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Everything posted by Tarmac

  1. I've said it before, but it doesn't scream "IM A Z-CAR!" You look at the new Mustang or Challenger and you just nod your head and say "yup". You look at the 370Z and say "nice car. What is it?" Maybe it's just the headlights, they should have gone retro. The headlights on the early Z cars are the classic feature, but the 370Zs headlights look nothing like them. Still, the 370Z is a nice looking car
  2. Tarmac replied to Duffman's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    When the guys at Primarily Japanese swapped out my transmission, they cut and re-welded the 280Z shifter so that it wouldn't impact on the console. I doubt that any "general repair" shop would know to do that. PS: the shop is only a couple blocks from the U of A PPS: GO CATS!
  3. Tarmac replied to Duffman's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I don't know about Phoenix, I can tell you that the guys at Primarily Japanese in Tucson are great with Z cars. They pulled the old automatic out of my '70 Z, and replaced it with a 5-speed for (what I consider) a very good price.
  4. Tarmac replied to Tarmac's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have noticed a large increase in the # of low mileage, late model Harleys and choppers on craigslist lately. Looks like folks are getting rid of the toys 1st.
  5. Tarmac replied to Tarmac's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It's up to $35K.. reserve still not met
  6. Tarmac posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
  7. Is it a red button? Remember "NEVER PUSH DA RED BUTTON!"
  8. Tarmac replied to xcyter's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If your selling, then I'd just leave it as is, and let the next owner deal with it.
  9. Tarmac replied to dainamiku's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Before I bought my 240Z I looked at a couple 280Zs, and ZXs. This is just my personal feeling, but the ZX look just a bit too "back to the future" for me. The interior had "the 80's" written all over it. On the other hand, the 240 was way cool... retro, throw back cool. Like a old school fighter plane (did I mention it was in a hanger?). But I was buying the car knowing it was going to be a Saturday night/Sunday morning cruiser, not a racer.
  10. I was planing on replacing the wheel bearings, springs, struts etc on my Z Just wondering.... how is it less expensive to remove the entire rear end of my car and replace it with a new (solid axle) one? What will I gain if I do it? Is there a weight savings involved? What about comfort on a pothole riddled road? Please post some pics, links, price lists and hopefully a thread from someone who has done this swap.
  11. Tarmac replied to mckkm's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    A quick glance at the Phoenix craig's list shows this for $2000 OBO http://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/cto/932901835.html
  12. Tarmac replied to mckkm's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I paid $2500 for my 240Z (#09253) last year. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v479/pblee2/?action=view&current=010.jpg Highlights complete, original car matching #'s all the original paperwork 2nd owner much less rust then yours (just a little in the dog legs) running (just needed a tune up and carbs cleaned to pass emissions) No offense, but judging by the pics you posted, and knowing what my car looked liked when I bought it I could not see paying $2,800 for it. I have seen non-running 240Zs, with less rust then yours going for $800 on craigs list. I've seen running 240Zs in similar condition going for $1,200. Note: I live in Tucson, AZ your mileage may vary
  13. http://www.vignale.org/images/fiat_600_spiaggia_1.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/abramsv/SCOfmM0G8PI/AAAAAAAAQes/jyIj9ZqmQ0U/fiatmultipla02.jpg
  14. So I googled it, and looked at the images. Some of the real nice ones look real cool. Not fast cool like a Z, but retro cool. The suicide doors are the bees knees. I bet one in great shape would go for a bundle. The 600cc motor makes 18hp.... a modern 600cc 4 cyclinder motorcycle makes 105+ hp stock.
  15. Where in AZ are you? Tucson has a great little Z-car club, I gotta assume there is one in Phoenix too. http://www.tucsonzclub.com/ I've found the local club to be a GREAT help with my car. Going to the meetings, tech times, and rides lets you see what folks have done to their cars, and will lead you to local shops that know Z-cars. Plus it gets you a 10% discount on parts at the local Nissan dealership
  16. Your forgetting the basic principle of craigslist. It's designed for LOCAL sales only. It's not EBay. It's not national, and the seller isn't expected to ship anything, anywhere. Just asking screams SCAM!!!!! Add the phrase "I'll wire you the money" and you get UBAH-SCAM! As a guy who buys/sells on craigslist regularly, I automatically disregard ALL out of town offers. When I'm selling, The 1st guy who shows up at my door with cash walks away with it. If im buying, I drive to the sellers location with a pocket full of cash, and a vehicle large enough to carry what ever Im buying. Hey, if you want to except cashiers checks from Nigeria, and ship cars to Mongolia, it's no skin off my back fraudguides.com is fraudguides.com.... are you saying your looking at that web site and thinking it is craigslist?
  17. I just pulled the automatic transmission out of my Z. I've got a real nice shift lever for whoever buys this car "I got him now, I got him NOW! HEY BUD! YOU NEED A HOUSE TO GO WITH THAT DOOR KNOB!"
  18. Here is the link to the "official" Craig's list anti-scam post. I think the stuff I copied and pasted was just "good advice". http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams I'll paste 2 parts... "# DEAL LOCALLY WITH FOLKS YOU CAN MEET IN PERSON - follow this one simple rule and you will avoid 99% of the scam attempts on craigslist. # NEVER WIRE FUNDS VIA WESTERN UNION, MONEYGRAM or any other wire service - anyone who asks you to do so is a scammer. " I buy and sell lots of stuff on Craig's list. Not just cars, but bicycles, motorcycles, furniture. I once rented a condo I found on Craigslist. Frankly, Im a craigslist-a-holic. That said, I have NEVER done a deal on craigslist that didn't involve meeting someone in person, and CASH. Something in Mike's story smells fishy. Not certain what, or how, but I smell a scam. It could be the money wired was paid for with stolen credit cards.. I dunno Edit: here is the link to the stuff I pasted earlier. http://www.fraudguides.com/internet-craigslist-scams.asp
  19. Clearly, Mike isn't getting scammed. He's got no cash or car on the barrel head. But it sure sounds like the seller of the car in Fla. is. Why would someone in CA. pay $500 + $800-1000 shipping for a rust bucket? In CA for $1500 you can get a running 240Z with a clean body! Again, I smell a scam
  20. Craigslist Scams Craigslist scams to be aware of include Rental Schemes, counterfeit money orders, bad checks, online tickets scams, phony escrow services, home repair and scams related to buying or selling a car. Craigslist is a great resource for selling things, finding apartments, locating services and meeting people. Most of the time transactions go smoothly and both seller and buyer are satisfied with the Craigslist experience. Danger awaits the unwary buyer or seller on Craigslist. Most these scams follow the same pattern you see on eBay and other online auction sites. Try posting that you have a piece of jewelry or some other easily-mailed valuable item for sale and the first response you get will probably be someone trying scam you. Craigslist Nigerian Scams and More Emails from Nigeria offering you more than your selling price if you accept their check or money order are typical. The fact that this is a scam may seem obvious but there are lots of variations on this theme that fool people every day. Don't add your name to the growing list of Craigslist fraud victims. Be smart, be aware and if in doubt ask your friends or someone with internet savvy what they think if things sound fishy. This page details a few common Craigslist scams but no list is ever complete because new versions of old scams appear all the time. Once you know the common themes these criminals use you can usually spot them a mile away and they become little more than a subject of amusement. To help avoid these scams Craigslist suggests that you keep all transactions local and don't do business with people that live beyond your local area. You are also urged to use caution and common sense as you should with all online financial transactions. I once received an offer for a purchase where the person said they lived in California but requested that I email the item to somewhere in Oregon. Now what's wrong with this picture? Offering more than what you asked for is another odd piece of behavior. Who would make such an offer? Poor grammar and misspelled words are other clues. In the offer I mentioned earlier both Oregon and California were misspelled and English was obviously not their native language. That doesn't necessarily mean the inquiry is coming from abroad but it's certainly a red flag. Craigslist provides the following advice on avoiding scams to anyone using their service: * Trust your instincts * Deal only with local buyers and sellers * NEVER wire funds to a distant buyer, via Western Union or any other carrier * Be wary if the other party wants to use an escrow service such as BidPay, Squaretrade, or even PayPal * NEVER give out personal financial information (eBay or PayPal info, checking account number, SSN, etc.) * always remember the most important rule -- BUYER BEWARE This advice isn't specific to Craigslist. It's just all-around good advice. Below are the top three Craigslist scams. * The buyer or seller doesn't live near you. * The buyer or seller wants to pay by cashier's check, US Postal Service money order, Western Union, or escrow service (BidPay, Squaretrade, etc.). * The buyer or seller won't agree to meet with you in person. If you happen to see something on Craigslist that looks scammy, you should send an email to "abuse@craigslist.org" and give them as much detail as you can about the listing. Make sure you include URL (or 8 digit post ID number) in your email. If you're selling som
  21. Im certain the whole thing revolves around a "certified" check from Nigeria. If you log on to Craigslist it now says in huge letters "offers to ship cars are 100% fraudulent". They send you a fake certified check for the amount of the car+shipping. You deposit the "certified" check, then ship the car. By the time the bank figures out it's fake (several weeks) your car is in Eastern Europe or, in this case, Mexico. They also do it another way, where they send you the fake check for the amount + a bunch more, and say "just wire back what you don't spend on shipping". Then they pocket the cash. They also do it where they are the seller. Anyhoo, anytime I hear a story like this one, I smell a scam. Maybe Im wrong this time
  22. I smell a scam!
  23. Tarmac replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Slap shot, aka: the world's greatest hockey movie. The team is sitting in a bar (in the middle of the day), drinking beer and watching soap operas. If you listen to the soap opera, it's about a guy who has just recovered from amnesia... the conversation... Guy: You SOLD my car? Girl: Don't you remember? You gave me power of attorney when you had amnesia. Guy: You SOLD my 260z?!?!?! But... but.. that was MY car! <voice cracks>

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