Not having experiance in sub zero temperatures I can't quote battery life in these conditions, however the fact remains that it isn't holding charge. Maybe a dud battery? Secondly 5 amp drain on the clock? I don't think that could be correct. If it is then that could be a good reason for the flat battery. Capacitor, this only aids spark. So will not have anything to do with turning the motor over. Alternator, charges the battery but a flat battery needs a good run 2~3 hours to bring it up to charge again. Not at idle either, take it out for a drive. What to do. First Charge Battery overnight, disconnect clock and try again. Question, did it behave like this before? Mike
starting the 240
Burt, I'm a little confused. Is it not turning over strongly, or turning well and not starting first off? MN
starting the 240
Burt this isn't sounding like a mechanical problem, more like electrical. For some reason your battery is discharging, why don't you disconnect the clock and see if this stops the discharge. Another possibilty is a bad capacitor. YOu may be getting spark, but it amy not be a strong spark. I know this sounds stupid, but I had all types of difficulties starting my 260, until it eventually died. [another tread] After replacing the cap, it started each time first time. Hope this helps. Mike
Valve polishing?
Absolutlety agree, no point in polishing valves if you don't do the port & polish. Although I really can't see you picking up another horse & 2 just by polishing the valve stems, or am I missing something?
defroster lines material?
How about conductive pin striping?
Valve polishing?
Guys, Isn't the question whether to polish the valve's, not polishing porting the head?
Valve polishing?
Never heard of anyone doing this. I would think the effect would be mininmal as the valves stems are already machined. my 2c
Interior Ergonomics
I fear that the designers have taken their revenge my good sir, [says he as they help him into a straightjacket] hhhhhhh.
Interior Ergonomics
Anyone with interior shots of both?
Interior Ergonomics
Ahhh, thats one we RHD's have over you. Very few where broken due to catching as the handbrake protected the driver from this. What have you used after it was broken?
Interior Ergonomics
Alan, in any of you literature is there an exploded view of the body shell? I'm starting to form an opinion that it all based on the trans tunnel after all. Mike
Fuel Question
Oh yes, None hardened seats are made of brass. Yellowish in colour. Hardened seats are steel, steel in colour!
Interior Ergonomics
When one thinks about it, this thread started with the handbrake position, however in reality, it begs the question about the entire centre console. Was the handbrake left on the right for left hookers because Nissan would have to produce a different console? Whislt its a minor point it really effects the outcome as we have seen. Ergonomicly the choke is in the correct position for a RHD vehicle, but how does it feel in a LHD?
350Z finally in Oz
Oh Mike, you stirrer, have you been taking lessons from Alan T? ROFL
Interior Ergonomics
I must admit each time I drive past one, I shake my head and wonder why????? Alpha, you're quite right about the lemon and am now sorry I mentioned that they where Aussie made. {duck for cover}. Anyone remeber the P76? MN
Interior Ergonomics
Wow, lots to talk about here. I was luckily a proud owner of a V6 3000 Capri, traded in on a 260Z. Now which was better? The Capri lacked top end power and had typical british creature comforts[read none] whilst the 260, well after the Capri was complete luxury. It came standard with a heater & RADIO This incidently was why Japanese Cars made big inroads in Austarlia in the 70's. I almost certain that the 3L V6 was fully imported as very few were actually in the country, the other varients where assembled here as where many other manufactures cars in that time period. Ah, in those days of tariffs, we had VW, Datsun, Morris, and others that I faintly remember either manufacturing or assembling their respective vehicles. But I digress...... Yes, the 90's Capri that showed up in the US was made in Australia. It was howled down by the press at the time as it was meant to be a Sports Car, how could Ford be serious, a FWD Sports? Alpha, tariff barriers increased the price of all sports cars in Australia around that time, but what really killed the UK/Euro imports was that they just couldn't cut in in terms of comfort/price/reliability/and being a chick magnet comleted the equation. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking and writing about it now! I would venture to guess if it wasn't for the tariff barrier then the number of zeds sold in the Aust market would have quadrupled to say the least. Victor to say the Euro market was smaller is probably not quite correct. They like Australia, particularly the UK had extremely high tarif protection measures in place to once again protect there local industry. This is why very few zeds made there way into the UK. Australia was a small market, NZ & Africa where smaller. Just out of interest where any zeds imported/exported into SA? Just to finish, I'd like to clarify that I'm not trying to take the "wizz"out of any other car, manufacturer etc, just a little history lesson, like this thread has become. In fact it's has become the most replied thread, so I would guess there is much interest in not only Zed history but also early 70's sports manufactures. Keep it up guys, we're all learning and filling in those "missing"bits. Mike
S20 Twin Cam engine
Datsun 180B Specs - Help
Hi Rui, No need to appogise as we have just recently been discussing 240K's as well. 180B's like 510's where part of the Australian Rally scene for many years. In fact one of our elderstatesman in Historic Ralling still "flogs"the forest in his 180B, and get this, it's automatic! Has managed to finish as Category Winner for the past 2 years as well. Need more info about your find, is it 2 door/4door, check under the bonnet to see if it has SU's, if so then it's a SSS. May be some other Aussies can jump in and help with the visual bits, I can't remember without having them side by side, In fact, I wondering if they did come 2 door? :classic:
Interior Ergonomics
I guess what I was really trying to say is. was the choke position a factor in not changing the handbrake. Apart from mirror imaging the console the choke [on later model cars] would need to have been changed. In my way of thinking if it wasn't then you would have the choke hard against the handbrake, certainly not ergonomic. Could this be thrue reason for the setup on the zed?
Interior Ergonomics
This is what happens when you don't apply the KISS principal.[i had a feeling a simple reply would provoke a huge response from within the ether]! These subtle differences really are of no consequence in the big scheme of things, however, they do tend to make each zed interestingly different. Any takers for the choke position?
Interior Ergonomics
Ignition on the RH side and combination is the same. Over to the BBC Home Service........