Everything posted by Zedrally
Bought a 240z today, Perth WA.
There is a thread on this subject. I swapped mine [73] out and replaced with one out of a 260..
Interior Ergonomics
What's this, Alan T starting a thread! Yes, I like many others have puzzled about the placement of the handbrake in LHD zeds. What is more puzzling is that it would have only been a minor change to place it in the correct position.
stock head for a '72?
Sounds OK to me, can't help you with the radiator.
My 260Z 2+2 For Sale
10.5k may have been closer to new price. 12.5k came with factory air, rear hatch insert, [i've never seen another one, it was bluish and inserted into the hatch from inside], and other options which escape me after all those years, it was put together for the managing director of the Datsun dealership that I brought it from. Just delivered when I walked in as fell in love with it. Traded my V6 Capri in! I have always regretted selling it [both, as the Capri has rapidly apprechiated], but those are the things you need to do when you start families! I picked up the replacement about 10years ago for 3.5k, swapped a spare car i had to a friend who was a panel beater and stripped and re-built it. Now you now why I was curious as very few excellent specimens come up for sale. Good luck with the new beast, may a Zed fall in your path once more. Mike PS Has anyone ever seen one these inserts? They were a blue type of perspex, impregnated with glitter to reflect the sun. From memory they were held in by clips from the inside of the hatch.
My 260Z 2+2 For Sale
Congratulations, At least I can sleep tonight knowing the price of these is now on the rise. FYI, I brought one of these new in 77 and paid 12.5k for it.
My 260Z 2+2 For Sale
Oh come on RhondaZ, Don't keep us all guessing, how much did you get for it. My 260 is in a similar condition and have always wondered what the market would pay. PM me if you don't want to go public with this.
stock head for a '72?
Mudge, You don't shim cam towers just to take the slack out of the chain. Cam geometry is very important and shimmimg back to factory height restores valve events back to where they should be. Otherwise you will have valves opening & closing before they where meant to, duration may also be affected. If you go down this road you may as well throw all the factory specs out the window as no measurements will apply. Take some advice and shim the towers. If you can't do it yourself then send it to a head shop, who will mill and shim for you.
stock head for a '72?
Mudge, I doubt that a new chain would need to have link taken out. I've never heard of anyone needing to do this on an L series engine, but I could be mistaken? Anyone else with an opinion on this? Mike
anyone ever seen one of these?
Sold in Australia as a ZX series car. To me there the Zed series Ãœgly Duckling
stock head for a '72?
If you need to remove a link, then may I suggest that you REALLY need a new chain! I mean that's a huge amount of stretch. It wouldn't be possible to mill that amount off the head and have it remain servicable either.
Does you 'Significant Other' drive your Z?
Do what mine did. Got a cushion, now when we take the zed out we fight over who drives!
Clock question again
Today in Melbourne, 24C. Bushfires burning everywhere and in great need of rain! [Not looking forward to the weekend and a forecast top of 40C]. Burt, use the disc and follow the install directions!
stock head for a '72?
Didn't we discuss this issue last week in one of you're first questions? In any case, Any slack will be taken up by the tensioner. If you mill the head make sure you use shims on the cam towers to restore the geometry. MN
Clock question again
Burt, You may like to expand on what make/model camera for any other members who might be able to assist, I thought these things came with software? Mike
- Motor Trivia...
Is there an E30 head?
I guess that would be up to Mike G to make the space/forums available. Any progress on the register?
many questions need help
And there I was, just convinced my girlfriend that her's was malfunctioning as it was meant to deliver cold air!
rear universal on the tailshaft
Never heard of this happening! Sure that the one you replaced was the correct one? You don't say where you got it from, Nissan, or other?
All new parts
Beg, Borrow or Steal!
1973 240K Coupe
I meant is it a 610, 710, etc? I've never heard of KGC110?
many questions need help
Actually I'm in Australia and have no concept of LOng Island & Manhattan. However, you have convinced me that zeds are better enginered than a swiss watch! If your unable to obtain a factory manual, then you might consider a 260 one from a service pont of view, coupled with the CD that Mike has for sale will give you a pretty good idea of whats what. Else, use the search function in hte list, chances are that someone, somewhere has had a similar problem. Once again good luck. Mike
many questions need help
Oh, I know your problem, If it has only 14k miles on it then your problem is that's it's not run in. Seriously, though if you haven't run it in 30 years then you will need to give it a major birthday. ie. new coolent, flush brakes, check all lines, new oil, check plugs, gap, is the fuel stale, do the wheel bearings need greasing, new pads front & rear, corrision in the fuse box, hows the battery? etc etrc, god the list could be enormous. Try to get hold of a factory manual and follow what they suggest for a major service. 2 many has listed most. Remember the problems your reading about are from cars that have been used, not hiden away, given the correct attention your zed will bring you much happiness. Remember even Rolex's need servicing every few years. Good luck.
1973 240K Coupe
What is the correct model number for this?
1973 240K Coupe
Yes, these are very under-rated, in fact could well be rarer the zed, s even in Perth. I remember seeing one at pick-a-part years ago. Had a rally setup or something hanging from the roof. If I was only smart enough to dis-assemble it then! Actually, I think they may have been rallied succesfully in the 70's.
Chassis numbers
Sean, It will be interesting to read the reason for this. I've replied so it gets bumped back to the top and is hopefully seen by someone [Alan T] who probably knows. 'Just out of curiousity, stars were added to early Australian Decimal [& late pre-decimal] currency notes. The reason was that the sequential numbering machine had run out of digits and the only way they could keep printing money was to add the "star" hence the term star note. These notes change hands at a vast premium to ordianry notes. I wonder if a similar situation occured? MN