Z Dayz info?
I tried to book the weekend at the host hotel back in January and there were no rooms available.
Help! 83 turbo is sick...
There are not a lot of second gen turbo guys on here, hybridz may yield more results.
Help! 83 turbo is sick...
It will be next weekend before I will probably have time to check it but when I do I will post the results. Maybe between the two of us we can cure both of our cars ills.
Help! 83 turbo is sick...
Hopefully someone will chime in here because I have a similar issue with my 83 turbo. I've also went the connection cleaning very thorough tune-up route with no change in the problem. I haven't checked the AFM yet but I'll try that next.
Lost original key with no spare
As long as a single key worked all of the exterior locks and the ignition, you can have a key made from one of the exterior lock cylinders and not have to mess with pulling the ignition. The passenger door lock cylinder should have a key code stamped into it, but even if does not you can pull it and any qualified locksmith can disassemble it and cut a key for it by hand. Prices vary by region but here locally it would run you around fifteen dollars if you pull the lock cylinder and take it to the locksmith shop.
About to buy a 83 datsun 280 turbo
Welcome to the site! The turbo cars don't really have any special issues to worry about. The most common problem with the turbo cars is the same as the rest of the early Datsun/Nissans-RUST! 230hp is attainable with the stock injectors and ECU. Better turbo, intercooler, 3 in mandrel exhaust and a boost controller and you're pretty well set.
swastika wheels on a 280z with stock suspension?
You may check with Walter Moore here on the site. He has a 73 240Z with swastikas and I believe that his car is at stock ride height.
Welcome to the site! A 76 would be a 280Z. From the factory it would have been equipped with a fuel injected 2.8 liter inline six cylinder (L28) and either a four speed manual or a three speed automatic transmission.
new to site
Welcome to the site! Always good to see another S130 on the board.
scuff plate question
I''l may also have a pair of them somewhere in the garage from a severely rusted Z that I parted out a couple of years ago. I seem to remember that the scuff plates were good on it.
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